I break with my friends on the Left here, and think that drugs SHOULD NOT be legalised. But don't worry, it is not for any of the reasons that the raving republicans give.
First up, I want to say that POSSESSION of drugs should be decriminalised. This is to follow up Ante's point of addicts seeking help. If it is not illegal to carry small quantities of drug for personal use, addicts will be more likely to seek help.
However, DEALING in drugs should continue to be illegal, and prison sentences should be doubled for drug dealers, carrying over a certain quantity of the drug i.e. enough to sell to lots of people and make a good profit.
Comrades, as with all industry, both legal and illegal, there is some fat bastard at the top raking it in while the poor addicts are enticed into drug taking, often caused by personal problems or problems fitting in with our ugly capitalist society. It is these profit makers that I want to catch.
The problem with making all drugs legal for dealing is that corporations will develop that will profit legally from other peoples misery, just like these tobacco firms. They will advertise their products in shops, in full view of young kids. Could be scary..........
I have never seen a drug in my entire life, but if available on the High Street, it is ever more visible, and people like me could have easily been tempted.
A last note, drugs are DANGEROUS. Some can cause death. It is not something I think should be encouraged.