The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
Well the individual i referred to as an activist, 75 percent of her Facebook posts are about animals, veganism, etc, and the fact that she's going into piggeries and other places, photographing the conditions, and that her Facebook bio is literally "always a voice for the animals", leads me to believe that this is more than just a trend for her.
Well, for the sake of argument, let's assume it's true. I think there is something to the notion that some people, particularly in Western societies, care more for certain animals than humans. Why? Perhaps the concept of innocence? Because animals have no higher intellectual capabilities, they cannot comprehend Right or Wrong, as such they are totally innocent from a human frame of reference, objects rather than actors. It's obvious to me that the unborn are as innocent as humans can be, but this holds no water with the pro-abortion crowd. Perhaps they have absorbed some version of Christian original sin, where man is not of nature, but an interloper who ruins it. It certainly tracks with some other popular, fashionable opinions.
Behold! we are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory, Farewell!