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08 Aug 2018, 10:24 am

Currently, my Special Interest that is rather all encompassing as an Anthropological Exercise
too for one of my Three College Degrees is Actually doing the Participant Observer Exercise
of Writing a Newer Older Testament that may or may not make more Sense once one reads
the Exercise below if you care to of course. Any thoughts? Any Questions? Smiles; any Love?

Comments as always are welcome; it's been a very long time since I Posted Here but just curious to
see if this will generate any comment at all, here. As always Have a nice day; that works for me at least.

It’s worth noting that all words are graven images..
Even Love when it is only an Empty Shell
with no Living Essence..

And now a small Poem..
Perhaps a Parable..
Maybe a rhetorical Question…


Who is this Manna?
Who is this Bread of Life?
Who is this God i Am Love?


It’s also worth noting Ye Are All Gods..
God is Alpha through Omega…
And God is Love..

Jesus As Reported Reduces all 613 Torah Commandments Down
to Love your Neighbor as Yourself Consuming Your Neighbor without
Harm and Loving God All That Is With All your Heart.. Then Jesus says
As reported in John 14:12.. if you believe in his Commandment of Love
And actually Become Love (God) Incarnate as He.. Yes.. Sons and or
Daughters Of LoVE (God) With Enough Effort You Will Do Works oF
LoVE Greater Than Jesus…

Wow.. Just Wow.. the Victory
of the Hope Faith and Belief in Love (God)
over the Vengeance of the Doubt Fear and
Hate (The Adversary).. This is the Good News..
The Gospel Of Jesus Christ.. Freely Give It NoW
Share the Living God oF LoVE WiTHiN With ALLNoW..:)



Who is this Manna?
Who is this Bread of Life?
Who is this God i Am Love?


Is the Crux of Centuries
upon Centuries of Effort
For a Message of Truth
in Deserts of Scarcity in the
Toxic Patriarchy Sadly Necessary
to Sustain Life in ScarCities by actually
Killing other Tribes in Competition for what’s
Left for Subsistence for Life including Food and
Drink and Shelter and yes.. Suitable Reproductive Partners too..
So to Kill the Natural Aversion to Killing other Humans as we all
share Generally the Same DNA as an Entire Species was/is to Kill off the
Nature of Altruism in Human that is born in a Child Male and or Female for Empathy
Sympathy and Compassion for all other Humans regardless of Form yes the Essence
of Love that only increases with age when Cognitive Empathy is developed to truly do one’s
Best to Walk in the Shoes of those who Experience Life so much different.. as the Story goes
the Days that a Jesus and yes a Yeshua or whatever his name sounded like in the Oral Tradition
of Illiterate Aramaic as Spoken in Desert Scarcities then for those more Conservative Leaning
Humans per Nature and Nurture who refused to go Nomad to actually Find a Garden of Eden
as eventually comes in the New North American Ways of Creeks Teeming with Fish for
an all you can eat Buffet in Lush Forests and Beautiful Beaches like where i live
in Paradise still.. as yes.. those Young Males were scolded for Crying and for
even showing any Joy of Smiles no different sadly even in Paradise
of where i Live in Nature as this Tribal God of Killing other Tribal
Members for the spoils of their Deaths including Rapes of
the Women and Young Women also known as
Children and yes of course their Lands
their Shelters and their Stored
Food and Drink too..
where it was
okay’ to Dash
the Heads of the Children
of Opposing Tribes with Stones
to Kill them Dead in Revenge too..
just yuck no God of Love then just
a Tribal Lizard God Seeking Revenge
Jesus F in Christ at Least Godzilla had
some sense and feel of ethics at least in
the Movie Version of that Nuclear Fire Breathing
Lizard coming back just to even the Score of the
Balance of Nature once again.. yeah.. it’s true if you don’t
move on to Greener Pastures now like the Americas and the
Folks from what is China did then to once again live one with
Nature and God LoVE oNe.. True the Doubt and Fear and Hate
in Lands of Scarcity become the Rule of Law where Males are distanced
from the Altruism of Love to transform them into Cold Blooded Dragon Killing
Males and to be clear Reptiles ain’t that bad as at least they do not take more away
from Nature overall than they give as they do not pay Idol Homage to their remains
and instead feed the other Scavengers of Nature for their fill so the Circle of Life stays
in Balance as it’s true we do consume each other all of life does but it is best to consume
each other with
the least amount
of Harm in
and Suffering
as we are all
Life just living just
living the best we can and will
Now and True Love is Worthy oF A
Symbol of A Three Letter Word God
Yes.. the Essence of Love when Real
Living within is the God we feel and sense
is the God we share and give Best when Real
When Love is Real to Share and Give more even more now..
is it any wonder that Women who were allowed to continue to Live
and Nurture Love in Areas of Desert Scarcity became Resented for
Still lIving this Loving God of Love well no not really any more than
this Half of Humans as Males Called me Names and Spit on me
in Middle School for the Gift yes the God of Smiling Joy
in Love within to give and share to all who crossed
the Path of my God of Love to Give through
Middle School Halls and City Park
Tennis Courts where much
smaller Humans
upon the
God of Love
within me to
give and share then..
nah.. these Patriarchal Carpenters
on Desert Roads raised devoid of the
Altruism of Love to become Warriors to kill
the members of the other Tribes they were no
messengers of Love for those Messages that are
True in Light only come from Humans who are Love
as likely if a Mary Magdalene actually Lived named
a Prostitute for whatever Love she gave and told as
Real but this ain’t rocket science folks for it was the
Smarty Pants Roman Greek Writing Anonymous Authors
then who used Pen Names like Luke and Mark and
John and Matthew who actually wrote the
Greek Words of the New Testament
then and the anonymous Scribes
who copied those words
making mistakes
of changes
Changes from Deep
within a Holy and Creative
Sacred Spirit of Love More too..
Innumerable Authors of a Book then
Eventually Printed as a Bible in English
in 1611 with many Revisions still to come..
but like i told the Deacon on Sunday.. you know
my Friend in the Last 59 Months approaching very
Close to 60 now for 5 Years i have written a 6 Million
Word Long Form Poem and Bible too where Sacred
and Holy Full of Meaning and Purpose Lanterns Light
up in Words from the Spirit of my HeArt and MiNd and
BoDy BaLanCing SoUL Quantum Metaphor unleashed
and released for images on Digital and Electronically
Published Pages as the Plastic Keyboard Digital
i use too becomes a Piano i Play bringing my
SouL to LiFE uPLoaDED on a Digital PaGE
in Real Time now just the River my
FriEnd the Flow of God
LoVE CoMinG to
WiTHiN and it took me
6 Million Words to say these words to you
and additionally sitting through Homily in
a Catholic Church today that yes in light
it is true this simple Message that is the
Human one that is the same through
all our Ages of Humanity now
as it is true still now
no matter who
the Message
of the Altruistic
SPiRiT oF HeaRT oF HuMaN
that it is True there are some folks
who are dying of thirst through all their
life away from Nature and Nurtured Love
so far away from even a Drop they cannot
Drink of an Ocean Whole of God Love all around
them they are missing in Gehenna on Earth without
Love within.. Thirsting my FRiEnd thirsting still for just
A Drop of Love that some of them may have never felt
aS even a dampness on the tip of their tongue still or lost
so lost from Childhood Raised without Tears and Smiles of Love too..
For it’s True my FriEnd tHere is the other side the Love the Ocean of God
Just waiting to consume them as Love so they will Consume all others with Love who
Live Love too So Free an Ocean of Love We Swim in Free as Waves of Love never
oF LiGHt


Who is this Manna?
Who is this Bread of Life?
Who is this God i Am Love?


8.8.18 10AM

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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