In what ways do you disagree with your party/ideology?

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09 Jun 2016, 7:19 pm

I'm mostly a practical independent, but in today's climate I do lean Democrat. Here is where I tend to disagree with the Democrats.

1) Having strong immigration laws is not a sin. We can't have open welfare and open borders. We need laws and borders and they need to be enforced.

2) Teachers unions fund Democrat causes, but truth be told, they just prioritze tenure over teacher quality, and they care more about themselves than their own interests.

3) I'd actually be for a partial education voucher system. Why not let people have choices, especially kids with disabled, gifted and vocational needs. Why force people to go schools that aren't serving their individual needs?

4) I was never mesmerized by Obama. Yes, he's handsome and charismatic, but he's still continuing 90% of Bush's war-time policies, and even many of his economic policies.

5) I'm pro-choice, because I generally libertarian on social issues, but I abortion still disgusts and saddens me.

6) I'm for equal rights for all races/genders/sexualities/etc. but uber politicial correctness does more good than harm.

7) I'm against Christian fundamentalism, but I'm also against Islamic fundamentalism too. I won't defend it or stay quiet about it.


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09 Jun 2016, 7:20 pm

I disagree with my party because they won't let me cry if I want to.


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09 Jun 2016, 8:05 pm

Fnord wrote:
I disagree with my party because they won't let me cry if I want to.


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09 Jun 2016, 8:33 pm

I'm a classical liberal/libertarian, but I'm not a party guy.

I believe in constitutional monarchism, which many libertarians do not. My view is that the head of state and head of government should be separate, and the head of state should not be elected. Elections are political by nature. The head of state should be above politics.

I'm fine with open borders, but immigrants should not get welfare. Giving them welfare is not feasible.

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10 Jun 2016, 12:37 am

I'm an authoritarian. I'm now to the point this country needs an absolute dictator (like Pol Pot) to usurp the current government, since it's now such a bloody mess that it will never get straightened out. Maybe then, the populous of this country will wake up and realize what they lost. Of course, I've never trusted politicos, and especially the current bunch in Washington, DC, Harrisburg, Annapolis, Trenton, Albany, Madison, Jefferson City, and Springfield.

(I know, some of you people are probably going to insist I go back on psych medicines. For those that are about to say it, p!ss off!)

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15 Jun 2016, 8:18 pm

Well I'm constitutional Conservative/Libertarian, and mostly side with the GOP. The CONSTITUTIONAL conservative part of me disagrees with the GOP on some of these LGBT+ stuff. I've no problem with LGBT+ people and believe what ever the hell they want as long as it isn't unlawful or anything. Also don't have a problem with them if they aren't extreme or make their orientation 100% who they are. What I mean is, I'm sure there is more to someone's personality/character than their sexuality. However, I will never step foot near a pride parade, because often times a lot of the people can be ignorant and vulgar towards anyone who isn't highly liberal and assume they are these "racist white right-wing radical religious RepubliKKKan."

Also, I disagree that ALL MUSLIMS are a problem some are very nice. On my way to school, I walk by my old elementary/junior high school and notice that kids will play each other without care for what color someone is and if their heads are covered by cloth. And at the same school when I was in, I had one Muslim Pakistani friend and a Punjab Hindu friend (I know Hindu isn't muslim, but I felt the need to include it), and they were very nice (except for when they made terrorist jokes along with their "Redneck" friend). Also around my part of town, some times some elderly Sikh and Muslim people will go for walks or ride the bus and they seem pretty nice.

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16 Jun 2016, 4:45 pm

i generally fall on the liberal side of the scale but i have found out that i am very conservative when it comes to gun laws.

i understand why it should be made more difficult to be legally deemed capable of using a gun properly, especially for concealed carry rights, but i don't understand the extremism.
i think that if access was restricted in the united states people who want guns will find a way to acquire them illegally anyways, and people who don't want to or don't know how to break the law will not be able to protect themselves and others from those who do. (did we not learn anything from prohibition? and what will happen when people decide to make their own unregulated guns?)
even by tightening concealed carry laws, those who wish harm on others won't care if it's illegal. there will be much less probability for violent criminals to be countered by equal force because police are not omniscient and law abiding citizens won't have a weapon capable of easily and practically handling the problem.


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16 Jun 2016, 5:03 pm

I do not consider myself part of any party because I know that there will always be a number of things I disagree with them on.

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16 Jun 2016, 5:50 pm

I vote for the Green Party here in Canada and I have yet to encounter anything in their platform that I disagree with. Of the several political parties we have, they most closely match my own personal values. I can't think of a single thing I've heard Elizabeth May or any other party member say that goes against my ethics or philosophy of life.

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(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)


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16 Jun 2016, 5:54 pm

I've never encountered a politician whose views I totally agree with.


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16 Jun 2016, 6:01 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
I've never encountered a politician whose views I totally agree with.

I feel sorry for you then, because our politicians are supposed to represent us and our values. That's theoretically the reason for their existence. This is why I think a two-party system like you guys have is madness--the more parties you have, the better chance the voters have of selecting a representative that truly will govern by way of principles those voters value. There is much more to the political spectrum than Left-Right, and that should be reflected in the options presented to the voters in a true democracy.

"Ego non immanis, sed mea immanis telum." ~ Ares, God of War

(Note to Moderators: my warning number is wrong on my profile but apparently can't be fixed so I will note here that it is actually 2, not 3--the warning issued to me on Aug 20 2016 was a mistake but I've been told it can't be removed.)


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16 Jun 2016, 6:07 pm

In reality, I would vote for the person who I feel would make my life, the life of my family, and the life of my friends, easier.

I wouldn't vote for Trump because I think he's an ignoramus and a reality-show shrill. He reminds me of some people I used to know growing up in NYC. They believe in Social Darwinist/dog-eat-dog philosophies.

I like people who value intelligence. I don't feel Hilary or Trump value intelligence. They value "the issue of the moment." Imagine if Adlai Stevenson were around? Even Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman!


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16 Jun 2016, 6:12 pm

I don't have a party, because there are none I agree with enough. As for ideology I would say democratic socialism or something similar is appealing to me. I did register as a democrat this time around so I could vote for Bernie in the primaries but it looks like the democratic party has made a full transformation into the Hillary Party.

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16 Jun 2016, 6:32 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
I don't have a party, because there are none I agree with enough. As for ideology I would say democratic socialism or something similar is appealing to me. I did register as a democrat this time around so I could vote for Bernie in the primaries but it looks like the democratic party has made a full transformation into the Hillary Party.

That's actually why the democrats need you guys so badly? Right now so much of the party has been corrupted by the same influences that fully took out the Republicans. If the democratic party were to be infiltrated with more democratic socialists then we can move this party away from the corporate stranglehold. I also consider myself a democratic socialist.

Sorry, I just had to get that out.

It's kind of hard to find a specific disagreement with the party because the democrats have a pretty big tent and the views vary quite a bit.

When it comes to Hillary. The first thing that comes to mind I disagree with her about Marijuana. As for the party platform, in 2012 democrats supported nuclear energy and I'm against that. Many democrats support the death penalty and I'm against that as well.


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16 Jun 2016, 7:16 pm

beneficii wrote:
Fnord wrote:
I disagree with my party because they won't let me cry if I want to.
Hey! You'd cry too if it had happened to you!


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16 Jun 2016, 7:29 pm

Fnord wrote:
beneficii wrote:
Fnord wrote:
I disagree with my party because they won't let me cry if I want to.
Hey! You'd cry too if it had happened to you!

It has happened to me!

I'm just about a lefty. The Labour party in Britain are utter traitors to the working class, and most lefties are informed by resentment, a fact which I of course resent.