Mootoo wrote:
gingerpickles, 'Britain First', like the BNP, doesn't just spout onions. It hates entire groups and murder those who try to help those groups. I don't agree with censorship either, but other extremist groups are already being targeted offline and at times also online (but online isn't the worst these groups do, no). Simply, violent groups are usually banned... and far- anything are usually extremists which resort to violence. I'd like equal rights too.
GGPViper, I'm being the devil's advocate here, as stated in the other threads, especially with regards to democracy (of which there is a deficit whether a country is in the EU or not).
Mikah, there was a low turnout because the currently headless government made it as difficult as possible for those who travel often, i.e. if they're in university. But, those who did vote wanted to remain by 75%. And, gulag? That is actually what is to be a feared possibility under the new future potentially fascist right-wing Tories. Not to mention they're electing a leader nobody voted for. How's that for democracy?
The people on the opposite side also resort to violence, so should they be banned too? To say the Blairite Tories are "right wing", is outrageous.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"