I feel the same way about Japan too. I'm glad that both countries were able to eventually rebuild after the war
uhm... take a look at the way japan is dealing with its war crimes .... I'm not sure if they learn much about the rape of Nanjing in school, in the way germans get treated to holocaust documentaries from age 12 or so.
I saw paintings showing the massacre in the Chinese national gallery, but nothing speaking about the things the Japanese did when I was in Japan. - yes, atomic bomb memorials, but these are museums for the atrocities someone else inflicted on them. Not museums of how awful they have been to others.
they have this shrine for kamikaze pilots, which the prime minister visits every year... Imagine Angela Merkel visiting a chapel dedicated to SS troops .... imagine such a chapel even existing!
And ... Japan has the world's 4th most powerful army, and the world's 8th largest defense budget (says wikipedia).
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.