My Idea of Punishments
I have always believed that the punishment should fit the crime, and our legal system in Western Civilization goes way too soft on criminals. So by Emperor TW1ZTY's authority these are the punishments I would make law for these types of crimes in my country.
1. Murder.
Murderers would recieve death. The type of execution they recieved would depend on the type of murder they commited. For example a robber who killed a store clerk because he was desperate for money would recieve a quick and painless execution with as much comfort as can be provided, but a sadistic serial killer who tortures innocent victims would be tortured himself or herself before being put to death so that they would know how their victims felt.
2. Rape
Rapists would be castrated and branded wth the letter "R" for rapist on their forehead, and child molesters would be castrated too and branded with the letter "P" for pedophile.
3. Theft
Theft of property would have one of two punishments: either the theif would be forced to pay a fine to the victim's family or store and if they cannot afford to pay their fine they will be sentenced to a number of years of hard labor.
4. Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Immigrants
Human Traffickers and people who exploit illegal immigrants as slaves would lose their rights and be forced into labor in my country serving as hard workers for the entire community or as soldiers. Those who refuse will be locked away in prison for life.
4. Arson
Arsonists will be forced to watch their own property burned to the ground and then serve prison time. And they would be refused assistance to buy or build a new peice of property.
5. War Criminals
Any war crimes commited by enemy soldiers or even MY soldiers would be punished by death. This includes abusing POWs, killing civilians, and rape. Deserters and Cowards would be handled with more mercy and recieve time in prison.
If I can think of other crimes that I would punish my way I'll post them later. Criminals would hate me as their ruler but otherwise my people would love what I would do for their country because I would work hard to make things equal and fair for everybody and not allow monsters and scumbags to get off easy with crimes they commit and they would not recieve more punishment than they deserve.
Good point... Maybe my government can provide support to their families but not to them?
Good point... Maybe my government can provide support to their families but not to them?
That would work. I was thinking that it would vary. If nobody got hurt, then your idea would be used, yet if somebody died in the fire then the arsonist should be killed.
Good point... Maybe my government can provide support to their families but not to them?
That would work. I was thinking that it would vary. If nobody got hurt, then your idea would be used, yet if somebody died in the fire then the arsonist should be killed.
Of course, that would fall under murder.
And it would depend on the nature of the arson/murder what type of punishment they recieved. If it was to dispose of an already dead corpse they might be shown more mercy and executed quickly, but if they intentionally set a live person on fire with the intent of torturing them to death then they themselves will be tortured before execution.