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22 Jul 2020, 4:30 pm

... that having friends/boyfriend/husband of a different ethnicity X and Y doesn’t exempt you from the racist label if you are hurling racist thoughts at an ethnicity Z.

I was chatting with an American lady in a dating app; and when she learned that one of my exes was Filipina she joked about it and quickly associated her to prostitution and “being easy” - not only about her in particular but her whole ethnicity; she also quickly assumed she was a house maid (she isn’t), obviously as a way of trolling me.

So I told her that her remarks about Filipinas are very racist.

As an counterargument she said she almost married a Muslim Arab man; so she can’t be called racist.

Is there a name of this?

Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 22 Jul 2020, 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Jul 2020, 4:33 pm

I see it all the time on FB. People posting or forwarding angry self-righteous anti-racist statements to score points with people, despite themselves having friends who are blatantly racist.

As for the name...I dunno, hypocrisy? It really annoys me, actually.

I've left WP.


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22 Jul 2020, 4:40 pm

Many people have an old definition of racism. Racism=hate meaning you dislike that group and want nothing to do with them. You treat them bad, you refuse them service, you ignore them and won't speak to them, you abuse them.

Because they do none of this, they think they can't possibly be racist and they think racism means dislike that racial group.

So in their mind they can't be racist if they have friends who are that race or else why would they even be friends with them if they hate them so much?

Having family members who are black or Hispanic, etc is not a very good argument because we don't pick our family members. But saying you have black friends or whatever is more logical.

People need to work on the new definition of racism. Racism does not mean hate or that you are evil and bad, it just means you are misinformed about race, have a bias view on someone's skin color. Any you can make a racist comment without being a racist. We don't call a 5 year old racist when they ask a innocent question that seems racist because we know there is no ill intention and it's an innocent question. Sadly people always think there are ill intentions when an adult does it or a teen.

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22 Jul 2020, 4:53 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Is there a name of this?


I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.


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22 Jul 2020, 4:58 pm

Selective racism?


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22 Jul 2020, 5:01 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Selective racism?

Was gonna say that.


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22 Jul 2020, 5:03 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Is there a name of this?


I honestly think it's this.

I've left WP.

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22 Jul 2020, 5:58 pm

A big missconception is that racism is done through white people discriminating against black people, but I have seen more racism the other way around in this last month or so then I have seen for a long time and all racial hate be it aired one direction or another is sad.
I feel that here in Britain the number one cause of racism is the TV news and secondary to that is the British anti discrimination laws which are so discriminatory that to call them anti discriminatory laws one has to be having a laugh!

I am certainly against discrimination, but to me, the only way to solve the issues be they gender, race, religion or any other form of discrimination is to let everyone have a level playing field, and not promoting or demoting any minority group or any other group.

Example, a job application form should NOT ask for ones first name (Or ones full name. Why not use a reference number instead?), sex, age, religion or race. I find it wierd that they ask for these saying they are asking for anti discriminative reasons but then they promote any minority person to the front of their interviewing stage... WHICH IS DISCRIMINATION!
We all need to be as if we did not have an age, gender, race or religion, and we should be considered based on our skills, conduct, reliability and past record, and lastly, our qualifications. Other aspects should not come into it at all.

The real aswer to cure all these issues is to reach out in love and acceptance. It is the very opposite of what the recent protests saught to achieve, and this is why the protests have failed in doing anything other then promoting a future divide, as sadly trust has gone out of the window.

It takes years to restore love and respect. It takes minutes to destroy it.

It is not going to be easy, but who is in for the longhaul? Who really has the guts to reach out in love and welcome those who are different from oneselves?

I really do believe that the ONLY way to earn respect is through ones good conduct and deeds. There is no other way. No amount of posessions or wealth will earn respect. It is ones conduct. Ones manners. The way one reaches out to others!


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22 Jul 2020, 7:11 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I was chatting with an American lady in a dating app; and when she learned that one of my exes was Filipina she joked about it and quickly associated her to prostitution and “being easy”

I never heard anyone telling me anything about Filipina's specifically. Yes, I heard of various prejudices regarding Asians at large, but not specifically with regards to Filipina, not that I am aware of.

However, I am using a dating ap ( and most women ignore me on that site -- I contact them first all the time and only very few of them ever reply. At the same time, I get message/friend request from some Filipina ladies almost weekly (or maybe bi-weekly). And in general that site has a lot more Filipina than other kinds of Asians. For example there are way more Filipina than Chinese.

I was wondering why that was the case. I mean that site is free, and internet is worldwise. But could it be that your lady friend is onto something and there "is" something about Filipinas that would explain it? Do you remember anything more specific that she said?


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22 Jul 2020, 11:56 pm

Mountain Goat wrote:
A big missconception is that racism is done through white people discriminating against black people, but I have seen more racism the other way around in this last month or so then I have seen for a long time and all racial hate be it aired one direction or another is sad.

I have found it amazing how many "anti-racism" people actually stoop to using the very thing they claim to be against when it serves their purposes, in order to "discount" the value of another person's opinions due to their (real or assumed) race. Sadly, it shows that the "anti-racism" person is happy to participate in explicit racism when it serves their purposes, and is purely using the claims of "racism" for some other self-serving motive (such as material gain, or appearance of "moral superiority").


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23 Jul 2020, 12:59 am

Filipinas I have encountered are very hard-working and wouldn’t abide a man who treated her like a slut.


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23 Jul 2020, 3:29 am

It's probably about thinking that if you're not against all other races besides your own then you're not a racist but just don't like some particular race. But yeah, that's actually racism. Not liking some particular person because you think they're a jerk isn't racism even if they're of different race, but not liking them because of their skin color is, especially if you decide to dislike a whole group.

Many people who're loud about being against racism throw around terms like "white trash" and make noise about negative white people stereotypes. News for those who don't know: attacking white people for their skin color is as racistic as attacking blacks, Asians etc. Racism isn't a minority thing, it's a race thing.
And it depends on your location which race is in the minority anyway...


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23 Jul 2020, 3:35 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
... that having friends/boyfriend/husband of a different ethnicity X and Y doesn’t exempt you from the racist label if you are hurling racist thoughts at an ethnicity Z.

I was chatting with an American lady in a dating app; and when she learned that one of my exes was Filipina she joked about it and quickly associated her to prostitution and “being easy” - not only about her in particular but her whole ethnicity; she also quickly assumed she was a house maid (she isn’t), obviously as a way of trolling me.

So I told her that her remarks about Filipinas are very racist.

As an counterargument she said she almost married a Muslim Arab man; so she can’t be called racist.

Is there a name of this?

Sexual racism?


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23 Jul 2020, 3:44 am

Fireblossom wrote:
It's probably about thinking that if you're not against all other races besides your own then you're not a racist but just don't like some particular race. But yeah, that's actually racism.

I agree. Antisemitism is a classic example of prejudice against a particular group without prejudice against the whole race.

Fireblossom wrote:
Many people who're loud about being against racism throw around terms like "white trash" and make noise about negative white people stereotypes. News for those who don't know: attacking white people for their skin color is as racistic as attacking blacks, Asians etc. Racism isn't a minority thing, it's a race thing.


Fireblossom wrote:
And it depends on your location which race is in the minority anyway...

Very good point. I spent 5 years in India so I was a minority there. I was subject to a pretty bad racism, including rickshaw drivers routinely charging me 100 ruppees (2 dollars) for the rides that natives pay 10 rupees (20 cents) for. Also, one pastor scammed me out of 8 thousand dollars. Those are pretty blatant examples of anti-white racism. Interestingly enough, my mentor in India accused *me* of racism, despite me being in minority.


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23 Jul 2020, 4:54 am

QFT wrote:
Fireblossom wrote:
It's probably about thinking that if you're not against all other races besides your own then you're not a racist but just don't like some particular race. But yeah, that's actually racism.

I agree. Antisemitism is a classic example of prejudice against a particular group without prejudice against the whole race.

Fireblossom wrote:
Many people who're loud about being against racism throw around terms like "white trash" and make noise about negative white people stereotypes. News for those who don't know: attacking white people for their skin color is as racistic as attacking blacks, Asians etc. Racism isn't a minority thing, it's a race thing.


Fireblossom wrote:
And it depends on your location which race is in the minority anyway...

Very good point. I spent 5 years in India so I was a minority there. I was subject to a pretty bad racism, including rickshaw drivers routinely charging me 100 ruppees (2 dollars) for the rides that natives pay 10 rupees (20 cents) for. Also, one pastor scammed me out of 8 thousand dollars. Those are pretty blatant examples of anti-white racism. Interestingly enough, my mentor in India accused *me* of racism, despite me being in minority.

Not racism. Thats just greed. you're a light skinned foreigner-so they assume you're rich (or at least comparatively rich to them)- and they assume you're not hip to the local street wisdom- so the locals try to get more money out of you than they would from their impoverished fellow locals. And, frankly, you are also autistic. So you're probably even more vulnerable than a foreign NT would be.


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23 Jul 2020, 6:32 am

naturalplastic wrote:
QFT wrote:
Fireblossom wrote:
It's probably about thinking that if you're not against all other races besides your own then you're not a racist but just don't like some particular race. But yeah, that's actually racism.

I agree. Antisemitism is a classic example of prejudice against a particular group without prejudice against the whole race.

Fireblossom wrote:
Many people who're loud about being against racism throw around terms like "white trash" and make noise about negative white people stereotypes. News for those who don't know: attacking white people for their skin color is as racistic as attacking blacks, Asians etc. Racism isn't a minority thing, it's a race thing.


Fireblossom wrote:
And it depends on your location which race is in the minority anyway...

Very good point. I spent 5 years in India so I was a minority there. I was subject to a pretty bad racism, including rickshaw drivers routinely charging me 100 ruppees (2 dollars) for the rides that natives pay 10 rupees (20 cents) for. Also, one pastor scammed me out of 8 thousand dollars. Those are pretty blatant examples of anti-white racism. Interestingly enough, my mentor in India accused *me* of racism, despite me being in minority.

Not racism. Thats just greed. you're a light skinned foreigner-so they assume you're rich (or at least comparatively rich to them)- and they assume you're not hip to the local street wisdom- so the locals try to get more money out of you than they would from their impoverished fellow locals. And, frankly, you are also autistic. So you're probably even more vulnerable than a foreign NT would be.

This happened to me in Turkey once; the driver told me they take double charge after midnight. I found out later there's no such thing.