in dreams and visions i have visited the outer regions of heaven several times in my life. i have heard "the music of the spheres," usually when i'm tired. it is an endlessly recursive [but with infinite slight differences] cosmic choral hum/roar. when i was a silly teen, in the dentist's chair, when he left to see the patient next door, i reached around and turned up the nitrous to a higher level, and within a few seconds of that i floated up out of my body to a very white [but not blindingly so] place far away from that dental office. i could vaguely hear behind me, as it were, but just floated in light until suddenly i heard a muffled "ow" and was jerked back into my body with a shuddering "WHAM!" turns out in my unconscious bliss i had bit down on the dentist's hand in my mouth, my arching shudder in the chair made him think he hurt me. little did he know... when i was on the operating room table i left and went to an orange place where i soared in the skies or whatever they were, orange skies, over a desert landscape with crystal cities in the distance. there were other people there soaring up with me, like we were all kites in the sky. in other dreams i was in a city in heaven, a lower rung of heaven, it resembled a bunch of bureaus and offices, all with hanging potted plants and spotless clean, with immaculately dressed heavenly bureaucrats in front of computer terminals. what all these scenarios had in common was an utter freedom from earthly worry, that was the most heavenly thing about it all.