The Red Pill...
Synopsis: 'When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs. The Red Pill chronicles Cassie Jaye’s journey exploring an alternate perspective on gender equality, power and privilege.'
Motivation for posting: To give those who try to restrict our freedom of thought the middle finger!
Philosophical position: Fence sitting...
This documentary has been met with aggression and intimidation here in Australia to the point where a number of venues have cancelled it's showing...
Emotionalistic NTs here are running amok...sadly... ... nload.html

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I haven't seen the movie; but, from what I've read about it, I welcome men's voices being heard, for a change. I totally understand that after, pretty much, being thought-of as second-class citizens, for so long, that women felt compelled to "rise-up and be counted", but I feel too many women, went entirely too far. I just don't think I'll ever understand people not realizing that there are degrees between 0 and 180----and, that it's often not necessary to do a total 180 (on almost ANYTHING); meaning, sure, find your backbone, and stand-up for yourself; but, why is it necessary to denigrate ANYONE, in the process?
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
I think the film could be interesting, and disagree with those who are trying to prevent screening.
A word on the term. "red pill" is a symbol rather than a standard metaphor in the movie the Matrix. The implication you use the phrase that you are more realistic and you choose not to be delusional. Saying you are realistic is more succinct than saying you are red pill. Most people believe they are generally realistic. Red pillers are not more realistic than the average skeptic, there are all sorts, however the happen to be generally right on a number of issues, and certainly more realistic then instersectionalists.
"A number of venues have cancelled its showing"? "Venues", plural? Only ONE did so, and the reasons weren't simply because they were pressured into doing so.
Anyway, as I understand it, you can now find it on 'YouTube' (I haven't actually gotten around to watching it yet), so any attempts to censor, intimidate and otherwise carry on like a complete s**thead are doomed to fail in this brave new world where just about anything one wishes to see can easily be found. "The Great Global Warming Conspiracy" can be found there, and there were many brainwashed, braindead ideologues who were opposed to the release of that as well.
God what rubbish. So it all began when we gave women the right to vote. Apparently that was a mistake. It just gets worse from there.
According to Cassie, venues (plural) were cancelled...
...and, btw, at least one petition against the movie from being shown was successful.
The reference about venues (plural) was made in the third video in this link: ... 708f217dab
I can find the reference about a petition against the movie and paste the link if you like...
There is also an instance where a university student was so incensed about funding being withdrawn for showing the movie, she sponsored it out of her pocket.
She said something along the lines of: 'no one was going to tell her what she can and can't watch'...
I can find that link too if you wish...
Hi Campin_Cat...
I very much appreciate your contribution...
My interest here is rather outside the box...
Rather than focus on the main issues discussed in the documentary, I am considering the implication of presenting observations/statistics that many consider politically incorrect...
I recall Cassie reflecting on this also...
Her comment heightened my interest in what she had to say in the documentary...
In essence, what I find interesting/disturbing is the prevalence of group think in neurotypical society...
And based on current events in Australia, social/conceptual/philosophical intolerance is becoming a serious concern here...
My position is that the truth cannot be politically incorrect...
It is simply the truth...
What seems to be happening is the 'emotionalisation of the Truth...'
And it seems to be a common response particularly in regards to the neurotypical mindset...
Nature of the beast, sort of thing...
Some of the emotional possessiveness of concepts/principles/philosophies stems from self interest and the fear of losing personal power for the self or an organisation that a person has committed themselves to...
(From memory, Cassie mentions this in the diaries section of the documentary...)
And this potentially invokes confirmation bias which is directly connected to emotional needs overriding intellectual/integrity considerations...
In summary, I am studying the the phenomenon of Truth sodomy...
And the emotional mechanism facilitating this tendency/urge to do so...
This documentary is perfect for this study...
Ironically, the attempt at suppressing/silencing this documentary (here in Australia) has created more oxygen than it probably would have...
Isn't this usually what happens? <chuckle>

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I think what's happened in the last few years, including Cassie Jay and the Red Pill, is a hopeful sign that tribal BS can only crush down clarity for so long. Not saying things can't get weird if the new left loses all relevance, whatever side the churls migrate to is usually the new illogical side, hopefully with each pendulum swing both left and right will get wiser in finding ways to not let that happen.
I still need to see Red Pill but for all of the interviews I've seen - it's an amazing thing to see common-sense be the new rebellious or edgy. I think Cassie was the right person at the right time to open this particular can of worms though and she handles herself with excellent poise both in friendly interviews as well as dealing with the twits (like her recent Australia appearance). You can tell she's a regular person with regular dignity and it's fascinating to see how well that deflects attacks and even sends the arrows right back at the people who sent them.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
I'm fine with men's rights, as there are valid men's rights issues, however my experience with these "red pill" individuals is that most of them are hateful and misogynist towards women and they are no better than women who claim to be feminists but who are hateful and misandrystic towards men.
Most of these individuals from the two groups mentioned above operate on the premise that the opposite sex is inherently evil and the unspoken belief that to obtain one's rights, one must oppress the opposite sex, and I don't think any of that is healthy at all. They tend to end up being very bitter and hostile individuals who go around hurting innocent people of the opposite sex, and personally, I don't care for any of that in my life.
The documentary is not affiliated with the Red Pill men's rights movement...
Watch the video and it will verify that it portrays a more balanced approach...
The link to the documentary is in my first post...
Though Cassie Jaye does "resign" from feminism as a result of her investigative "journey", her approach was always one of an objective observer, imo...
Interestingly, when she started the documentary she defined herself as a feminist, and yet it is self evident that despite this inherent bias, her desire for professional objectivity prevailed to the point of her re-evaluating her philosophical stance...
This is the definition of having an open mind...
Interestingly/gratifyingly, this harmonises with the autistic principle of: 'Give me a better argument and I will listen...'
Hence my particular interest in this neurotypical woman...
Some people inferred her motivation was to diminish the power of feminism...
But I am not some people...

I.E. I believe her documentary was a genuine attempt at being impartial...
Another side of the red pill is the Pickup Artist
Basically studying the skills required to seduce women.
Basically studying the skills required to seduce women.
This is a quote from my message directly before yours:
'The documentary is not affiliated with the Red Pill men's rights movement...
Watch the video and it will verify that it portrays a more balanced approach...
The link to the documentary is in my first post...'
Please don't confuse the the documentary with the movement...
Now that I think about, after two people here confused the doc with the movement, this might explain some of the hate for the documentary...

Continue to hope...
I am not as hopeful as you appear to be, however...

I see this type of tribalism/group-think much more typical in the neurotypical universe because of their inordinate affiliation/affinity/worship of the emotional aspect of human psychology...
I see it as endemic in the nature of most people...I.E. neurotypicals...
I doubt that this will ever change, since it is self evident that the evolutionary process has heavily favoured the incorporation of the lesser evolved "reptilian brain" and the limbic brain, resulting in their social and numerical domination...
Theirs is an effective symbiotic co-existence <sic> with the apex of the evolutionary process, the Neomammalian complex and the less evolved aspects of both the Reptilian complex and the Paleomammalian complex...
In essence, in an evolutionary sense, 'don't fix it if it's not broken'...
Which in another context is extremely ironic, since neurotypical society/mindset is extremely broken...

this is whats the problem with the internet, the younger gen. reinforcing the narratif there's never been a thought about anything before them ...
generally noone's interested in anything that doesn't go with the storyline, its quite hopeless
the right direction to make the same mistakes
its everywhere, irl too, you'll always get un-valued by those who haven't started anything yet

Joined: 6 May 2014
Age: 63
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Rather than focus on the main issues discussed in the documentary, I am considering the implication of presenting observations/statistics that many consider politically incorrect...
In essence, what I find interesting/disturbing is the prevalence of group think in neurotypical society...
My position is that the truth cannot be politically incorrect... It is simply the truth...
What seems to be happening is the 'emotionalisation of the Truth'... And it seems to be a common response particularly in regards to the neurotypical mindset...
Some of the emotional possessiveness of concepts/principles/philosophies stems from self interest and the fear of losing personal power for the self or an organisation that a person has committed themselves to... And this potentially invokes confirmation bias which is directly connected to emotional needs overriding intellectual/integrity considerations...
In summary, I am studying the the phenomenon of Truth sodomy... And the emotional mechanism facilitating this tendency/urge to do so...
P.S. Ironically, the attempt at suppressing/silencing this documentary (here in Australia) has created more oxygen than it probably would have... Isn't this usually what happens? <chuckle>
Ah, yes, I see where you're coming-from, now----and I, basically, agree with your thinking, here; EXCEPT that I would say that this whole thing that you've presented, here, is nowhere NEAR something for which ONLY the neurotypicals, have cornered the market. I mean, it seems that not a day goes-by that the amount of sheeple (like you said "group-think"), right here on WP, just has me SMH----and, that includes the posts which seem to be driven PURELY by emotion, and not well thought-out (ie considering ALL sides of an issue - "emotional needs over-riding intellect").
As for "emotional possessiveness of concepts...", and "emotional mechanism facilitating this tendency" of "truth sodomy" (great term, BTW): I feel part of it MIGHT be that it seems there are entirely too many people wanting to "play" "the victim"----cuz, being a victim gets one, "stuff" (attention). What's ironic, is that, oftentimes, someone who is genuinely a victim doesn't seek-out attention.
The portion of western society that likes to cry "Don'tcha feel sorry for me", is growing, rapidly, IMO, and is gonna quickly smother-out the rest of us, I'm afraid, if we don't figure-out a way, to put the brakes on them----I'm thinking stopping this PC crap, would be a good start (like you said: "truth cannot be politically incorrect").
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)