Trump names white nationalist to top White House position

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13 Nov 2016, 7:40 pm

Almost ignored in the news that Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus would be becoming Donald Trump's chief of staff: That Steve Bannon, the man who proudly boasted of his for anti-Semitism, white nationalism, misogyny and conspiracy theories.

Among Bannon's contributions to the media discourse: Declaring the Trump-opposing conservative Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew"; articles declaring that "birth control makes women unattractive and crazy"; advocating that women who receive online harassment should "log off"; support for public display of the confederate flag; multiple stories about "trannies" and "fa***ts". During divorce proceedings against him, Gannon's wife testified that he was aggressively anti-Semitic.

The site's Bannon-led embrace of white nationalism—not merely under the "alt-right" banner, but of notorious white supremacists themselves, is unambiguous. ... ily+Kos%29


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13 Nov 2016, 7:48 pm

People who can not handle the Internet very well should log off, it is much more healthy to do that. As far as the confederate flag, people have the right to fly it.

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13 Nov 2016, 8:02 pm

He sounds perfect for the job.

He'll help Trump develop plans to round up millions of brown-skin people.
He'll help Trump pick anti-abortion/anti-LGBT SCOTUS justices.
He'll help Trump in kicking poor minorities off of welfare programs


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13 Nov 2016, 8:05 pm

Daily Kos, they sound credible... :lol:

Without even reading it the 'renegade jew' comment was made by David Horowitz who is Jewish himself, attributing articles to Bannon he didn't write is a lie.


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13 Nov 2016, 8:25 pm

Jacoby wrote:
Daily Kos, they sound credible... :lol:

Without even reading it the 'renegade jew' comment was made by David Horowitz who is Jewish himself, attributing articles to Bannon he didn't write is a lie.

I am guessing you approve of Bannon's reactionary and offensive behaviour and am pleased with the appointment.


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14 Nov 2016, 3:48 am

firemonkey wrote:
Almost ignored in the news that Republican National Committee head Reince Priebus would be becoming Donald Trump's chief of staff: That Steve Bannon, the man who proudly boasted of his for anti-Semitism, white nationalism, misogyny and conspiracy theories.

You've been swallowing media bulls**t. It's not healthy.

Among Bannon's contributions to the media discourse: Declaring the Trump-opposing conservative Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew"

Nope. That was David Horowitz, a Jewish writer who was making the argument that weakening the GOP was anti-Jewish because he believes it's the only party that protects American and Jewish interests.

articles declaring that "birth control makes women unattractive and crazy"

Nope again. That was Milo Yiannopoulos, who was having some fun with published studies into birth control and presenting an anti-SocJus narrative. Not sure how this supports your claim of "white nationalism".

advocating that women who receive online harassment should "log off"

Nope. That was Milo again. His article was actually suggesting an alternative internet as a kind of safe space for special snowflakes who can't handle alternate opinions. Again, not sure how this constitutes evidence of "white nationalism".

support for public display of the confederate flag

I've spoken in defence of flying the confederate flag. It hasn't led to me lynching anyone, shaving my head or blaming minorities for all the world's woes. Care to call me a "white nationalist"?

multiple stories about "trannies" and "fa***ts"

Milo again. He's a self-styled "dangerous fa***t" and frequently outspoken against PC. Using the term "trannies" is an objection to PC culture, in his view.

During divorce proceedings against him, Gannon's wife testified that he was aggressively anti-Semitic.

She claimed that he said that "Jewish parents raise their children to be whiny brats". Not sure how that qualifies as "aggressively anti-Semitic". If a Jewish comedian said it, there's a fair chance I'd find it hilarious.

Also, I'm inclined to take any and all claims made by either party in a divorce with a hefty pinch of salt.

The site's Bannon-led embrace of white nationalism—not merely under the "alt-right" banner, but of notorious white supremacists themselves, is unambiguous.

You haven't provided any evidence of white nationalism, nor are you likely to find any on Breitbart. What you have is an ill-conceived collection of half-truths and outright lies.


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14 Nov 2016, 4:50 pm

When I see all of these Trump appointments, the fist thing that comes to mind is he's appointing the next Rommel, Goering, Hess and Himmler. US-Mexico Wall, Berlin Wall - what's the difference?


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14 Nov 2016, 5:19 pm

redrobin62 wrote:
When I see all of these Trump appointments, the fist thing that comes to mind is he's appointing the next Rommel, Goering, Hess and Himmler. US-Mexico Wall, Berlin Wall - what's the difference?

The difference between Trump and Hitler?

One was a fascist, the other is the new leader of the free world.
One killed millions of Jews, the other employs and trades with them.
One tried to brand hard-working citizens as criminals, the other spoke up for hard-working citizens and opposes actual criminals.

I could continue indefinitely, but I hope you're getting the picture. To further educate yourself, I suggest the following books, which I'm sure you can find, unburnt, at your local library: ... ords=trump ... k%C3%A4mpf


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17 Nov 2016, 6:47 pm

Hitler, at the start of his political career, did not begin the business of genocide...yet!


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17 Nov 2016, 8:23 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
He sounds perfect for the job.

He'll help Trump develop plans to round up millions of brown-skin people.
He'll help Trump pick anti-abortion/anti-LGBT SCOTUS justices.
He'll help Trump in kicking poor minorities off of welfare programs

I can't tell if you're just being sarcastic, or if you've just broken out your swastika armband.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Nov 2016, 8:31 pm

Already pointed out in another thread that one only has to consult the National Review, a conservative website, to find sufficient evidence that Bannon is up to his guts in White Nationalism:

Does that resolve everybody's concerns on sources? I can assure you that having to provide 2 sources is overkill at this point.


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17 Nov 2016, 8:45 pm

The White House will be filled with so many hateful racists/sexist/criminals next year. So sickening.

People can defend Bannon all they want because he didn't write those articles- but he did allow them on the site! So its clear he is an evil person with bad intentions.

I also want to point out- Trump said he was going to "drain the swamp". That's not really happening anymore, is it? It was a lie to get people to vote for him. He isnt the first or last person to lie to get into a politicial office, but that still doesn't make it right. I strongly feel Trump will be busy trying to run his businesses, while everyone else will be running the country for him. Plus he will do rally after rally because he needs the attention because he needs his ego boosted time after time. :roll:

Plus the wall idea seems to be going forward. Mexico likely wont pay for it, so guess who will? Tax payers! I doubt every Trump supporter will be glad about that. Yes I realize illegal immigration is a problem in USA, but I don't think the wall will do squat. Employers will fly illegals in still and likely get away with it. Trump has used illegals for cheap labor in the past, so he will use the same loopholes everyone else does (if the wall does actually get built).

I still feel like many people supporting Trump and his allies just don't want to believe anything bad about them.. and/or simply don't care because Hillary didn't get elected.


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17 Nov 2016, 9:09 pm

Maybe he'll bring Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and Sean Hannity on board to fill some of his cabinet positions.


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17 Nov 2016, 9:38 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
He sounds perfect for the job.

He'll help Trump develop plans to round up millions of brown-skin people.

Comments like that might make people want to invest in Degesch GmbH and/or Lučební Chemical, both present day manufacturers of Zyklon B under the names of Cyanosil and Uragan D2 respectively.

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17 Nov 2016, 9:41 pm

The histrionics and lies certainly get old, belligerent leftists will find themselves irrelevant while the rest of America rejects them and their hateful anti-democratic politics. Elections have consequences and you lose.

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17 Nov 2016, 9:41 pm

Raptor wrote:
Maybe he'll bring Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and Sean Hannity on board to fill some of his cabinet positions.


Interesting thought.

Rush Limbaugh, Secretary of the United States Department of Education

Alex Jones, Secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security
(Finally, we'll let the people know what's going on in those damn FEMA camps!)

Hannity can be Court Jester, Mascot, or Perhaps Sec. of HUD.

Don't believe the gender note under my avatar. A WP bug means I can't fix it.