NewTime wrote:
Why can't it just have put itself together like apparently the Earth did so without the need of a God? If a planet can be put together without a creator, why can't a house? Why can't a car form without a creator? Why can't a watch form without a watchmaker?
Well for one, there's usually records of the builder. You can go down to city hall, find the lot number of the structure, the owner, the lot information, the zoning information, the blue prints, the name of the company that built it and the dates.
But if you are asking why a house can't self assemble and a planet can...
The universe has particles called fermions (electrons, protons, and neutrons, etc) and these are particles with mass. You and I, for example, are made of fermions. Why fermions have mass, and why mass is associated with gravity, no one knows. It's thought that, when the universe as we know it was very young, it was hot and small, but as it expanded and cooled, electrons, neutrons, and protons started to clump together under electrostatic forces and form hydrogen. These hydrogen particles, due to gravity, started to clump together, and eventually formed dense balls which became so dense that the hydrogen particles started to fuse together into helium particles. This process is called thermonuclear fusion and when it occurs, let's of energy in the form of heat and light. In other words, these balls of hydrogen became stars. The more massive of these stars exploded as supernovas when they died, and this violent process smashed atoms of helium together in such a way as to form the heavier elements. These heavier elements, began to clump under electrostatic and gravitational forces and some of this matter was pulled into rocky planets like Earth.
Unfortunately, there is nothing about gravity or electrostatic forces that would cause matter to spontaneously form into a four bedroom, two bathroom mediterranean style tract house.
Electrostatic forces, however, can drive the formation of rather intricate crystals in some situations.