If 99% of the discussions are about that, it's because that's what members have chosen to post about. If you want other discussions, you are free to post them, but please limit new threads per subforum to no more than 2 per day. The problem isn't if one member for once posts 3 threads in one subforum a day, the problem is when one member is so preoccupied with one theme that he/she posts numerous new threads daily, which we have seen here from time to time, therefore the decision to limit it to 2.
TW1ZTY wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
American politics is very interesting to the rest of the world.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. I imagine some countries out there that have little to do with us laugh at how excessively conceited our people are.
You might not be too wrong about that, but unfortunately American politics can have consequences for the rest of the world as well, including by its climate politics. Some of us care about the destruction of the Endangered Species Act as well.