DarthMetaKnight wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm sure most of us who have been critical of the sitting President has had this response on forums, and comment boards: "Well, the President is a self made man." Or if you point out that he in fact is not self made, but that he had inherited his money from his successful father, very possibly you would have gotten a response such as: "Well, you couldn't have made all that money like Trump did, even if you first inherited it." What strikes me is, too many of Trump's supporters seem to gauge the worth of a human being by how much money and success he or she has had. The feeling among so many of his supporters seems to be, as Trump is rich and is supposedly such a fantastic businessman, he must be far better than everyone else. I have to wonder, what sort of self hate and loathing do they carry around for their own lack of riches and worldly success? I suspect these are the same people who are contemptuous of intellectuals, and any who are involved in the sciences and the arts.
Too many conservatives believe that the free market is fair and just. Ironically, these conservatives will often compare the free market to the natural world ... which is anything but fair and just.
Conservative: "People become rich when they work hard! It's that simple! Donald Trump is rich because he worked hard!"
Me: "Do you work hard?"
Conservative: "Damn right! I didn't waste my money on university! I learned a trade and I work my ass off 5 days a week like a real man! I also work my ass off taking care of my kids!"
Me: "Are you a billionaire yet?"
Conservative: "No. I'm not even a millionaire."
Me: "... and you still think that capitalism is a fair system?"
Or such persons do go to college, but study business, like Trump did. Oh, they know all about making money, but they are completely ignorant of the sciences, history, and the humanities, which would have made them well rounded, interesting, knowledgeable people who have a better understanding of the world around them, had they only bothered to learn them. Once a conservative, the late American author, H.P. Lovecraft, had attended a luncheon thrown by some relatives for the Providence, Rhode Island business community, from which he walked away feeling that he had been exposed to the most intellectually dull people he had ever met. Too many business oriented individuals are as ignorant as the hayseeds and yahoos they attend their teabagger party meetings with.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer