Fnord wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
White Pride has becoming so associated with excusing and justifying racism it is way way to late for it to regain its literal meaning.
Once you give up, the opposition has won.
"White Pride" to me is all about the accomplishments of my Euro-American ancestors.
"White Shame" is what others try to put on me for someone else's atrocities.
We can also discuss "Muslim Pride / Muslim Shame", "Black Pride / Black Shame", "Aspie Pride / Aspie Shame" and whatever kinds of "Pride / Shame" that come to mind.
Every culture has accomplished good things, while individuals in those cultures have done some very bad things.
Let's focus on the accomplishments, and not the atrocities, for each culture; and let's not give up on cultural pride.
More like white pride was hijacked by real racists and Neo-Nazi's and progressives took the gift that was handed to them.
I would rather spend my time trying to save the original Aspie idea which has been damaged but might still be salvageable then fighting for a cause that was lost at least a half a century ago.
I don't understand having pride in the group you happened to be born into anyway. Why would you have pride in what others of your group did?. You can use thier accomplishments to say if they can do you might be able to, but pride?
As far as white shame fighting the idea that bieng born white makes you automatically racist and privileged is a good idea. It is probably not to late, but close to enough to bieng too late for my comfort.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman