When one group angers you more than any other

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11 Jan 2020, 3:28 pm

I'm not sure if I should be posting this here or in the Haven subforum. But I figured I'd approach this more in the terms of interactions between peoples of different beliefs so, please hear my personal question here.

Last Advent, I was able to go through a great period of spiritual growth in which I was able to overcome much of the anger issues and other sins. Then the day before yesterday I watched a quick video on YouTube by a Canadian conservative media organization. I made a quick comment on the video and moved on. Then yesterday morning, when I woke up, I got an email on my iPhone and found someone made an odd reply (he was replying to someone else, whose reply I didn't see) to my comment. I went back to the video and found that, not only has my comment received two, anti-Catholic Protestant replies, but that the video's comment section itself had several anti-Catholic comments on it by Protestants. I suddenly found myself getting really angry, so angry in fact, that I had to spend the rest of the day praying and meditating, pleading for God and Our Lady to give me the virtues of meekness and mercy.

As mentioned above, I had struggled a lot with anger, and particularly anger towards liberals and leftists; and also a lot of irritation towards secular and non-Catholic right-wingers, though I had dealt with that prior to Advent by cutting down on the amount of Secular right-wing media I watch. As extreme as it may sound to you, I overcame my anger by seeking and praying to have a martyr-like zeal. I do not seek martyrdom, the Church does not teach us to, and I do not desire persecution, but if I were in a hostile situation, I hope and pray that, my behaviour would make it so clear to my enemies that what I say and do is rooted purely out of love of God and love of neighbour for God's sake, that they would either convert, run away calling me a "fanatic," or call me a "fanatic" and go Antifa on me. Again, I'm not saying I desire this, I want to die surrounded by my family and my brother and sister Catholics, who are praying I die in a state of grace as I receive the last rites. But getting back to this recent episode with Protestants, I realize that having that kind of meekness and zeal, will be harder with some groups then with others. I have my own personal speculations as to why it's Protestants I have difficulty with, but since again, this subforum has to do with religion and politics, I won't get into that.

I want to ask, on a broad scale, how do you deal with interacting with people whose beliefs you find yourself getting really angry with?

Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."

WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.


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11 Jan 2020, 4:06 pm

It's like playing chess with a pigeon.

No matter how good you are the pigeon will knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it won.

This Forum is more than anti-Catholic; many members are subjectivists, incompatible with the principle of noncontradiction. So you aren't likely to get a response in tune with reality, whether you agree with it or not.

Catholics are not right-winger or left-winger. I'd suggest reading old encyclicals (might I assume you enjoy pre-Vatican II materials?) and the Lives of the Saints, not to mention the New Testament. You are what you eat.
That said, I probably should cancel my account with Wrong Planet.

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11 Jan 2020, 4:50 pm

Borromeo wrote:
It's like playing chess with a pigeon.

No matter how good you are the pigeon will knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around like it won.

This Forum is more than anti-Catholic; many members are subjectivists, incompatible with the principle of noncontradiction. So you aren't likely to get a response in tune with reality, whether you agree with it or not.

Catholics are not right-winger or left-winger. I'd suggest reading old encyclicals (might I assume you enjoy pre-Vatican II materials?) and the Lives of the Saints, not to mention the New Testament. You are what you eat.
That said, I probably should cancel my account with Wrong Planet.

I see.

Yes, I am well aware of the fact that the Catholic Faith is neither right-wing nor left-wing, that’s one of the reasons why I get so irritated at certain right-wing media outlets at time, as well some fellow-Catholics who shallowly condemn Distributism as “Socialism.” (Not that I am necessarily a Distributist mind you, I hover somewhere between a Distributist and a Local Capitalist, but seeing other Catholics condemn Distributism while completely ignoring or misrepresenting Distributist arguments makes me very sympathetic towards that idea.)

I kind of already regretted posting this on here, I don’t regret it completely but I think I exposed myself too much with this post. I only come on here for Asperger-related stuff, or certain secular, practical stuff. I have considered engaging in dialogues, debates and challenging questions on this specific sub forum, but you have already highlighted the biggest obstacle to that ever happening.

Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."

WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.


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11 Jan 2020, 5:48 pm

You actually sound like one of the more interesting people who might have reason to post here, and (in the PPR side at least) one of the least toxic.

It appears you have everything pretty much together, and since both of us are Catholic, and therefore hardheaded, you would probably have better luck getting onto a Catholic subreddit like r/traditionalcatholicism or r/prolife (where even there you will find some loonies) or perhaps spending quality time in your home parish.

Debates and arguments with people who don't have a background in Chesterton, Shaw, Belloc, Kipling, Lewis, and other people capable of a healthy magnanimous disagreement are not easy. Classical philosophy is also foreign to this board. Remember that in all the good philosophers truth is supposed. Now the superior intellects of Wrong Planet have decided that eating feces may solve autism, that the decade doesn't begin until 2020, that all autistic people have got the backbone of a chocolate eclair.

What have we come to? St. Thorlak Thorhallson was said to be autistic. St. Margaret Mary Alacoque had sensory problems and St. Philip Neri and many others (Not to mention St. Thomas Aquinas) were all likely on the Spectrum. Thomas Edison, inventor and businessman was on it. Same with Mozart. Beethoven. Leonardo da Vinci & Michelangelo. Now we got the present spectacle seen on this board.

What's wrong, autistic people? No wonder "ret*d" is so offensive. Maybe it hits a little too close to home. Maybe I'm a little too harsh--I'm just sad seeing this much sadness in people who likely will never find a way out. This is just another place where it's hard to find somebody to have a decent conversation with. Even if I'm autistic, I at least crave sanity and know there's precious little of it here.

Good luck, Greatshield17--you have a cool username and more confidence than I do, so enjoy yourself.

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11 Jan 2020, 6:05 pm

Greatshield17 wrote:
... I want to ask, on a broad scale, how do you deal with interacting with people whose beliefs you find yourself getting really angry with?
I try to remember this one important lesson I learned at Seminary from a wise old Brother: Just because you are angry and/or offended, it does not necessarily mean that you are right and they are wrong.  It could just mean that it is time to re-assess your core beliefs, and possibly change them.


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11 Jan 2020, 8:21 pm

I'm Catholic. I cannot add anything other than, "I understand." I am in DBT therapy and other stuff for outbursts and I am at loggerheads with several people who post a constant stream of leftist notions all day long, on the toilet, in their sleep, while eating. I don't know how any of them are employed ( maybe they aren't), I'm not currently employed but still can't find the kind of time it takes to feed that kind of obsession.

I'm trying to learn how to behave better, but I'm not doing myself any favors by hanging out in the News and Current Events forum, or here in this one.

Disagreeing with you doesn't mean I hate you, it just means we disagree.

Neurocognitive exam in May 2019, diagnosed with ASD, Asperger's type in June 2019.


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12 Jan 2020, 12:45 am

It's worth Noting that in 'Real Life', "Politics And Religion", is generally off limits in even discussing as "Normal Social
Etiquette"; People are more likely to Cooperate Face to Face than they are if 'Avatars' online and dueling text in a
Competition to establish a Subjective Higher State of Being on the 'Dominance Hierarchy'; but of course basically
it's all in their imagination as they haven't defeated anyone really just words on a screen; but additionally true
Imagination inspires and enhances positive Neurochemicals and Neurohormones so of course that is why
Folks engage in arguments online seeking some greater feel and sense being within. Meh; there are way
too many ways to satiate in Autotelic Ways in Flow Generating our own Feel and Sense Good Neurochemicals
and Neurohormones than to engage in some kind of online Competition to 'be a man' or whatever it is someone
is looking for they cannot find in flesh and blood life.

i for one; consider the fact that the online Experience of Humanity is always incomplete; and the same folks
that might be trying to start an argument or even just trying to play with the Heart Strings of others in the
Sense and Feel of Manipulating Pawns in a Chess Game have who knows what issues they are dealing with
in Real Life; they may be one paycheck away from Losing their Room in a Trailer or yes who knows what;
you just don't know who is hanging on the other 'end of the line'.

Conservative People Generally Speaking are less Open-Minded and tolerant of Change And Differences among other Folks.

Liberal People Generally Speaking are more Open-Minded and tolerant of Change and Differences among other Folks.

These Propensities are built in Genetically and Environmentally Affected as Well from the first Spoon-Fed Rule of
Life since they are little Children.

That's not something any of us is gonna change in an online discussion; not the Wiring of another Person from Birth;

The Main Difference is how we as individuals react to the behavior of other folks; also Locus of Control of regulating
our Emotions and Integrating our Senses in Mastering our Emotions First as the Body Keeps score and Emotions
Generally Speaking are what drives most all of our So-Called Rational Think.

If one has control of one's Emotions; one surely has much better control of their Words; i surely don't let text on a
Screen bring a 'bad day'; that would be rather silly when staying in Heaven is the other Option within for those
who in autotelic Ways of flow Generate their own Heaven Within.

As far as Church stuff goes, i find a the lack of Faith of seeking and finding Heaven within disturbing as most
folks seem so lost from it; but of course i understand and surely don't let it upset me; as far as 'Jesus' goes
if he were to come in glory now judging the living and the dead; it wouldn't be a good Look for those who
Never did take action on his Beatitudes more than Likely he would Just say; i left the instructions why didn't you act?

People stuck in the 'Dominance Hierarchy' mode of Go Team Go My Team is Better than Yours my Top Quarterback
is gonna Destroy Your Team would expect 'Jesus' to play that game; but on the other hand he would look way
too 'Muslim' if he came back as he comes for anyone to even give him 'the time of day'; It's a bit ironic that
People worship the words brought by Innumerable Ghost Authors and Scribes but that's another topic
for a Biblical History Class and surely not worth getting all 'worked up about' unless someone
has elevated the words of others into idols to worship; story is still King and Queen'; Particularly
for those who have not risen in Human Potential to Write their own; "John 14:12" doesn't
leave many limits or restrictions on what is possible next; surely more than 'Avatar Life'..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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12 Jan 2020, 2:19 am

Fnord wrote:
I try to remember this one important lesson I learned at Seminary from a wise old Brother: Just because you are angry and/or offended, it does not necessarily mean that you are right and they are wrong.  It could just mean that it is time to re-assess your core beliefs, and possibly change them.[/color]

Well I guess I do see a belief among the interior things that caused me anger. Well actually it’s more of a doubt than a belief I need to change, there is a doubt, an irrational that I will not be able to hold into the Faith in the future. In the past I’ve run into many ex-Catholics and I have known certain people who have either left the Faith or are seriously considering leaving the Faith, and it basically leads to this irrational fear of “what if I’m next?” On top of that, throughout the past few years I have struggled hard with habitual sin and have fallen into it repeatedly in the struggle, this has deeply discouraged me and so added to this irrational fear that something might happen in the future to threaten my Faith and I’ll be too weak to hold on to it.

This is only one factor, I do see other things that contributed to my anger, but it is none the less, it is something I should work on. While I’m not “once saved always saved,” I do have reasons to hope that the possibility of losing the Faith will never become a reality with me. I have plenty of devotions and the like to help me obtain Final Perseverance, from the Rosary and the brown scapular, to the 3 Hail Marys and the 7 Hail Marys, to the First Saturday Devotions to name a few.

There is much reason to hope.

Our Lady of Grace, pray for me now, when I am tempted, and at the hour of my death, Amen.

Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."

WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.


Joined: 14 Sep 2012
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12 Jan 2020, 2:28 am

aghogday wrote:
It's worth Noting that in 'Real Life', "Politics And Religion", is generally off limits in even discussing as "Normal Social
Etiquette"; People are more likely to Cooperate Face to Face than they are if 'Avatars' online and dueling text in a
Competition to establish a Subjective Higher State of Being on the 'Dominance Hierarchy'; but of course basically
it's all in their imagination as they haven't defeated anyone really just words on a screen; but additionally true
Imagination inspires and enhances positive Neurochemicals and Neurohormones so of course that is why
Folks engage in arguments online seeking some greater feel and sense being within. Meh; there are way
too many ways to satiate in Autotelic Ways in Flow Generating our own Feel and Sense Good Neurochemicals
and Neurohormones than to engage in some kind of online Competition to 'be a man' or whatever it is someone
is looking for they cannot find in flesh and blood life.

i for one; consider the fact that the online Experience of Humanity is always incomplete; and the same folks
that might be trying to start an argument or even just trying to play with the Heart Strings of others in the
Sense and Feel of Manipulating Pawns in a Chess Game have who knows what issues they are dealing with
in Real Life; they may be one paycheck away from Losing their Room in a Trailer or yes who knows what;
you just don't know who is hanging on the other 'end of the line'.

Conservative People Generally Speaking are less Open-Minded and tolerant of Change And Differences among other Folks.

Liberal People Generally Speaking are more Open-Minded and tolerant of Change and Differences among other Folks.

These Propensities are built in Genetically and Environmentally Affected as Well from the first Spoon-Fed Rule of
Life since they are little Children.

That's not something any of us is gonna change in an online discussion; not the Wiring of another Person from Birth;

The Main Difference is how we as individuals react to the behavior of other folks; also Locus of Control of regulating
our Emotions and Integrating our Senses in Mastering our Emotions First as the Body Keeps score and Emotions
Generally Speaking are what drives most all of our So-Called Rational Think.

If one has control of one's Emotions; one surely has much better control of their Words; i surely don't let text on a
Screen bring a 'bad day'; that would be rather silly when staying in Heaven is the other Option within for those
who in autotelic Ways of flow Generate their own Heaven Within.

As far as Church stuff goes, i find a the lack of Faith of seeking and finding Heaven within disturbing as most
folks seem so lost from it; but of course i understand and surely don't let it upset me; as far as 'Jesus' goes
if he were to come in glory now judging the living and the dead; it wouldn't be a good Look for those who
Never did take action on his Beatitudes more than Likely he would Just say; i left the instructions why didn't you act?

People stuck in the 'Dominance Hierarchy' mode of Go Team Go My Team is Better than Yours my Top Quarterback
is gonna Destroy Your Team would expect 'Jesus' to play that game; but on the other hand he would look way
too 'Muslim' if he came back as he comes for anyone to even give him 'the time of day'; It's a bit ironic that
People worship the words brought by Innumerable Ghost Authors and Scribes but that's another topic
for a Biblical History Class and surely not worth getting all 'worked up about' unless someone
has elevated the words of others into idols to worship; story is still King and Queen'; Particularly
for those who have not risen in Human Potential to Write their own; "John 14:12" doesn't
leave many limits or restrictions on what is possible next; surely more than 'Avatar Life'..:)

It is true, the internet is not the best place to have these kinds of confrontations. I remember speaking with a friend of mine who has a Twitter account, and I told him I would get one, one day. Well since then I repeatedly came across reminders and revelations of the nature of Twitter and how bad it would be for me. So, while I hate not keeping my word, I can’t keep my word to my friend of starting up my own Twitter account, Twitter is NOT a good place for me to be.

Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."

WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.