Such a "Sense of Self" framing of who and what you are... Probably not as complex as it may seem? Some people are not as self-aware as others, and may struggle with their "Sense of Self". I view "my work", meaning all that I do, all that I create, all that is in my life because of what I have done with my life, "me". Simply put .... "I am my work. My work is me." At least, that has long been my personal view for the past 15 years, ever since I realised a few things about myself.
I don't like hearing my name, so I shorten it, funnily enough. My name doesn't feel like "Me" for some reason, as no-one calls me by by real name. Would make me feel awkward. You have a very nice, though unusual name, and I wonder how you feel when people call you by your real name? Does it make you feel at ease, comfortable? Do you prefer a nickname eg MG etc?