techstepgenr8tion wrote:
you also have the possibility - if we can raise standard of living enough in the developing world enough - that we may even be able to get the whole world environmentally-concerned and capable of monitoring waste and consumption at just about every economic level per country or at least, possibly sooner, have an effective/significant economic strata in every country capable of and interested in monitoring such things.
I think the situation is an order of complexity better than you suggest.
The simple fact is that the "old way" of generating power isn't going to work for most of the poorest people. Building transmission lines is expensive and often impractical. Much easier to forgo the coal plant and just stick a solar panel on every roof and a battery in every home - particularly as the global poor *tend* to live in sunny regions (exceptions being some parts of the old USSR, North Korea, some remote parts of Canada, and some islands - but these tend to b well served by wind power).
People aren't going to live environmentally conscious lives just because they care about the environment. They're going to do it because it makes economic sense.