Why the NRA have such bad press in America?

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31 Oct 2019, 11:50 am

I am not American, but Polish, but once a speaker from this organization had a speech in my country Poland, in my country we have one of the most restrictive laws when it comes to access to firearms.

This guy said that if there is a local shooting in America, it is publicized even here in Europe, but if there is a terrorist incident in America or Europe whose perpetrator was someone of different skin colour than white, such things sweep under the carpet.

Here in Poland, it is different than in the US or Switzerland, where the right to weapons is constitutionally guaranteed, in our country you need to obtain a permit for a weapon.

Although this guy a little exaggerated talked not to look at stupid officials and buy weapons, even bypassing procedures, not get dominated by stupid bureaucrats, the host of this event stopped him and said that he advises against anything that is contrary to our Polish law

It was a meeting of one of the small libertarian parties, but not the fascist ones :-)

But generally, everyone agreed with this guy from America, because why, against all logic, does a criminal usually have more rights than a victim?

https://answers.yahoo.com/question/inde ... 943AAGPBgp


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01 Nov 2019, 3:19 pm

People who are civilians need to get permits to own firearms in the US, too.

Some states are more restrictive; others are less restrictive.

Texas is less restrictive

New York State is more restrictive. Maybe as restrictive as some European countries.


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01 Nov 2019, 3:56 pm

pawelk1986 wrote:
I am not American, but Polish, but once a speaker from this organization had a speech in my country Poland, in my country we have one of the most restrictive laws when it comes to access to firearms.

This guy said that if there is a local shooting in America, it is publicized even here in Europe, but if there is a terrorist incident in America or Europe whose perpetrator was someone of different skin colour than white, such things sweep under the carpet.

If that's what this American NRA guy said to you all then he is a liar.

The San Bernadino shooters were brown Muslims and they stole the headlines, ditto for the guy who shot up the night club in Florida, ditto for the Charlie Hebdo shooting in France, and for other overseas terrorist attacks. Far from being swept under the rug shootings by brown and or Muslim folks, get plenty of press and plenty of outrage here in the US.

But latest wave in the last year or so have all been by White folks without Muslim background (like the Las Vegas thing, and that Florida School shooting).


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01 Nov 2019, 5:42 pm

The NRA have enjoyed decades of nothing but the best press in America. It's only recently that the constant effusive praise has dimmed slightly. Have they ever had a single year where they've had more bad than good press?