RightGalaxy wrote:
I don't know about other countries but here, in the U.S., it would be to eliminate all the sick and elderly so the government doesn't have to pay them benefits. All I hear on the news is "people are living longer" ; but it is said with disdain.
The problem is that it's not deadly enough to make a real dent, unless maybe if it were let loose entirely unrestricted. But then it would also kill a lot of young people, and doctors and nurses. An economic argument doesn't really make much sense unless it kills *a lot* more old people.
But it's also wrecking economies all over the world right now - so the idea that somehow killing off the small number of octogenarians would somehow justify a global recession is bs.
Then there's the "it profits the vaccine-producing companies". Well, yrah, if there was one. But right now there isn't a company in the world producing this.
And from there it goes into the surreal territory: it's Bill gates who wants to implant microchips into people via the vaccination shots (of course, there are no microchips that small, and if there were, they couldn't really do much because they're tiny. Also, how would you power such a microchip? Nanoscale batteries? Not a thing yet.)
And it gets wilder still: the microchips will be mind control chips, so Bill gates can control the world's population. Because he's the antichrist, and once the whole population follows the antichrist, the devil himself will appear.
So... Yeah, ... I guess if you're a religious conspiracy theorist, then you can come up with a reason to design a virus like that. The reason won't make much sense to sensible people, but who cares
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.