pezar wrote:
I mainly voted because there are several propositions (local referendums) in my state (California) that I feel strongly about. As for the humans running for the offices I had available in my area, meh at best. The Congress seat is basically uncontested, there are state legislature seats that I have really no clue who the candidates are.
It might just be an Ohio thing but I'm lucky enough to have the ballots posted on the county government website. The format for me was
http://boe.(mycounty) I'm hoping to do my homework tomorrow and avoid voting party line on these people - ie. I want to get some sense that the people I'm voting for have character and to the extent that all contestants for a particular slot are crooks I'll be sure to leave that particular slot blank.
pezar wrote:
As for president, CA does not allow write ins
That's messed up - sorry to hear that. Don't California and New York almost vote dead last in primaries too? Seems like the candidates are pretty much called by the time you guys get a crack at it.
pezar wrote:
I personally think that the whole presidential race is a big setup anyway, like the real powers behind the scenes realized that nobody likes Hillary, so the only plausible way to have her "win" was to put an opponent who comes off as so crazy and bigoted that he makes H look saintly.
That's been my feeling as well.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.