Does Ticket splitting signify a good political culture?

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12 Jan 2019, 4:43 am

This is something I have believed for a while but to me, ticket splitting signifies a good political culture, where people are willing to open themselves up to different perspectives, hear them out but vote based on that. But when I see ticket splitting fall downwards it signifies to me that political culture is so staunchly partisan.

A good case and point would be the 2018 midterms. In the Senate, it didn't matter what character, what personality or what accomplishments you had done, if you were a Republican in a blue state or a Democrat in a red state you were almost immediately cast out by wide landslide margins. I see that as a product of polarization since due to the fact there was so much hatred and disdain towards the other side, anyone associated with it was therefore just immediately cast out.