EzraS wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
If anybody believes that all older white men are racists and all the other things mentioned,that somebody has a screw loose somewhere.
Most liberals (almost all) don't believe such garbage.
It really seems like I come across it a lot throughout the internet. The video comments seemed to focus on Bruce Willis fitting that description.
My dad had to attend a mandatory seminar workshop whatever about racism taught by an SJW type. She asked people in the room various questions like who's most likely to do whatever, who's most likely to suffer whatever and started building up a chart on whiteboard.. The conclusion was a white male christian republican 30-50 years old type was the victimizer and everyone else was the victim. I wonder if I can find it on youtube somewhere.
Youtube video comments are so toxic, that is not going to give you a good perspective on what most liberals think...you have left wing and right wing trolls all over the comments section, and just trolls in general, people taking out their frustrations by being toxic. Youtube comments section is like an internet garbage bin.
As for that class I could see the conclusion that a white christian republican male is less likely to face some of the challenges that are faced by minorities...but to paint it as they are always a victimizer due to that and seeing everyone else as victims is taking it a bit far. But then on the other side of that you have some alt righter types trying to make it out like white christian males are some kind of heavily discriminated against minority because 'gay marrige' and christian rules and morality not being enforced or encouraged enough. The idea that white christian republican males between 30-50 face unfair discrimination is just as ridiculous as the idea that just because someone is a white christian republican male they must be a victimizer of minorities.
We won't go back.