Dox47 wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
not tired of winning yet
Do you get the random grins when you overhear apocalyptic Trump talk or see weeping celebrities on TV? I get them often while perusing my Facebook feed.
I think it's ridiculous, that is the real fake news problem we have in this country. I do feel extremely vindicated, I never wavered in my belief in the result so there wasn't a moment on election day where it suddenly turned around for me . The election happened exactly the way I expected it too with the victory clinched in the former industrial midwest. My feelings on the Clinton's are known and what I felt at their defeat was relief since it freed us from their iron grip, they could never be held accountable for their actions in power so I believe in defeating them we saved the republic. With the opposition in complete disarray, I see Trump's agenda advancing on all fronts. I don't think congressional Republicans or Democrats will know what hit them, I hope that Trump is more of independent and uses the tactics of triangulation to broaden the GOP tent as it seems Democrats are determined to go further left and to double down on identity politics. I see it as a tremendous chance for the GOP to craft a majority that will last a generation.
I think Trump will be a very successful president, the guy is a workaholic like no other and like LBJ there is just a presence about him when he enters a room. This guy is individually calling up the CEOs of companies, Trump is a hands on like no other president before him. I am happy and optimistic about the opportunity for real change, there's a lot of expectations but everything is gravy after defeating the Clinton crime family. I expect a lot of people will come around and people already are, they won't be able to argue with success.
Remember Christopher Meloni as that clerk at the Flamingo in 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'? That's basically how I feel about the whole situation. It definitely is amusing, leftists do not like their logic and tactics of manipulation to be turned back around on them. I probably know 'Rules for Radicals' better than most here and it really is the bible to the left in this country whether they know it or not, Trump simply played the game better than the media and establishment politicians had but of course that came after discontent became palpable. I've read their playbook, I've experienced their means of control as a Ron Paul supporter, you learn how to counter it and I don't feel I was alone in this. As social media becomes all encompassing, there is an chaotic element that is completely free of control from the forces of the status quo and people can share their feelings in real time without censorship(altho some would like this to be a thing of the past) I feel confident in victory.