George Soros and Media Matters have gone unhinged
Seriously, declaring war on Fox News. For starters I don't know whether to find this simply hysterical or worry if people are actually going to get hurt from violence perpetrated by the left. Cause for starters by openly making that kind of a brazen declaration, they just torpedoed every bit of credibility whenever the subject of their reporting is Fox News. That is why I'm wondering if there is actually going to be violence and/or other illegal activity on the part of media matters and Soros.
Fox News must really scare them to become so unhinged like this.
It's so sad, Inuyasha, the Pravada of the Right is being attack for dumbass statements and lies they spew after decades of smearing lefitsts and systematically attacking Media Matters. I'm so very sad for the Faux Nutwork, really. After all, without Faux you'll no longer have Fake News networks, only Fake News shows!
Sure whatever, keep drinking the kool-aid, instead of thinking things through for yourself. Here I'll make this easy for you.
Here is how your statements are flawed:
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
If anything they now have absolutely no credibility whenever they report anything concerning Fox News, and they have bolstered the credibility of Fox News. They make themselves look like they are scared of what else Fox News might uncover that they want kept hidden.
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
I personally find it hilarious that Inuyasha associates George Soros with this, as even his own article declares that Soros didn't earmark any of the money he gave to Media Matters for this campaign. It's funny, because George Soros only directly donated Media Matters money after rightwing extremists similar to Inuyasha had been lying about him already having done it for quite some time.
Nevertheless, not speaking out against the lies and besmerching the credibility of liars is what cost John Kerry the 2004 Presidential Election.
Last edited by Master_Pedant on 27 Mar 2011, 8:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
Just cause you don't see the logic, doesn't mean it isn't there.
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
Just cause you don't see the logic, doesn't mean it isn't there.
Just because I don't see the little lizard men attacking your brain doesn't mean they aren't there.
Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
Nature creates few men brave, industry and training makes many -Machiavelli
You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
Just cause you don't see the logic, doesn't mean it isn't there.
No, it really isn't there. I'll go through your comments and show the non sequiturs.
This does not follow. It is completely reasonable to be upset with and oppose someone you perceive as dishonest, so anyone "going bonkers" at Fox News could well be angry that they are spreading misinformation which is damaging to the country.
I have. Have you read it? It says "Congress shall make no law..." Private citizens can do what they like.
See above. You have not demonstrated your implicit assumption that the universal response to dishonesty would be to ignore it, and there is quite a bit of evidence suggesting that the opposite is true. Your alternate explanation that leftists realize that Fox is right but for some unstated nefarious motive desire to cover up that truth invokes too many unnecessary assumptions, aside from being a completely insane assessment of the situation.
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
Just cause you don't see the logic, doesn't mean it isn't there.
No, it really isn't there. I'll go through your comments and show the non sequiturs.
This does not follow. It is completely reasonable to be upset with and oppose someone you perceive as dishonest, so anyone "going bonkers" at Fox News could well be angry that they are spreading misinformation which is damaging to the country.
I have. Have you read it? It says "Congress shall make no law..." Private citizens can do what they like.
See above. You have not demonstrated your implicit assumption that the universal response to dishonesty would be to ignore it, and there is quite a bit of evidence suggesting that the opposite is true. Your alternate explanation that leftists realize that Fox is right but for some unstated nefarious motive desire to cover up that truth invokes too many unnecessary assumptions, aside from being a completely insane assessment of the situation.
You have too much patience...
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
Just cause you don't see the logic, doesn't mean it isn't there.
No, it really isn't there. I'll go through your comments and show the non sequiturs.
This does not follow. It is completely reasonable to be upset with and oppose someone you perceive as dishonest, so anyone "going bonkers" at Fox News could well be angry that they are spreading misinformation which is damaging to the country.
I have. Have you read it? It says "Congress shall make no law..." Private citizens can do what they like.
See above. You have not demonstrated your implicit assumption that the universal response to dishonesty would be to ignore it, and there is quite a bit of evidence suggesting that the opposite is true. Your alternate explanation that leftists realize that Fox is right but for some unstated nefarious motive desire to cover up that truth invokes too many unnecessary assumptions, aside from being a completely insane assessment of the situation.
You have too much patience...
For both of you claiming to be so smart you can be incredibly dense sometimes. By reacting like they are, they are making themselves (Soros and Mediamatters) look guilty and scared.
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
Just cause you don't see the logic, doesn't mean it isn't there.
No, it really isn't there. I'll go through your comments and show the non sequiturs.
This does not follow. It is completely reasonable to be upset with and oppose someone you perceive as dishonest, so anyone "going bonkers" at Fox News could well be angry that they are spreading misinformation which is damaging to the country.
I have. Have you read it? It says "Congress shall make no law..." Private citizens can do what they like.
See above. You have not demonstrated your implicit assumption that the universal response to dishonesty would be to ignore it, and there is quite a bit of evidence suggesting that the opposite is true. Your alternate explanation that leftists realize that Fox is right but for some unstated nefarious motive desire to cover up that truth invokes too many unnecessary assumptions, aside from being a completely insane assessment of the situation.
You have too much patience...
For both of you claiming to be so smart you can be incredibly dense sometimes. By reacting like they are, they are making themselves (Soros and Mediamatters) look guilty and scared.
Actually you don't have to be too smart to see that your arguments are 100% illogical. Most preschoolers would recognize it. I bet even you know that your claim is a steaming bull pie.
Saying that Soros and Mediamatters are wetting their panties because they know deep down that Fox News is "right" and they are "wrong" is nothing but a childish taunt / bluster. Oohhh, you're just mad because you're scared that I'm right. It's a bit like saying "I know you are but what am I" or calling George Soros and Mediamatters "poopy heads".
Incorrect. I already explained why. You are too much of a brainwashed delusional idiot to understand the explanation, but there it is. At best, you could argue that this shows they are "scared" of Fox. Being scared of something does not in any way mean that thing is right.
If Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols wouldn't be going bonkers like they are. Declaring war on a television station?!?! ever hear of 1st Amendment? I mean that actually looks like Fox News has them rattled, if Fox News was really as dishonest as you claimed your idols would be ignoring Fox News and shrugging off what Fox News is saying. They wouldn't be declaring a war even if we are talking metaphorically.
Logic fail.
Just cause you don't see the logic, doesn't mean it isn't there.
No, it really isn't there. I'll go through your comments and show the non sequiturs.
This does not follow. It is completely reasonable to be upset with and oppose someone you perceive as dishonest, so anyone "going bonkers" at Fox News could well be angry that they are spreading misinformation which is damaging to the country.
I have. Have you read it? It says "Congress shall make no law..." Private citizens can do what they like.
See above. You have not demonstrated your implicit assumption that the universal response to dishonesty would be to ignore it, and there is quite a bit of evidence suggesting that the opposite is true. Your alternate explanation that leftists realize that Fox is right but for some unstated nefarious motive desire to cover up that truth invokes too many unnecessary assumptions, aside from being a completely insane assessment of the situation.
You have too much patience...
For both of you claiming to be so smart you can be incredibly dense sometimes. By reacting like they are, they are making themselves (Soros and Mediamatters) look guilty and scared.
Actually you don't have to be too smart to see that your arguments are 100% illogical. Most preschoolers would recognize it. I bet even you know that your claim is a steaming bull pie.
Sure whatever, this may not be recognizable to most people on the spectrum but when one starts screaming and carrying on about what someone says instead of simply shrugging it off, it can often be a good indication of guilt. Most people on the spectrum tend to not recognize this.
You really don't get it, Soros and mediamatters are acting like they are having a temper tantrum. It is almost like a little child screaming they aren't getting their way, or after having been caught doing something they weren't supposed to.
You may be intelligent, but you are still unable to pick up the clues as to when you're being deceived, when someone is lieing, or when someone feels backed into a corner. This is a common failing for people on the spectrum, even the smartest of us can be easily duped. I'm not saying I'm perfect at picking up on these tells, some NTs are better at lieing than others, that said I am probably better at picking up on some of these things than you are.
The people at Media Matters and George Soros are acting like they have been backed into a corner, not just angry over being made fun of.
In an interview and a 2010 planning memo shared with POLITICO, Brock listed the fronts on which Media Matters — which he said is operating on a $10 million-plus annual budget — is working to chip away at Fox and its parent company, News Corp. They include its bread-and-butter distribution of embarrassing clips and attempts to rebut Fox points, as well as a series of under-the-radar tactics.
Read more: ... z1HrpJqJ5o
Looking for any dirt they can to smear their critic and what are these under-the-radar tactics? Why do I get the feeling they are talking criminal activity?
Brock said Media Matters also plans to run a broad campaign against Fox’s parent company, News Corp., an effort which most likely will involve opening a United Kingdom arm in London to attack the company’s interests there. The group hired an executive from to work on developing campaigns among News Corp. shareholders and also is looking for ways to turn regulators in the U.S., U.K., and elsewhere against the network.
Read more: ... z1Hrpvjqzx
Pressuring regulators and bullying shareholders to try to shut down a News Organization, not a new tactic for the Left. brings up a legitimate point:
But is it legitimate to declare that these efforts will consist of “sabotage” and “guerilla warfare”? ... ainst-fox/
They continue:
I mostly agree with Jazz here, except that MMFA isn’t just pledging to be a “watchdog.” They’re promising “sabotage,” which sounds less like investigative journalism and more like dirty tricks, aimed not at the reporting itself but at mid-level management at Fox. If that consists of the same kind of undercover videos produced by James O’Keefe at ACORN and NPR, that’s fair game; the media have used stings like those for decades. That’s hardly “sabotage,” though, which sounds like efforts at a completely different — and more base — level.
This may all be self-correcting anyway. The success of media criticism comes in large part from the credibility of the critic. When critics, whether a single person or a corporate entity, pledge that their mission is “sabotage,” they’ve essentially ceded that credibility from the start — and MMFA doesn’t exactly overflow with credibility as an independent watchdog now. ... ainst-fox/
In their declarations, Mediamatters now has absolutely no credibility, as much as people on the left may claim they do, by their own statements Media Matters, now has literally no credibility.
By your same reasoning, Breitbart and O'Keefe and Beck are all afraid of ACORN, right? They attacked it, and criticized it, and threw a fit over it, and even went into some legally questionable tactics to attempt to discredit it. So this obviously means ACORN must be right. Same goes for Planned Parenthood, and NPR, and for that matter, George Soros and Mediamatters. There must be a reason Beck is so afraid of Soros and throwing a hissy fit about Soros. He must realize Soros is actually telling the truth.
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