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13 May 2016, 7:06 pm

They are manipulated by the wealthy elites responsible for their problems and aim the poor whites anger on other poor and disadvantaged peoples, and Donald Trump is manipulating them again by using that anger to get elected.


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13 May 2016, 7:36 pm

Roles are reversed in this election.

Clinton advocates the conservative principals of open borders, free trade, easy access to "cheap labor", job exporting due to NAFTA.

Trump and Sanders supposedly want to "make America great again" by ending the above mentioned practices.

Make the argument. Why should "poor whites" vote for Clinton over Trump & Sanders? How do they benefit when their jobs are sent to Mexico? How do they benefit when a mega-corporation brings in cheap labor and replaces them?

Last edited by LoveNotHate on 13 May 2016, 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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13 May 2016, 7:38 pm

Trump is superior to Hillary Clinton, she is a criminal and incompetent

Identity politics intertwined with this intolerant form of progressivism have taken complete control of the Democratic party, watch any of the Democratic debates and you'd think the only issues in this country were about race and the pandering is astounding. We literally have Hillary saying she walks around with hot sauce and they have Bill serving fried chicken in the hood, it's ridiculous and Bernie has had to play the game as well because that's where Hillary wants the debate to be rather than Bernie's issues which are much more relevant to everyone across racial lines. Hillary wants to make the campaign strictly about race and women's issues, I'm sorry but those are not the biggest problems facing this country and the only reason Hillary wants the race to be about these issues is because that is the only way she can win. She's opportunistically tried to to twist turn the screws on Bernie over guns even tho everyone knows that extremism is a sure loser for Democrats across a lot of this country. She's the least genuine person of all time, a high paid mercenary with principles or ethics to speak of.


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13 May 2016, 7:50 pm

I think just about everybody in the U.S. is manipulated. Not just so-called whites.
This "race" division seriously needs to be canned. More than six races exist by now.
Most people are multi-ethnic to a greater or lesser degree such that we have well over 130 breeds.
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13 May 2016, 8:05 pm

Sadly, my fellow poor whites have always been manipulated by wealthy elites to vote against their best interests. This is accomplished by being made to believe that civil rights and the social safety net benefits minorities by taking rights and privileges away from said poor whites, and by opposing unions and laws protecting labor by making them believe these things are communistic or criminal. Then there's the boogeyman wedge issues playing up to people's prejudices, such as LGBT rights, illegal immigration, and Muslim immigration, which divides poor whites from those who should be their natural allies.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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14 May 2016, 8:15 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Sadly, my fellow poor whites have always been manipulated by wealthy elites to vote against their best interests. This is accomplished by being made to believe that civil rights and the social safety net benefits minorities by taking rights and privileges away from said poor whites, and by opposing unions and laws protecting labor by making them believe these things are communistic or criminal. Then there's the boogeyman wedge issues playing up to people's prejudices, such as LGBT rights, illegal immigration, and Muslim immigration, which divides poor whites from those who should be their natural allies.

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14 May 2016, 5:30 pm

I agree and poor blacks, etc.

However all parties are guilty of doing this.

Playing to to fears is one of the most common tactics in politics.

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16 May 2016, 1:47 pm

0_equals_true wrote:
I agree and poor blacks, etc.

However all parties are guilty of doing this.

Playing to to fears is one of the most common tactics in politics.

There's a word for this. It's called "Machiavellian".


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20 May 2016, 9:24 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
Clinton advocates the conservative principals of open borders, free trade, easy access to "cheap labor", job exporting due to NAFTA.

Trump and Sanders supposedly want to "make America great again" by ending the above mentioned practices.

It's easy to campaign on such issues. It's a lot harder to do anything that actually works. I mean, I can see tariffs backfiring in a number of ways. I don't have the energy to go into it all right now, but basically the cat has been let out of the box and getting it back in isn't a trivial matter, if even possible.

What Americans really need to understand is there isn't "one American people". There are competing factions. American owners of multi-national corporations that outsource simply do not give a f**k about "America". They control government, but they are not truly "American". They are out for themselves. Everyone is out for themselves these days. Unity is a f*****g illusion.

I really don't think there are any good choices. I hate Clinton, but Trump is just downright scary. I don't think he really has a clue. I don't think he's intelligent. He could be worse the GW Bush was.


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20 May 2016, 9:42 am

marshall wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Clinton advocates the conservative principals of open borders, free trade, easy access to "cheap labor", job exporting due to NAFTA.

Trump and Sanders supposedly want to "make America great again" by ending the above mentioned practices.

It's easy to campaign on such issues. It's a lot harder to do anything that actually works. I mean, I can see tariffs backfiring in a number of ways. I don't have the energy to go into it all right now, but basically the cat has been let out of the box and getting it back in isn't a trivial matter, if even possible.

What Americans really need to understand is there isn't "one American people". There are competing factions. American owners of multi-national corporations that outsource simply do not give a f**k about "America". They control government, but they are not truly "American". They are out for themselves. Everyone is out for themselves these days. Unity is a f*****g illusion.

I really don't think there are any good choices. I hate Clinton, but Trump is just downright scary. I don't think he really has a clue. I don't think he's intelligent. He could be worse the GW Bush was.

Trump would be the greatest president in generations, he will move the interests of government back to the people from the corrupt special interests which control the mainstream of both our political parties.

as for what the American people need...


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20 May 2016, 10:23 am

Jacoby wrote:
marshall wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Clinton advocates the conservative principals of open borders, free trade, easy access to "cheap labor", job exporting due to NAFTA.

Trump and Sanders supposedly want to "make America great again" by ending the above mentioned practices.

It's easy to campaign on such issues. It's a lot harder to do anything that actually works. I mean, I can see tariffs backfiring in a number of ways. I don't have the energy to go into it all right now, but basically the cat has been let out of the box and getting it back in isn't a trivial matter, if even possible.

What Americans really need to understand is there isn't "one American people". There are competing factions. American owners of multi-national corporations that outsource simply do not give a f**k about "America". They control government, but they are not truly "American". They are out for themselves. Everyone is out for themselves these days. Unity is a f*****g illusion.

I really don't think there are any good choices. I hate Clinton, but Trump is just downright scary. I don't think he really has a clue. I don't think he's intelligent. He could be worse the GW Bush was.

Trump would be the greatest president in generations, he will move the interests of government back to the people from the corrupt special interests which control the mainstream of both our political parties.

as for what the American people need...

Trump is nothing but a power hungry narcissist and BS artist. Right now he's pandering to white trash with his working class populism because it get him what he wants--power and attention.

The problem is, if the actually gets into office, he'll be clueless as to HOW to govern. That's when the dregs of the GOP will swoop in and take over.

Since his meeting with Paul Ryan, he's already talking about repealing Dod-Frank and deregulaing Wall Street. That sounds pretty GOP establishment to me.

Go ahead and keep lying to yourself about Trump.

If he's actually elected (god help us all), you will be bitterly disappointed by how 'establishment' he'll be--and that's the best case.

In the worst case, if the wrong people get influence over him, I shudder to think what might happen.

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20 May 2016, 10:46 am

GoonSquad wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
marshall wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
Clinton advocates the conservative principals of open borders, free trade, easy access to "cheap labor", job exporting due to NAFTA.

Trump and Sanders supposedly want to "make America great again" by ending the above mentioned practices.

It's easy to campaign on such issues. It's a lot harder to do anything that actually works. I mean, I can see tariffs backfiring in a number of ways. I don't have the energy to go into it all right now, but basically the cat has been let out of the box and getting it back in isn't a trivial matter, if even possible.

What Americans really need to understand is there isn't "one American people". There are competing factions. American owners of multi-national corporations that outsource simply do not give a f**k about "America". They control government, but they are not truly "American". They are out for themselves. Everyone is out for themselves these days. Unity is a f*****g illusion.

I really don't think there are any good choices. I hate Clinton, but Trump is just downright scary. I don't think he really has a clue. I don't think he's intelligent. He could be worse the GW Bush was.

Trump would be the greatest president in generations, he will move the interests of government back to the people from the corrupt special interests which control the mainstream of both our political parties.

as for what the American people need...

Trump is nothing but a power hungry narcissist and BS artist. Right now he's pandering to white trash with his working class populism because it get him what he wants--power and attention.

The problem is, if the actually gets into office, he'll be clueless as to HOW to govern. That's when the dregs of the GOP will swoop in and take over.

Since his meeting with Paul Ryan, he's already talking about repealing Dod-Frank and deregulaing Wall Street. That sounds pretty GOP establishment to me.

Go ahead and keep lying to yourself about Trump.

If he's actually elected (god help us all), you will be bitterly disappointed by how 'establishment' he'll be--and that's the best case.

In the worst case, if the wrong people get influence over him, I shudder to think what might happen.

You call Trump's supporters 'white trash' but what would you call Obama's loyal supporters? I think your fortitude would run dry pretty quickly if forced to comment on his demographics, what you are saying is every bit as racist and classist. So Obama voters are dumb ______, fill in what you really think I dare you.

How does Trump have no idea how to govern? What does that even mean? What do you think the president actually does? It's nonsense, when has Hillary Clinton shown any ability to govern? Everything she has ever done in here career as a public figure has been a failure, supporting 'causes' and staying married to your sexual predator husband for Machiavellian purposes does not qualify you to be president. Hillary is owned by the special interests, she is criminal herself, her husband is a criminal, they are corrupt to the core and cannot even run on their records in office because they have no principles or ethics beyond the almighty dollar and the concentration of power.

Is Trump just another establishment player making false promises? Maybe but considering the fight they've put up against him I find him far more credible than the alternative. Trump has been consistent in his core views for a long time, go watch videos of him talking from the 80s and you'd find it very familiar. He's good enough, he's said enough to be more than easily preferable to Hillary. Most hysterics against Trump really don't have any reason to be against him, they just don't like his TV personality and follow what the elitist media tells them to think. You don't think Hillary is a narcissist? You don't think she's power hungry? Trump doesn't have to do this, he's a billionaire with a great family and a great company not a miserable elitist sack like Hillary who has looked down her nose at the same people she claimed to care about her whole career.


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20 May 2016, 11:20 am

Jacoby wrote:
Is Trump just another establishment player making false promises? Maybe but considering the fight they've put up against him I find him far more credible than the alternative. Trump has been consistent in his core views for a long time, go watch videos of him talking from the 80s and you'd find it very familiar. He's good enough, he's said enough to be more than easily preferable to Hillary.

Again, let's consider Trump's economic policies. On one hand, he talks about being a champion for the working man and against free trade.

On the other hand he talks to same old establishment line about deregulation of business and free markets.

You can be for both of these things, I suppose. BUT, you cannot actually promote both things, because if you want to protect workers, that's going to take a bunch of RE-regulation....

...deregulation and free trade/markets is what's decimated the American working class.

So, is Trump lying? If so, who is he lying to? Capitalists or the working class?

If Trump is not lying (and I'm willing to concede that he is not), it clearly shows that he really doesn't understand the issues he's talking about.

Either way, he's not preferable TO ANYBODY.

Trump doesn't have to do this, he's a billionaire with a great family and a great company not a miserable elitist sack like Hillary who has looked down her nose at the same people she claimed to care about her whole career.

Yeah, I agree. Trump does not have to do this.

He's doing it to feed his ego and his need for attention and hunger for power. Thanks for helping me make my point.

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20 May 2016, 12:09 pm

GoonSquad wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
Is Trump just another establishment player making false promises? Maybe but considering the fight they've put up against him I find him far more credible than the alternative. Trump has been consistent in his core views for a long time, go watch videos of him talking from the 80s and you'd find it very familiar. He's good enough, he's said enough to be more than easily preferable to Hillary.

Again, let's consider Trump's economic policies. On one hand, he talks about being a champion for the working man and against free trade.

On the other hand he talks to same old establishment line about deregulation of business and free markets.

You can be for both of these things, I suppose. BUT, you cannot actually promote both things, because if you want to protect workers, that's going to take a bunch of RE-regulation....

...deregulation and free trade/markets is what's decimated the American working class.

So, is Trump lying? If so, who is he lying to? Capitalists or the working class?

If Trump is not lying (and I'm willing con concede that he is not), it clearly shows that he really doesn't understand the issues he's talking about.

Either way, he's not preferable TO ANYBODY.

Trump doesn't have to do this, he's a billionaire with a great family and a great company not a miserable elitist sack like Hillary who has looked down her nose at the same people she claimed to care about her whole career.

Yeah, I agree. Trump does not have to do this.

He's doing it to feed his ego and his need for attention and hunger for power. Thanks for helping me make my point.

Trump gives himself wiggle room on most things he says, you don't have much leverage when you back yourself into a corner. It's like how Trump says he'll repeal and replace Obamacare, he'll repeal and replace Dodd-Frank. Trump is planning on releasing this plan in a couple weeks so it is pointless to speculate much beyond that but Hillary and Obama are both very very close to Wall Street and support Dodd-Frank so the 10 Commandments I think it's not. Hillary, the enemy of Wall Street, was paid $25 million from Goldman Sachs for "speeches" in between her leaving the State Department and running for president so I don't think they really mind.

I'm not going to pretend like I completely understand the Dodd-Frank law and all it's many many provisions(do mr professor?) since even the people that voted for it didn't read the bill but just in general placing a huge regulatory burden everyone crushes the little guy when it wasn't the little guy that got us into this mess but rather behemoths like Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns. Obama received more money than any president in history from Wall Street, his administration didn't write and pass a law that kneecaps them too much obviously. One of the provisions in the original bill that has since been repealed was to make the SEC immune to FOIA request, that didn't go over too well. We have a real problem with regulatory capture in this country, the legislation Obama has passed as president particularly early on when he had super majorities in both houses of congress were pretty much grab bags for the special interests. Obamacare, the stimulus, Dodd-Frank, the NDAA, the free trade deals, Obama has paid back a lot of friends.

You can't attack Trump's credibility on issues when you have no credibility yourself, Hillary has nothing except identity politics and she can't even make that argument given she's been on the other side of pretty much all these 'causes' she now supports and her own ethically challenged character. Bill and Hillary are criminals, Trump is not. Bill and Hillary are complete incompetent and bought & paid for, Trump is not. Hillary loses on character, she loses on policy, she loses leadership, she's just a loser period.


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20 May 2016, 12:27 pm

People who think that financially supporting the rich to save everything else are fully aware of what they're getting into. They know the rich are out for themselves, they know it won't solve any problems, they know that every dollar that goes out of the U.S. and into an offshore haven is never seen again, they know that they can't save this country because they don't want to, and they know the people are only good for being livestock in the end after the rich have all the money. They only wanted the job of being congressmen for the perks, the salary, and that sweeeeeet sweet lobbyist money. Such old, old fashioned people like them make me sick and I curse them all into an early grave.

I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
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20 May 2016, 12:30 pm

It's occurred to me: Trump's supporters see his possibile Presidency as virtually the second coming. That he'll right all wrongs, put the strangers in "their place," make all truly deserving Americans rich, and so forth and so on. Doubtlessly, this is tied to his talk about being such a great Christian, though the last time I checked, this was a man whose serial adultery overshadows even Bill Clinton's - a fact that he brags about, has been thrice divorced, and until recently was a self admitted atheist. But you wouldn't know that from the way the fundies and holy rollers are lining up behind him.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer