TheRevengeofTW1ZTY wrote:
I think they're all the same. That's my honest opinion of them.
Generalization, I think.
You haven't defined your terms; what is a "Trump supporter?" A voter? An ardent, vocal fan? Melania? The chair Trump sits in? Someone who holds up Trump? (Could this be a mugger fixing to strike it rich?)
When you refer to a group as a homogenous They, Twizzer me lad, you commit the logical fallacy of generalization. Might I direct you to the ten stages of genocide? You have blown past Number Four, Generalization, a long time ago, and are fast on the way to Six, which is Dehumanization.
"Practically a cult." True, in some cases. I believe there is a group of keyboard warriors out there who get that way. I also think there are some like that on the left, as evidenced daily in the archives of Wrong Planet. I voted for Trump and will probably do so again if I must, but he is the biggest disappointment in politics for me. I regard him as highly as I did Obama, which is something about three notches above a dropped banana peel on a sidewalk: rotten, breeding of maggots, dangerous to step in, but not quite a steaming pile of crap. (Those are in the streets of San Francisco, thanks to mismanagement and a divide of rich and poor. Many liberal-controlled cities are like that.)
Regarding cults, I don't know if I'd say liberals are not cultish sometimes. Many of them are very nice people but I don't trust them all the time either.
I live in the Deep South. It's nice here. I don't even know what the mayor's skin color is. All I know is, my workplace is diverse and busy and beautiful and we keep going along in a prosperous direction. We're a coffee shop. The single black mother? She's got a job here; she's a very salty tough-talking waitress. The gangsta rapper? He's our chef. The autistic guy? He's Customer Service. (Not lying. That'd be me!) The lady who likes anime, cats, and cosplay, says she's bi, and shows up with blue hair? Manager's assistant. The fat white chicks, love their God, guns, and Bible? They're waitresses. They help the black girls that are trying to get out of town and on to opportunity.
Trump talks about making America great again, but it takes a conservative working man to actually do it. Which Trump is not. He's not conservative and he doesn't work.
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