Fnord wrote:
Because, according to This Snopes Article, the story is ...
On 20 April 2015 the web site Instant Checkmate published a blog post claiming that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had released a ranking that correlated the likelihood of criminal activity to zodiac signs:
... According to the FBI, some astrological signs are more likely to commit crimes than others. So, we counted down through the dark side of the zodiac! Discover all the deadly traits of your astrological sign! Did you know you can find the horoscope (and criminal record) of almost anybody on Instant Checkmate? Give it a spin. You might be horo-fied to see the results! I click the top link and think, "That seems odd, I have to fact check." Go do that, then come back and see you've already posted it.
Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC
Openly autistic Roman Catholic Priest
Through Catholic Lenses (All posts Catholic but not all relate to autism),
My story of diagnosis, etc.Social Media: @AutisticPriest (autism specific) & @FrMatthewLC (gen Catholic)
Autistic PriestI did the ApsieQuiz Twice: Neurodiverse score 131/135, Neurotypical Score 61/64