postpaleo wrote:
Be careful what you choose to put energy into. Call it what you will, label wise. I'm not talking about the hell and heaven concept. Although, most people, due to how they are raised, will put it in those terms. Just because science hasn't proven anything or something, doesn't mean there aren't things that are a little "strange". Be careful where you choose to go, it can leave scarrs.
well, I have one in my closet. I put it out on my favorite holiday, Samhain/all hollows eve/Halloween. I am pretty protected from ghosties and goolies and things that go bump in the night, but I do my Tarot although I haven't done those things for years. If you REALLY want to stay away from something, I suggest those prayer mandalas printed on cheap paper with various Tibetan imagery on it. I had a house burn down when I didn't place them correctly around the house.