Sweetleaf wrote:
I don't have a party, because there are none I agree with enough. As for ideology I would say democratic socialism or something similar is appealing to me. I did register as a democrat this time around so I could vote for Bernie in the primaries but it looks like the democratic party has made a full transformation into the Hillary Party.
That's actually why the democrats need you guys so badly? Right now so much of the party has been corrupted by the same influences that fully took out the Republicans. If the democratic party were to be infiltrated with more democratic socialists then we can move this party away from the corporate stranglehold. I also consider myself a democratic socialist.
Sorry, I just had to get that out.
It's kind of hard to find a specific disagreement with the party because the democrats have a pretty big tent and the views vary quite a bit.
When it comes to Hillary. The first thing that comes to mind I disagree with her about Marijuana. As for the party platform, in 2012 democrats supported nuclear energy and I'm against that. Many democrats support the death penalty and I'm against that as well.