kraftiekortie wrote:
The “Chosen One” thing was a misguided attempt at a joke.
The Greenland thing makes him look like a total horse’s ass.
I believe the "Chosen One" relates to a recent release on Netflix of a series called "The Family".
"The Family" is a series about a secret organisation that apparently exists which influences various leaders of the world to do "Gods work" as they see it, and in a similar vein to how the Brits used to think that the King or Queen is put in place by God and represents God (at the head of the Church of England, in the same way that the Pope is the head of the Catholic Church), that Mr Trump was put in place as the president of USA by God, also, to do Gods work and to represent God in his position.
I am not entirely sure if the series is authentic, although apparently some of the people involved appear to have history.
As for the Greenland thing, that is something that i would perhaps be extremely cautious about if analysing from a military strategists perspective, as although the US use this area for military bases, i believe that Greenland, if owned by the US would then give them free reign of what they put there.
Perhaps a particularly good place to build a stronghold, which could be used to launch nuclear weapons.
Something that their neighbours in Russia, and perhaps further a field, Europe, China, Saudi
May be concerned about.
Although that may also be just an inside joke.
When it comes to the complex political game that he is included in, there may be all sorts of things going on that we are oblivious to. Or it could be Mr. Trump just being a bit strange, or like some say, using the joke as subterfuge, to throw people off the scent of something else that has happened.
One thing that i found extremely interesting and worrying is how Mr. Trumps campaign strategist was actually
an obsessive military strategist, who had no experience in war or the armed forces, but had an obsessive interest in war, world war 2 and white nationalism.
I would say that in itself, along with such interest in buying various territories around the globe would be extremely concerning, in our turbulent world.
Think, Greenland, an underpopulated large mass of land that could be used to great strategic advantage.
Think these guys are starting to play command and conquer with the world... Hopefully not unless they plan to eradicate poverty without a mass extermination.