What do you think of bureaucrats do we need them?
In Poland but also other countries of Europe, great contempt has for the EU officials, who treat the Member States as if they were their own, completely forgetting that the EU is not the United States, but it consists of an independent Countries.
Speaking of the US, I wonder if ordinary Americans like so much depends on federal bureaucrats do not have contact with the local community, the same applies to Russia and other federal states.
I remember as a right-wing politician clerical body called the EU's useless "BIURWY" it's a word contain two Polish word Biurokrata (bureaucrat) + Kurwa (Polish vulgar word that means whore, b***h , but also used as word f**k in English language xD
When this this politician named EU officials as biurwy, was some outrage from Polish government official, the,
In their defense stood trade union "Solidarity" section: associating office workers and civil servants. They are full of indignation claim that public sector employees are a very important part of any state.
The politician said that in his opinion the opposite is true, that if it took power to fire some 75-80% of public sector officials, and in his view the EU also would work better without so many morons on clerical positions.
I must admit that I was even like it, because the guy says is what he thinks, and not trying to likened to others, reminds me a bit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban either the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, by the way, I hope that Trump will win this election, it looks like a man who does not care about "political correctness" and similar nonsense
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Firstly, when the US was founded, it was with the idea that the 13 original colonies, as well as any future territories added to the United states were in fact sovereign states in their own right. --The only differance between them and the current EU is that nearly all of the citizens thereof shared a common culture and language.
The initial event that led to the US becoming what it is today was the Whiskey Rebellion in 1791, ten years after the English surrender.
One major differance in the mindset of the US from Europe, is that in Europe, there is a tradition that dates back to feudal times of people looking to the government to the as a provider for the subjects. While this has become more common in the US, we come from a tradition where the Government at the national level really is more of a hindrance than provider. We provide solutions for ourselves, instead of looking to the government to provide, with the knowledge that the government is f**k it up. There is a bad joke here that the worst thing that anybody wants is to have somebody come to their house and say, "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help."
As far as Bureaucrats are concerned, a lot of us despise them, and want to see a lessening of burocracy.
Also as a linguistic aside, I think it's interesting that in Poland, the worrd for b**h or f**k is >>kurwa<<, which seems to be a direct loan word from the Magyar term >>Kurva<<, instead of the more slavic >>Suka<< or >>Ebat<<.
Po pierwsze, kiedy USA powstała, to z ideą, że 13 pierwotnych kolonii, jak również wszelkie przyszłe terytoria dodanego do Stanów Zjednoczonych były w rzeczywistości suwerenne państwa w ich własnym prawie. --The Jedyna różnica między nimi a obecnej UE jest to, że prawie wszystkie ich wspólne obywateli wspólnej kultury i języka.
Początkowe zdarzeń, które doprowadziły do USA staje to, co jest dzisiaj był [url = https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiskey_Rebellion] bunt whiskey [/url] w 1791 roku, dziesięć lat po Anglicy kapitulacja.
Jedną z głównych różnic w mentalności USA z Europy, jest to, że w Europie istnieje tradycja, która sięga czasów feudalnych ludzi pragnących rządu do jako dostawca dla badanych. Podczas gdy ten staje się coraz bardziej powszechne w Stanach Zjednoczonych, że pochodzą z tradycji, gdzie rząd na szczeblu krajowym, tak naprawdę jest bardziej przeszkodą niż dostawcy. - Dostarczamy rozwiązania dla siebie, zamiast patrzeć na rząd, aby zapewnić, ze świadomością, że rząd jest pieprzyć ją. Nie jest to zły żart tutaj, że najgorszą rzeczą, że ktoś chce to mieć kogoś przyjść do ich domu i powiedzieć: "Jestem z rządu i jestem tu, by pomóc."
O ile Biurokraci są zainteresowane, wielu z nas gardzić nimi, a chcą zobaczyć osłabienia burocracy.
Również jako językowym bok, myślę, że to ciekawe, że w Polsce, worrd dla B ** H lub F ** k << >> kurwa, co wydaje się być bezpośredni słowo pożyczki z terminem Magyar >> Kurva << zamiast słowiańskiej więcej >> Suka << lub >> Ebat <<.
--The above translated by Google Translate, so it may not be a good translation from English to Polish.
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