^ You do NOT need to ridicule someone, or their ideas, to make progress or incite discussions! You could choose not to be a jerk about it and skip the ridicule and just jump straight to a respectful, temperate, understanding discussion of ideas different to yours, without the shaming, aggression and hostility that ridiculing someone inevitably includes.
underwater wrote:
I have a strong distrust of religion myself. That doesn't mean I feel entitled to tell others how to live. It worries me that a lot of the religious people I know don't exercise the same restraint.
Many of the religious people who seem to want to tell others how to live (aka that the norms and rules and so on proposed by their own religion are "right" and everyone else's ideas, whether religious or not, are "wrong") do tend to be Christians from my experience.
BUT this often comes from a genuinely good place where many of these people are concerned. They truly believe that their religion is the one and only religion, and everything else is false. They believe their god exists, and has the powers their texts say it does. They honestly believe in some of the stories, such as the Judgement is coming and those who do not worship their deity will be destroyed. They are genuinely trying to
save you, because they want you to survive and be happy, and in their worldview, the only way to do that is through
their religion.
I think keeping this in mind helps when dealing with them. They're coming at it from a caring perspective - they just have tunnel vision, often because this is how they were raised to think and cannot think any other way.
It's an irritating attitude for people not of that faith, but it's a kind motivation on their behalf.
Alexithymia - 147 points.