Devil's advocate here:
The Conservative landslide victory back in December was won by a leader with a reputation for corruption, incompetence and feckless blundering, whose campaign consisted entirely of "Get Brexit Done!" He had recently purged the higher ranks of the party, replacing ministers with experience, an adequate level of competence and ideas of their own with a pack of untested hard-liners from the lunatic fringe of the party. All of this amply covered in the press.
Millions of presumably sane adults decided that the pros of Getting Brexit Done outweighed the cons of being lead by the sort of man who takes £200,000 backhanders from Russian mafia dons and gets British citizens banged up for espionage in Iran with a slip of the tongue. All of this, I repeat, amply covered in the press. Even the pro-Tory press (which is most of it) have been remarkably full and frank in their depiction of Bozza over the years- he makes good stories for them.
So a hefty percentage of the country, including many of my relatives and colleagues plus a few of my friends, are suffering a catastrophe they directly contributed to. Personally, I'm not gloating. 40,000 dead is a steep price for an "I told you so."
You're so vain
I bet you think this sig is about you