Politics is such a hot topic right now because the Left (AKA Marxists, Socialists, “Progressives,” Communists) have spent more than a half century infiltrating the educational systems, the media, and both political parties in the US, quietly installing their agenda, which is part and parcel the same as the United Nations’ agenda, which is to enslave the entire planet under a global totalitarian government, under which citizens are merely disposable biological units, who exist in service to the Party Elite. If it sounds a lot like Orwell’s novel 1984, that’s because Orwell was satirizing the Stalinist model of Soviet Communism.
After spending the last generation using the US school system to indoctrinate Gen X, Gen Y and the Millennials into blindly accepting the precepts of Marxist Socialism, they were finally ready to “fundamentally transform” the United States, under the Marxist Barack “in college I sought out the Marxist professors (‘Dreams from My father’ p101)” Obama, and to follow him immediately with Hillary Clinton (who wrote her thesis praising Communist Activist Saul Alinski, then interned with Bob Treuhart, leader of the California communist Party). The ultimate goal, to meld the US into the “North American Union” (a plan co-designed by Ted Cruz’ wife Heidi, for the globalist Council on Foreign Relations.) The NAU, eventually to be yoked to the European Union, as part of the global Marxist “New World Order.”
This would, of course, require the obliteration of the Free Market Capitalism that has made the United States a globally dominant super power, and the bastion of individual liberty and personal opportunity for the entire planet. Marxism does not allow for individual opportunity to achieve and excel, instead substituting across-the-board poverty for all citizens (except the Party Elite), in the name of “fairness.” In the Marxist view, which is entirely atheistic, human beings are mere accidents of nature, non-unique bags of talking protoplasm, all equally valueless, except as tools of the state, therefore every citizen is a replaceable disposable unit – as are their progeny, as witnessed by the Leftist insistence on the sanctity of infanticide by abortion. In other words, in a Leftist world, you will live as the government tells you to live, do what the government tells you to do, and die when the government is through with you. In the meantime, Big Brother government will provide for you the means of sustenance (as long as those needs are basic), and since no other opportunity for acquiring more will exist, you will be dependent on government for those basics.
To render the populace pliant and even eager for the change to this government slavery, schools have sung the siren song of Socialism for several decades now, even as the media have ridiculed anything traditional or conservative about the USA’s founding principles. Conservative thinkers have been painted as uneducated rubes to be mocked, society itself divided into hundreds of splinter groups, all “victims” of the “privileged;” local law enforcement is called “dangerous,” while big government offers solutions to social problems that simple statistics prove do not actually exist. And all the while, “scientific experts” preach a mythical “GLOBAL” threat that requires the unilateral action of a GLOBAL authority. All of this propaganda and protest bought and paid for by the billionaire elitists who will control the new society, on behalf of all the stupid peasants. Doubt that this could be true? Ready to call it all tinfoil hat conspiracy theory? Read the bible written by Bill Clinton’s mentor Carroll Quigley – it’s called ‘Tragedy & Hope,” and it describes precisely what I’ve just outlined here.
So all the political arguing you’re hearing lately is simply the voices of the last generations who truly understand what freedom and liberty mean (on both sides of the pond, this is what Brexit was about, too), fighting to save that freedom for their children and grandchildren, most of whom are so brainwashed, they’re cheering for their own slavery and don’t even realize it. And all the hateful slandering of Donald Trump is merely the octopus of the New World Order trying to stop an American Patriot from undoing years of their Machiavellian machinations.
"When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of Communism; we will not take it under the label of Socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But, take it, we will."
~ Alexander Trachtenberg, National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944
"I don't mean to sound bitter, cynical or cruel - but I am, so that's how it comes out." - Bill Hicks
Last edited by will@rd on 26 Jun 2017, 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.