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Mountain Goat

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16 Jul 2019, 5:48 pm

Have you ever been prayed for and received healing?


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16 Jul 2019, 9:02 pm

I have prayed and been assisted by God.

In fact my username is the last name of my patron saint, St. Charles Borromeo, who lived in Italy and helped to implement the reforms of the Council of Trent.

However, though I seem "deeply religious" to most people, I do not feel it. To me belief is something known, and doctrines are something we are handed down--and then try to disprove and prove. For example, the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas was mostly well-thought objections to Catholic teachings and then philosophical disproving of same.

So no, I don't participate in Charismatic prayer. Anything I've been healed of has been spiritual. And that, I believe, is the strongest benefit (though if God wants to do something with that shoulder I threw out then I don't mind if He does!)

I like the old Tridentine (Latin) Mass, meditation, and repetitive prayer such as the Rosary or chaplet of Divine Mercy. Laying on of hands is as cringe-inducing as many of the people I have seen who trust blindly in it. (Apologies to the charismatics reading this. No offense intended against you or your devotional practices.)

This might be an interesting thread. Then again I might have just killed off another one.

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17 Jul 2019, 9:49 am

This is a thread, I believe, exclusively about "faith healing."

Mountain Goat

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17 Jul 2019, 10:03 am

Not sure I fully know where the term came from... But from the Christian perspective, I know God heals. :) I can't say I understand what God does. That's His speciality. :)


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17 Jul 2019, 1:33 pm

I believe so, but I'm sure others would disagree. Cancer: 2007 ( I did receive chemo, but many do and are not cured ), addiction: been to many fancy treatment centers, nothing worked. Then one day, after honest prayer, it just left.

I've never prayed to be cured from ADHD or ASD. I never really felt it was a disease.

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17 Jul 2019, 1:39 pm

Not in the Christain sense. But after my gallbladder surgery I was told I had fatty liver disease and would die from it by the time I was 50 if I didn't start making a serious effort to lose weight.

I turned to spellwork through wicca to aid me and I dropped from 250 pounds to 185 pounds in a little over a year. I have lost so much weight with little effort and my doctor told me I was doing great and no longer had to worry about my liver.

My own non-Christian faith helped me. :D

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17 Jul 2019, 1:42 pm

YES! Immediate healing. Have you?

I also believe some healing takes a short time, and some a long time. It's in the Greek of the bible.

Jesus is the Great Physician, and the only one who heals. God often times uses people to help heal others.

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17 Jul 2019, 1:45 pm

Nope. I don't think things work like that. Why would one person get healed and another not? Who is more worthy and who is not?

Why do children die of cancer if you can just pray to God to heal them?

I don't believe. I think it's confirmation bias.