The_Walrus wrote:
My voting record is something like this:
Local elections: consistently vote for the winner in my seat, but never the largest party on the council
National elections: consistently vote for the party that comes third in a two-horse race, and never for the largest party in Parliament.
European elections: harder to judge the “winner” but in my first EU election the party I voted for came fifth in our region and only returned one candidate. The parent party came third in the EU. In my second election we won my region, but again came third in the EU.
So I have a habit of being on the losing side
Another loser: the US military, at least in Presidential elections. In the last two elections, none of the four names on the two major tickets had military experience. Before then:
- John McCain lost time Barack Obama
- John Kerry lost to George W Bush
- Al Gore lost to George W Bush
- Bob Dole lost to Bill Clinton
- George HW Bush lost to Bill Clinton
The last time a veteran won a Presidential election was when Bush Snr faced Michael Dukakis, who was also a veteran. Of course, all of the above held some office.
So do you have a better record of picking winners than myself or the US military?
You are quite impressive indeed,you know more about American politics than 97% of Americans do,you must read about world politics constantly.
War and military service can take it's toll on people and PTSD is real even for famous and powerful people,maybe people who never served were more polished and came across as less jaded then veterans did.
In my younger years I was a violent and fervent conservative and republican but the Bush 43 administration left me cold and I didn't feel it was the party of Reagan anymore.Now I am a disinfranchised alienated independent with a strong distrust for liberals but I don't feel represented by the republicans anymore either.
I don't feel anymore that policy is so important anymore,I feel both liberal and conservative policies have let down America and the world in general,now I more go with who I like personally.
I to have been on the loosing end of politics having been a conservative in one of the most liberal states in the US.
You still have not responded to my response to your response on the other post we were chatting on,I don't get the felling you like me very much but whatever
Forever gone
Sorry I ever joined