July 13th, The Third Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima
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July 13th 1917, the Cova da Iria, Fatima, Portugal.
The three little shepherd children, Lucia dos Santos, (March 22, 1907 - February 13, 2005) St. Francisco Marto, (June 11, 1908 - April 4, 1919) and St. Jacinta Marto, (March 11, 1910 - February 20, 1920) approached the holmoak tree in the Cova da Iria, on which Our Lady appeared. Our Lady had appeared to the children twice before, on the 13th of May and June, this would be Her third time appearing to them. A recurring theme in both of the apparitions was a call to say the Rosary daily and offer up sufferings in sacrifice for the conversion of poor sinners, in reparation for the sins of the world, and for an end to World War I.
As the children knelt down before the holmoak, Our Lady appeared as She did the two previous times. Our Lady's appearance in the Fatima of apparitions was of a Woman clothed in all-white garments, that shone like sparkling water reflecting the diamond-white rays of the sun. In the year prior to the apparitions, the three shepherd children were met by an angel. During that apparition, Lucia reported a great weariness and draining in her body; during the Marian Apparitions, Lucia reported feeling a joyful liveliness in her body instead, this is because she was in the presence of a fellow-human being who was beatified in body and soul, where as the angel lacked a body.
Lucia asked Our Lady to reveal who She was and perform a miracle so that everyone in the village would believe them. Our Lady answered that She would perform the miracle in October and that they must keep coming to the holmoak on the 13th of each month. Our Lady then emphasized that the children sacrifice themselves for the conversion of poor sinners, and then proceeded to open Her folded hands. During the first apparition back in May, when Our Lady opened Her folded hands, a great and intense Light emitted from Her hands and went into the children's chests, deep into the innermost parts of their souls which, in the words of Lucie herself, "[made] us see ourselves in God, Who was that light, more clearly than we can see ourselves in the best of mirrors."
In June, during the second apparition of Our Lady, when She opened Her hands, the same intense Light shone forth from Her hands again, but the experience that Lucia reported this time was quite different, "We could see ourselves in it, as if immersed in God. Jacinta and Francisco seemed to be in the part of this light that went up toward heaven, and I in the part that was cast toward the ground. In front of Our Lady's right hand there was a heart encircled by thorns that seemed to pierce it. We understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary, insulted by the sins of humanity and which desires reparation."
Thus we get to third time, July 13th. This time, the light that reflected from Her hands shone, not towards the children, but towards the ground at their feet, what happened next was a terrible vision which Lucia herself describes as thus:
"Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent. This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror."
Our Lady then explained the vision and made the following prophecies:
"You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father. To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world. In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc. ..."
This vision and these prophecies, are known as the three Secrets of Fatima, they're called Secrets because Our Lady forbade the children to disclose them anyone until a clerical authority issued a commanded for them to; indeed, in August, government officials kidnapped the children in an effort to pry the Secret from them. The Second Secret, foretells Our Lady's call to the Pope to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, and Her instituting of the First Saturday Devotion, (a devotion that contains a promise of the grace of Final Perseverance) as well as a warning that if the Pope does not consecrate Russia, and there aren't enough First Saturday Devotions being done, God will allow World War II to happen, along with the Cold War, and the spreading of Marxist ideologies throughout the globe; all as a punishment for the sins of the world. The Third Secret is highly controversial, it allegedly begins with, "In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved, etc. ..." The Vatican did release a Vision recorded by Lucia, but it is contested among mostly laity within the Church, whether this is the whole secret or only part of the Third Secret.
However, in this thread, we are addressing the First Secret of Fatima, the vision of Hell. Hell is a teaching that many people both within and without the Church do not like; it is a teaching that many ignore, downplay or outright deny. In the First Secret of Fatima Our Lady points us towards eternity and emphasizes the fate of a sinner, She emphasizes what many do not want emphasized. Thus I will now address this topic that Our Lady preached at Fatima.
There are a fair amount of philosophical explanations behind this, but it all comes down to one thing and that is this; without Hell there can be no Heaven, how is that? Heaven is where people go who love God who is Goodness Himself. So what becomes of those who, by their own free will, do not love God? Those who don't love God can't go to Heaven because all that's in Heaven is God, and a loving relationship with Him. Hell is the place that people go that is away from God, and it's Hell because it is away from God who is Goodness Himself. I think the person who put it best is the late Mother Angelica, and I highly encourage everyone reading this to watch this, slightly over 12 minute video in which she explains what I am trying to explain here:
Remember the choice is ours, Our Lady was given the choice of whether or not to be the Woman God called Her to be, and She said "yes." We also have a choice of whether we want to be the people God calls us to be, we must decide and Our Lady is offering us the best way to make the right decision:
Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."
WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.
SMiLes, 'Mother Angelica' Surely Had Her Eyes
Set on Heaven, When She Named it Love; Other
Names Like Jesus and God Work For The Same
Essence As
Long as it is
Give and Share
Free With Doing the
Least Harm to All Others;
Yes, With Love For All of Nature,
Otherwise Feeling And Sensing
This Essence As Love For All The
Experience of Love Worthy of Any
Name and No Name at All When Real
As It's True The Essence of Love Breathes
Within As Above As Expansive As Blue Skies and Black
Space So Below Deeper Than Deepest Hues of Ocean Wisdom
And All Around
Further Than
Will Ever See
WithOut Eyes
And Spirit Souls
With Surely Eternally
More of this God Love
For The Potential Now To
Feel and Sense And Overall See More...
It's Very Simple; Those Who Do Not Seek and
Find this Love in Life Never Find it in Life As Death
As Yes THere is the Other Place Within, Above, So Below
And All Around With No Blue Colors of Sky SMiLes And Ocean to
See Deeper; Only A BLacK Abyss of Space Yet to See More Colors of Love;
Oh By The Way
Considering Again
That NeuroScience Shows
We Basically Hallucinate Our
Realities Now Based on How
We Co-Create Our Realities Based
on Hallucinating Them Before; True Insanity
Is Not Believing And Bringing iMaGiNaTioN of Creativity
to Fruition As 'Harry Potter' Is as Real As the Fruits of Our
Belief That Do Come To Fruition That Prove This Belief/Faith/Hope as Magic iN LoVE Works.
It's No Make Believe That i didn't Speak Until 4, and i was considered the Weakest
Fish in the Middle School Aquarium; Described as an Ugly Boy That Looked like a Girl;
And Told in No Uncertain Terms That i Did not Deserve to Exist on this Planet Earth.
It is No Make Believe That After Spending Life as a Shut-in in my Bedroom for 66 Months Wake to Sleep
With 19 Medical Disorders With No Prognosis For Recovery, Including The Worst Pain Known to Humankind,
Type Two Trigeminal Neuralgia, Assessed Yes, as Worse than the Literal Torture Of Crucifixion Named the
Suicide Disease, Suffering Every Second Without the Memory of if i had ever smiled Before With All My Soul Gone in Real
Hell Within But
You See IT IS
'NO Make Believe'
THaT Is The Biggest Lie oF iGnorance
oF All For if i did not BelieVE iN MaGiC
ALong the Way Like my Mother Did too;
Who Said if You Believe Everything Will
Work Out; The Dark Will EvenTuAlly Pass Into Light;
i could have Believed Just the Medical Diagnoses and
The Couch Potato Averages for Modern Humans; i could
Have Ended up as Nothing Of Love; All Fear of Dark And Cynical oF Light
As Magic Is As Real in LiFE; LoVE; FAiTH; HoPE as We Believe; Yes, FeeL; Sense;
iNTuiT; iMaGiNE And BRinG into Fruition of LoVinG iT aLL iN CReaTiViTY SPRinGS...
But You See, i Am A Scientist too; i Study Ignorance; i Study Love; i Study Fear And Hate; And Not
Only Do i Study
MaGiC Beyond
What ReaSon of
Science Suggests is
Possible; i Bring it to Fruition
in Real Empirical Results that
Are Beyond Refutation too;
Yes, i Do Leg Press 1340 Pounds,
100 Seconds, in A Very Slow Duration
of 12 Repetitions Approaching 60 Years
Old at 90 Degrees to Keep my Knees And Back Safer;
That Much is Provided in Empirical Evidence on YouTube;
However, My Max is 1520 Pounds at 8 Reps And More than
The Military Machine Will Even Hold With None of those Military
Dudes, 4 Decades My Junior, Elite As They Are in Physical Shape Budging
What i could do, Even an Inch; But Remember, i was Assessed By Medical Science
of Having No Chance For Recovery; i was assessed By the Students in Middle School
As Having no Place to Even Exist as viewed so weak and strange from them; But True,
without Speaking Until Four; Still Having A Hard time finding Words in my 40's some days,
i managed to Earn 3 Degrees, High in the Classes in Grades; And Complete a 25 Year Career With the
Federal Government, Retiring at the Higher Part of the Pay Scale, doing the Job that NO ONE WOULD COULD
HAVE IMAGINED (including me) I COULD EVER DO IN MIDDLE SCHOOL; And Well After; yes, Athletic Director
of a Navy Station;
Before i Fell to
A Life Threatening
Work Stress Related
Synergy of 19 Illnesses;
And then in 66 Months
As Still Documented, recovered
as Miraculously Assessed as i Believed
i could do that too; It's still Documented
Before it happened in my Blog and indeed
in Happened on 7.19.13, Almost 7 Years ago;
But You See; that was before my 'REAL LIFE' EVEN STARTED;
In the Last Seven Years, Writing the Longest Epic Long Form Poem (8.2 MiLLioN Words)
Ever iN What i Name a Personal Bible As 'SonG oF mY SouL' As i Truly Document
An EPiC HeAVeN Adventure Fully illustrated with Over 100,000 Photos, i took and
Over 10,000 YouTube Videos of Song to Listen And See What Heaven 'Looks'
Like on this Earth Within, Above, So Below and All Around; It's True Heaven
Is Loving SMiLES, Now; Within, Above, So Below, And All Around; and Although
Covid-19, Requires a Mask for A Smile Now; i am still Dancing in Public in a Free
Style of Ballet And Martial Arts, 13,393 Miles, in 82 Months; Same Distance of
Months that i Wrote And Documented All the Steps of Dance With Words of Song.
Second Part In the Next Comment..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Last edited by aghogday on 14 Jul 2020, 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
Continued From Last Comment..
Or 'THeRE' Who Require Empirical Evidence of 'It' Or IT Doesn't Exist; as far as the GIF Below i have
297 Other Events of Smiling Dancing Ecstatic Joyful Faces just Like that and Over 2000 Photos of
Beautiful Smiles of Heaven As it Exists on Earth Just Like this too; With Of Course More to Come AGAiN...
But For All the 'Horatios' and 'Ripley Never Believe it or Nots' in Life; Everywhere My 6-Inch Screen
And Online Goes the Proof that Heaven Exists Now Within, Above, So Below, And All Around
And Even on Screens is Real and No Myth, At Least in My Life as Not Only Did i recover
From the Suicide Disease; And 18 Other Medical Disorders of Pain and Numb
To Go to Heaven That Day on 7.19.2013, as i Became One With Emerald Green
Waves of Gulf; Sugar White Sand; Swaying Sea Oats And Sea Gull Wings Spiraling
Around the Sun At 'Navarre Beach' that is still Documented on
This Web Site, Along With my Belief And Assertion then that
Blue Skies Were No Limit then as i became much
More; Not Only A Smile
to See but
A Smile
of Love to Give So FREE;
Never MaKinG A Penny;
And True i wasn't LooKinG
To Become a Folk Legend or A Hero
Then Still Living And Breathing But Yes;
Verily, i do have A Viral Video With close to
1300 Metro Area Comments Documented in my
Personal Bible too that Garnered over 88,000 Views that Do
Relate that Assessment From those who See Free LoVE iN me...
Heaven is As Close And Far Away As A smile of Genuine Joy Just Loving Free for ALL;
As Naked Birds With Wings; Yes, Angel Dreams on Wings of Love my Smile With them...
All Ya Need is about 3 People
To Keep Believing in Ya; Then, At
Least, in my Case; My Mother Helen,
My Sister Marie, And Wife Katrina, When
i Lived in Hell for 66 Months; about the Same
Number of Real Friends, Story Jesus Had in Death as
His Teachings Were Not Enough For Folks to Believe in Him as Just
A Face of God Like me and You; That's Okay; Buddha and Other Avatars
of Love Represented in Stories, Already Did it With the Caveat They Never wanted
to be Worshipped as Gods; No Different than the Essence of what the Story Jesus tells;
We Don't Have a Picture of REAL Jesus; And We Really don't have any of the Same Words He ever
Spoke assessed by Biblical Scholars as Illiterate; And Really We Don't Even Speak His Original Name
Close to 'Yeshua' As the General Scholarly Biblical Study in Divinity Schools Suggests He was probably
A Dude who Was Crucified then.
Never the Less,
Reality is More
Amazing than
Any Fiction
For it
Love And Smiles
As Blue Skies do in
Endless Expanse of God's Breath iN Us too;
Yet Beyond Sadly, For those Who Do Not Make Believe Real
They Remain Blind With Veils of Ignorance While Others ThriVE iN As HeaVeN ETeRNaLLy NoW;
All 'We' will be able to Offer to 'Them' And 'Us' is Our Small Sliver Views of Heaven Eternally Now.
Hail Breath
my Friend;
Hail Breath,
Blue Skies And
Ocean Deeper Wisdom
Beauty Love Breathing Magic that is
SMiLinG Truly Real in Light of Colors More...
Anyway; Below, Two Paintings of Heaven
That are As Real As Heaven Gets on Earth
Within, Above, So Below, And All Around;
Thank You For Helping me iN CeLeBRaTiNG 7 Years
in Heaven; i consider You A Gift From God too As God Yes;
As Everyone Else who Prepares Avenues DarK Thru LiGHT for Heaven to Breathe Real MaGiC SMiLeS Now.
At Least in My Case; Mr. Blue Sky is Back; and Smiling Wider than Infinity of God's Breath: LoVE iN US.
Oh By the Way, My Wife is as Beautiful Smiling As Any of the 21-Year-Old or So Women Below at 50;
Love Ages Slow ForeveR EternAlly Now Breathing Young; Both Within And Radiating Sun And Blue Skies
CoLoRinG Us
Eternally NoW
Wisdom Lifting
More Veils oF iGNorance
For Colors More of Love BRinGinG
Smiles of Magic Dance And Song to BREaTHE Freer Wings...
Yeah; It's True, Heaven is More Than Sapphire FloorS; HEaVeN
is Sky Breathing LoVE iN Our SMiLeS ETernAlly Now.
It's True; Every Once
in a While Some
Folks See Love And
Kiss LoVE SMiLeS Blue Skies too Just for Free...
Smiles, my Friend, if what i have
Could come in Just one Shot of
Love; it Could iNfect 'TrumpS' iN
A Way to Give All THeiR
Billions And Less
Away Just
Drop of Heaven's Breath...
Smiles, A Story of Jesus And Mary and All
The Characters is A Really Cool Story Bro;
And That is no Sarcasm or Myth As This Breath Sees...
You See, i Will Always Prove This Story Is Real;
But i Will Never Be Able to Make Anyone BeLieVE
They Will Do Even More Than me, in Terms of SMiLeS;
But as Far As Measure of Real Love; if they Really Believe
With 100 Percent Hope And Faith of Love SMiLinG Real They Can And Will Do Much More than me....
For Remember
i Come From
The Coldest
On Earth for
Real This Is Just
7 Years of Heaven;
iMaGiNE What those
Who Do BeLieVE for
7 X Longer Will Do NexT...
If i am the Only One to Prove
it; Hehe, in the Next 42 Years when i am 102,
So Be the Dance And Song i AM Still Breathing And SMiLinG...
Cat SMiLes;
Yes, Will
After i pass away...
Currently the Cats on my Face Mask..
My Sister Marie Got Really Pissed Off When
i told Her That Prayers Were Given for People
to Stop Criticizing Trumps Lies that are Directly
Leading to Thousands of Deaths of Innocents from
the Covid-19 Virus; She Couldn't BeLiEVE i Did not walk
out of Catholic Church And NEVER GO BACK; but You See, She is Yet to see Hell.
Smiles, My FRiEnD
Yes, Heaven Is All
From Hell; Again
Yes, Some of Us Are
Blessed With Hell More Now Then
Greater to See God in Less than A Grain of Sand, Totally Satisfied As LoViNG ALL SMiLiNG NoW
in Dance and Song Naked iN/With Sand And Sun Blue Skies SMiLinG ALL (GoD) FoReVeR ToGeTHeR NoW..
Be Sky; Be Ocean;
Be Sand; Be Sun; Be God; i AM
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Joined: 14 Sep 2012
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Posts: 431
Location: Columbia-Kootenay Region, British Columbia
The secular and atheistic newspaper O Seculo disagrees with you.
Please note, I don't necessarily take any position regarding the speculations at the end of this video. I do believe that there is a Chastisement coming but, apart from holding the general belief among Traditional Catholics that afterwards, there will be a Reign of the Immaculate Heart which will last for awhile before the Biblical End Times really begins; I don't speculate into all that really unfolds, albeit, I am writing my own literary series that takes place during these prophecies.
I'll reply to aghogday's posts a bit later.
Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."
WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.
If God exists, and knows everything, and has created a Heaven and Hell for dead lifeforms to go to, then it knew as soon as it created the world which animals were going to go to Heaven and which were going to go to Hell. This God is therefore a profoundly evil creature who has chosen to torture an unfathomably huge number of dead things for no apparent reason. There is, of course, no point getting angry about such a thing, as it is both very unlikely to be true and utterly futile to fight.
I can just about understand why someone would choose to believe in traditional folk superstitions passed down through the generations. Being a member of a religion can have immense social benefits. (Of course, it can also have immense social costs if you are one of the people targeted by the followers of a religion, or the religion has harmful beliefs such as a suicide cult, or a ban on contraception). I find it very bizarre that some people choose to believe the lies told by little children. It is very obvious that the three children in the OP's story made up a fantasy in the manner that all children do. They should have been discouraged. Instead they were indulged in their fantasies and began self-harming. This was an act of child abuse, pure and simple.
A Photo of A 'Sun Dog' At The Beach, i took in December of 2013, as Provided Below;
It was the first time i ever saw one like this; Amazing and truly An All Natural Miracle of Nature.
In the link Below; A More Magnificent One is Shown; Folks Will Relate What they See in Words, Very Differently.
For Instance, in the Picture i Captured, Some Might Refer to it as A Sacred Heart of the Sun Burning in the Sky;
Others With More of An Egyptian Mythical Leaning Mind; they might relate to it as An Horus Eye of Wisdom in the Sky;
Show the Picture to A Thousand People; And One might get back a Thousand Different Worded Views.
The Same is True With 'Poetry'; to the tune of Unlimited Interpretations as all Forms We See
Become Metaphors of Essence in Every Different Human View; In This way, Every
Pair of Human Eyes, is Another View of Nature Viewing the Cosmos of
Order Itself; The Chaos is the Magic of All the Different
Views As That is the Art of Colors Human Seeing that
Never End As Different Views Now. Additionally,
Below, Are Some Digital Artifacts that Might
Be Viewed as the Sun as A Heart
Revealed With A Hidden 'Planet too';
And Finally, a Seagull Carrying a Flag Across
The Bridge of A River; Where of Course the Magic
Is in the Lighting And the Coincidence then of Where
The Seagull Was Flying in Beak Alignment With The Flag;
As The Bright Lighting Removed the Flag Pole From View;
What's REALLY Cool is; None of these Are Photoshopped; Just the
Every Day Beauty that Will Be Seen When Breathing Nature and Technology Mix;
No Different than
Ornate Shapes
of Lamps
That Flow from
The Dance Naturally
From my Fingers to these
Technological Digital Piano Keys of Verbal Song.
The Key my FRiEnD is Seeking And Finding Your Own Beauty
in Truth of Wisdom's Love For Existence Within You; After Losing
Effective Use of my Ears and Eyes for 66 Months for Seeing Colors
With Pain too Unbearable to Look; i've taken Over 193,000 Photos along
the way; That and All the Dance And All The Words of Free Verse Poetry
Makes Every Breath, Step, Word, And Visual Image, Sacred And Holy And
Even Divine in How i 'See And Hear' in Overall Feeling Sensing VieWinG my Existence Now;
The Other Way of Doing it, is focusing on Just What Beauty And Wisdom
In Love's Truth That Folks Have Seen And Danced And Sung Before; i Enjoy
that too; And when We See Life Filtered through the all Natural Magic of Beauty
We Co-Create, We Come to See When We Develop Our Whole Being this Way; Real Magic
Now to
in You
Least in me...
Life is Better
When We Co-Create
it This way; When Love
is Love Really Love, How Much
Greater it is than No Life at all;
The Gift is Breath; Make of it what
You Will; So Many Colors New, Old, or even None..
Smiles, My Friend, it's the Everyday Miracles Like Heaven's Smile FOR REAL THAT MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING.
IT May be Hard to Fully see the Miracle Until one loses the Magic of the Feeling; in my Life, i've Lost Effective use of
my Sense of Smell, And Taste, And Hearing, And Seeing, Where Touch Became Excruciating too;
The Numb of Feelings of No Memory of A Smile in Feeling; A Worst Pain in Numb oF All.
Again, It's all about
Perspective; And
So Much Harder
to Understand in
Gratitude for Where
We Are Until We Find Out
What it is Like to Live Here
As Only A Living Dead Ghost in Hell AKA Just a 'Devil Dead Walking';
Then the Feeling of A Smile when it comes Back Becomes Angel
Wings Unto that
Smile for All Now...
-Just Another One
of many 'God' views...
Breathing, Seeing, Living, Loving Now
Hail Hell, Full of Grace, Will And Strength, my Friend; A Shepherd of Fire Understands 'Flames' BRinGinG Heaven Most:
Love; Love that Sees, Feels, Gives, Shares Free For All With No Restraint out of Ashes That Still see too..
https://www.realclearscience.com/blog/2 ... acles.html
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
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Two words, free will, love requires free will in order to be love, a person must freely choose to love someone. God endowed human beings (and angels) with free will in order for them to truly love Him and love each other. Yes, God lives beyond time and sees our entire lives and how we choose to live them, and He will do everything to call us away from sin and evil, such as sending Our Lady to Fatima to warn the Secular West of the consequences of apostasy; but He cannot force us to choose Him, only we can decide whether to say "yes" or "no."
I have no social benefits from believing the Catholic Faith, I have fewer friends now than I did before reverting to the Faith. I attend (or used to attend, before the lock-down) a parish that has a significant amount "liberal" Catholics, or at least, it is controlled by "liberal" Catholics, so I have a hard time reaching out to people there. Also, because I already had social anxiety before reverting, I have hard time in general befriending fellow-Traditional Catholics online. Up until several weeks ago, I had a hard time expressing my beliefs on here because I knew I was going to be slammed as a bigot and the like for my fully expressing and defending my beliefs. This weekend in Florida, a man drove his car into a church and set it on fire with two gallons of gasoline, and there have been several outrageously blasphemous attacks on statues of Our Lady. There probably are some Catholics who are members of the Faith just for the social benefits of the Faith; but as those benefits are becoming fewer and fewer, and those people, unless, please God, they have a true conversion, will leave the Church and only those that are truly Faith will remain to bear the wrath of the Apostate West.
Now I, personally, have reaped some natural benefits by reverting to the Catholic Faith. When a person lives in conformity with the moral law, that person's life becomes easier on a natural level. As I've said at least once before on here, I have never felt as much peace and joy as I've had since my reversion to the Faith, because I now seek to live in conformity with the moral law. However, while I am grateful to have the grace to live in conformity with the moral law, I pray for the grace to suffer everything for the sake of the Truth, and prefer to suffer the worst pain possible rather than leave the True Faith. I believe, desire and seek Eternal Life with God in Heaven.
Lucia's own mother didn't believe her and treated her horribly for claiming and insisting on seeing Our Lady. What's more, the children's own parish priest was skeptical of the apparitions, and most of the town at first didn't believe the children and ridiculed them for their claim. But probably the most overwhelming piece of evidence in favour of the children telling the truth, (apart from the Miracle of the Sun, which I'll get to in the next post. You know, even if the Miracle of the Sun were a natural phenomenon, which it most certainly was not; that's one heck of coincidence that it just happened to occur right when the children said a miracle would happen! Frankly, I find it quite amusing that atheists and the like will often bend over backwards to put their faith in mere chance, to deny God and the supernatural.) is what happened in August, which I alluded to in my opening post. In August, the local administrator of Portugal's atheistic government kidnapped the children and interrogated them to divulge the Three Secrets of Fatima. At one point, the administrator even threatened to have the children thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil but they still refuge to give-up the secret. If the three children were making the whole thing up, surely they would have said so when faced with such threats, but instead they refused to give away the Secrets contained in this Apparition.
Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."
WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.
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Posts: 431
Location: Columbia-Kootenay Region, British Columbia
I don't have time to reply to all of your posts tonight aghogday, but I will address the alleged debunking of the Miracle of the Sun. Firstly differing accounts are not contradictory, (as is evidenced by the fact that the video I posted above, corroborates the accounts.) but only something to be expected when an event is witnessed by such a large group of people. Secondly, while sun-dogs are rare they were known long before the Fatima apparitions and thus, there is a chance that the atheistic Portuguese authorities were aware of the phenomenon and would have made the claim themselves, if the accounts they were receiving even remotely resembles sun-dogs. This leads me to my third point, I cannot recall any report claiming that two or more suns appeared in the sky, which is what happens during sun-dogs, all the reports I know of report only one sun in the sky. On top of that, sun-dogs do not make the sun appear as a snowy-silver disk or orb, which many of the reports claim; or cause everything to appear in different colours of the rainbow, which I'm pretty sure all of the reports claim; or look as though it's descending on the earth as a fireball and threaten to devour it, which I'm almost certain all of the reports claim. Finally, and this is the most overwhelming evidence that what happened in Fatima was preternatural, the reports say that everything was wet and muddy one moment, and then perfectly dry the next; there is no natural phenomenon that can account for that.
Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."
WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.
I don't have time to reply to all of your posts tonight aghogday, but I will address the alleged debunking of the Miracle of the Sun. Firstly differing accounts are not contradictory, (as is evidenced by the fact that the video I posted above, corroborates the accounts.) but only something to be expected when an event is witnessed by such a large group of people. Secondly, while sun-dogs are rare they were known long before the Fatima apparitions and thus, there is a chance that the atheistic Portuguese authorities were aware of the phenomenon and would have made the claim themselves, if the accounts they were receiving even remotely resembles sun-dogs. This leads me to my third point, I cannot recall any report claiming that two or more suns appeared in the sky, which is what happens during sun-dogs, all the reports I know of report only one sun in the sky. On top of that, sun-dogs do not make the sun appear as a snowy-silver disk or orb, which many of the reports claim; or cause everything to appear in different colours of the rainbow, which I'm pretty sure all of the reports claim; or look as though it's descending on the earth as a fireball and threaten to devour it, which I'm almost certain all of the reports claim. Finally, and this is the most overwhelming evidence that what happened in Fatima was preternatural, the reports say that everything was wet and muddy one moment, and then perfectly dry the next; there is no natural phenomenon that can account for that.
One thing i know for sure as i surely am not a Flat Earth Conspiracy Theorist
Is if the Sun Ever Finds A Way to Dance in the Sky, None of Us Will Be Here to View it.
Other than that the Sun is Kind of a Big Deal; And even if it could Dance in the Sky, it
wouldn't Be Choosing An Audience at Only One Location; There is also the Potential
That Folks Were looking at the Sun And Burned Their Retinas; And it's worth noting
That Some folks attending didn't note Anything Unusual at all; i think Real Life
Every Day Miracles that are Truly Proven Now are more amazing; i surely
Don't Need Any Additional Evidence for myself That God Beyond Any of
our understandings as Nature Exists; Seen too many Real Life Miracles
in my Life That Science Just Cannot Explain; No Different than
So-called Life Ending Diseases That Melt Away into
Nothing at all; yes, Miracles Matter Most
When They Happen to Us; But Without
The Kinda Belief That Even comes
With the Known Placebo
Effect Documented
to Put Life Threatening
Disease into Remission in the
Unexplained Cases in Medical Files,
Very Rarely Without this Ability to Believe
Do Remissions come this way; Mind of Will in
iMaGiNaTioN Does incredible Real Miracles in Life;
as easy to measure as imagining one is Exercising and
Actually Growing Stronger in Empirical assessment With Tools of Measure;
And True, There is Also the Nocebo Effect As Well; Where Negative Beliefs
May end in Disease and Premature Death as Well. And of Course Relatively, Speaking
That's Just the Tip of the Iceberg as there isn't enough Study to See How Far a Human
Will Take
This Propensity
of Belief to Heights
Not Seen Before NoW iN Real
Miracles of Life Yet to Be and See too.
So Yeah; Faith Now as 'Small as a Mustard Seed'
That Keeps Believing Will Create Anew A 'Tree of
Life'; Living Longer, Loving all that Life has to Offer more;
What's Truly Worse Now Than finding Meaning and Purpose
in a Phenomenon That Just Doesn't Make any Logical Sense;
Is Believing In Nothing At All Making Nothing In Life Holy And
Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose; the Human iMaGiNaTioN
Most Definitely Serves A Basic Survival Purpose in Creativity We Bring in Fruition,
Keeping Us Moving Forward instead of Growing Stagnant And Even Weaker in Soul Drive;
Whatever Works my Friend;
Best as Love That Includes All
With Doing Least Harm; Believing
In that Fatima Miracle may Bring You
Peace/Joy in Life that Harms no one;
Whereas, A Catholic Deacon
Affirming that the
Criticism of
Trump is Just
A Hoax like all the
Other Conspiracy theorists;
Has the Potential to End Loving
Breath All Together as Ignorance Injures,
Maims, And Kills; That's Where A Real Danger Lies today..

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
If pretty pictures and cryptic verses are all it takes to motivate you, then you probably lead a very unchallenged life -- the kind asylum-dwellers lead.
Lúcia de Jesus dos Santos (1907-2005) of Fatima, Portugal, grew up to become a Catholic nun known as Sister Lúcia of Fátima. As a child of nine or ten she and two cousins claimed the Virgin Mary appeared to them in the sky above a field where they were tending sheep. Perhaps they had a collective hallucination. Perhaps the ghost of a person who has been dead for 2,000 years and who is thought by Catholics to be the human mother of a godman really did choose three Portuguese children to tell them what their parents, relatives, priests, and nuns had been telling them all their lives: Sin and you'll go to hell. Lúcia also claimed that Mary told them three secrets. In 1941, after her cousins had died of the flu, Lúcia "revealed" two of the secrets. She kept the third secret a secret, however, until she thought she was on her own deathbed.
The first two secrets involved a vision of hell and a prophecy that WWI would end -- a good call to make in 1941, 23 years after the fact -- and that if people didn't shape up there would be another war soon. Perfect record, so far. In 1944, Lúcia wrote down the third secret when ordered to do so by Dom Jose Alves Correia da Silva, the bishop of the diocese of Leiria-Fatima. The third secret was sealed in an envelope that was opened in 2000.
A large cult following grew out of these religious fantasies and pilgrims from all over the world still beat a path to Fatima to pray, do penance, leave money, and hope for a miracle. Many devout followers were sure that Mary had told the children when the world was going to end. They were gravely disappointed when it was revealed that the expected doomsday "prophecy" or "vision," though apocalyptic after a fashion, didn't say much more than "repent or you'll be sorry"! Sister Lucy's alleged vision of arrows and bullets slaughtering popes, bishops, and priests might bring a smile to a few anti-clerics, however. Below is an English translation of the Fatima "prophecy":
Lúcia was a person who lived in a "delirious world of infantile fantasies" and suffered "religious hallucinations." That is how Father Mario de Oliveira described her (Sunday-Times, UK, June 29, 2000). He went much further, accusing the clergy of Ourem and the Catholic Church of psychological abuse. Father Mario de Oliveira claims the two children who died from the flu died due to religious fasting. Fatima, he says, is a hoax kept alive because of the attention it gets and the money it makes. Lucy and her cousins were certainly delusional and the Catholic Church certainly exploited their delusions. The children of Fatima were as much pious frauds as innocent victims of gaslighing, brainwashing, and religious indoctrination.
Lúcia was a 93-year-old cloistered Carmelite nun when the third "secret" was revealed to the world. Apparently, the cloistered life, for all its austerity, didn't kill her. When the third secret was allegedly revealed, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a., "Benny the Enforcer"; later to become Pope Benedict XVI), said that she conjured her vision from devotional books. According to the Sunday-Times (UK, June 29, 2000), many people in Portugal and beyond were angry because the alleged "secret" was not a doomsday prophecy, thus making their recent penitence and contributions unnecessary, while many others claim the 3rd "prophecy" is a desperate forgery, but the bottom line is that the "vision" is so generic and pointless as to make itself seem utterly absurd.
Oh, and by the way ... the term "Lourdes Effect" refers to the observation that alleged supernatural effects seem to have a sort of resistance to manifesting themselves in a completely unambiguous fashion. Should the miraculous power of Lourdes actually exist there would be no reason to think that it would be more difficult for "Our Lady of Fatima" to reattach a severed arm than to cure a headache. The fact that alleged visions of the "Virgin Mary" lack reliability and clarity is further evidence that the Lourdes Effect is real.
Last edited by Fnord on 15 Jul 2020, 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joined: 14 Sep 2012
Gender: Male
Posts: 431
Location: Columbia-Kootenay Region, British Columbia
Lúcia de Jesus dos Santos (1907-2005) of Fatima, Portugal, grew up to become a Catholic nun known as Sister Lúcia of Fátima. As a child of nine or ten she and two cousins claimed the Virgin Mary appeared to them in the sky above a field where they were tending sheep. Perhaps they had a collective hallucination. Perhaps the ghost of a person who has been dead for 2,000 years and who is thought by Catholics to be the human mother of a godman really did choose three Portuguese children to tell them what their parents, relatives, priests, and nuns had been telling them all their lives: Sin and you'll go to hell. Lúcia also claimed that Mary told them three secrets. In 1941, after her cousins had died of the flu, Lúcia "revealed" two of the secrets. She kept the third secret a secret, however, until she thought she was on her own deathbed.
The first two secrets involved a vision of hell and a prophecy that WWI would end -- a good call to make in 1941, 23 years after the fact -- and that if people didn't shape up there would be another war soon. Perfect record, so far. In 1944, Lúcia wrote down the third secret when ordered to do so by Dom Jose Alves Correia da Silva, the bishop of the diocese of Leiria-Fatima. The third secret was sealed in an envelope that was opened in 2000.
A large cult following grew out of these religious fantasies and pilgrims from all over the world still beat a path to Fatima to pray, do penance, leave money, and hope for a miracle. Many devout followers were sure that Mary had told the children when the world was going to end. They were gravely disappointed when it was revealed that the expected doomsday "prophecy" or "vision," though apocalyptic after a fashion, didn't say much more than "repent or you'll be sorry"! Sister Lucy's alleged vision of arrows and bullets slaughtering popes, bishops, and priests might bring a smile to a few anti-clerics, however. Below is an English translation of the Fatima "prophecy":
Lúcia was a person who lived in a "delirious world of infantile fantasies" and suffered "religious hallucinations." That is how Father Mario de Oliveira described her (Sunday-Times, UK, June 29, 2000). He went much further, accusing the clergy of Ourem and the Catholic Church of psychological abuse. Father Mario de Oliveira claims the two children who died from the flu died due to religious fasting. Fatima, he says, is a hoax kept alive because of the attention it gets and the money it makes. Lucy and her cousins were certainly delusional and the Catholic Church certainly exploited their delusions. The children of Fatima were as much pious frauds as innocent victims of gaslighing, brainwashing, and religious indoctrination.
Lúcia was a 93-year-old cloistered Carmelite nun when the third "secret" was revealed to the world. Apparently, the cloistered life, for all its austerity, didn't kill her. When the third secret was allegedly revealed, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a., "Benny the Enforcer"; later to become Pope Benedict XVI), said that she conjured her vision from devotional books. According to the Sunday-Times (UK, June 29, 2000), many people in Portugal and beyond were angry because the alleged "secret" was not a doomsday prophecy, thus making their recent penitence and contributions unnecessary, while many others claim the 3rd "prophecy" is a desperate forgery, but the bottom line is that the "vision" is so generic and pointless as to make itself seem utterly absurd.
Oh, and by the way ... the term "Lourdes Effect" refers to the observation that alleged supernatural effects seem to have a sort of resistance to manifesting themselves in a completely unambiguous fashion. Should the miraculous power of Lourdes actually exist there would be no reason to think that it would be more difficult for "Our Lady of Fatima" to reattach a severed arm than to cure a headache. The fact that alleged visions of the "Virgin Mary" lack reliability and clarity is further evidence that the Lourdes Effect is real.
What do you believe? I was under the impression you were a Protestant but a lot of this stuff sounds incredibly atheistic; I'm serious, I'm not jabbing you or anything I'm just confused about a comment like this coming from someone whom, I was under the impression was a Protestant.
Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."
WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.
Wow! I thought that topics like global warming theory and political figures like President Trump produces a severe backlash on this site. But it seems when discussing religion, all the big knives come out.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Joined: 14 Sep 2012
Gender: Male
Posts: 431
Location: Columbia-Kootenay Region, British Columbia
Is if the Sun Ever Finds A Way to Dance in the Sky, None of Us Will Be Here to View it.
Other than that the Sun is Kind of a Big Deal; And even if it could Dance in the Sky, it
wouldn't Be Choosing An Audience at Only One Location;
This only reinforces the preternatural and miraculous nature of the event.
That Folks Were looking at the Sun And Burned Their Retinas;
I'm pretty sure most people started looking at the sun after it started dancing. Also, as was shown in the video above, no one felt pain or the urge to shield their eyes when they looked at the sun during the miracle.
That Some folks attending didn't note Anything Unusual at all;
Who? I only call three people who did not see the Miracle of the Sun; ironically, it was the three children themselves, while everyone else saw the sun dance and change colours, the three children saw something different. For the three children, they saw the sun turn as pale as the moon, then, to the right of the sun, the three children saw Saint Joseph appear holding the Christ-Child, they both blessed the world, while to the left of the sun, Our Lady of the Rosary appeared dressed in blue. After awhile, the apparition changed, they then saw Christ the Redeemer dressed all in red, while to the left of the sun, Our Lady of Sorrows appeared dressed in purple. After that the apparition changes once more, they then saw Our Lady of Mount Carmel holding out the Brown Scapular.
I'm sorry I can't to you other posts just yet, I will eventually.
Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."
WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.
Joined: 14 Sep 2012
Gender: Male
Posts: 431
Location: Columbia-Kootenay Region, British Columbia
Well it is sensitive topic; for me, and for Faithful Catholics, we really believe that God is Our Father, Mary is Our Mother, and the Saints are our elder brothers and sisters.
Don't bother with me, I'm just a narrow-minded bigot who does nothing but "proselytize" not because I actually love the Faith, because no one loves the Faith, we're just "using it to justify our bigotry." If you see any thread by me on here that isn't "proselytizing," I can't explain that because that's obviously impossible; because again, all I've ever done on here is "proselytize."
WP is the 2nd worst forum site I have ever been on.
Is if the Sun Ever Finds A Way to Dance in the Sky, None of Us Will Be Here to View it.
Other than that the Sun is Kind of a Big Deal; And even if it could Dance in the Sky, it
wouldn't Be Choosing An Audience at Only One Location;
This only reinforces the preternatural and miraculous nature of the event.
That Folks Were looking at the Sun And Burned Their Retinas;
I'm pretty sure most people started looking at the sun after it started dancing. Also, as was shown in the video above, no one felt pain or the urge to shield their eyes when they looked at the sun during the miracle.
That Some folks attending didn't note Anything Unusual at all;
Who? I only call three people who did not see the Miracle of the Sun; ironically, it was the three children themselves, while everyone else saw the sun dance and change colours, the three children saw something different. For the three children, they saw the sun turn as pale as the moon, then, to the right of the sun, the three children saw Saint Joseph appear holding the Christ-Child, they both blessed the world, while to the left of the sun, Our Lady of the Rosary appeared dressed in blue. After awhile, the apparition changed, they then saw Christ the Redeemer dressed all in red, while to the left of the sun, Our Lady of Sorrows appeared dressed in purple. After that the apparition changes once more, they then saw Our Lady of Mount Carmel holding out the Brown Scapular.
I'm sorry I can't to you other posts just yet, I will eventually.
Smiles, my Friend, there are Many More Rational Explanations
For What Happened 'that Day'; More Numerous in the Link Below.
Magical Believing is A Natural Part of the Human Condition.
There was a Day where if We told someone We Will Visualize
Ourselves Exercising Growing Stronger And We actually Get Stronger in Our Ways of Measure;
Many Folks Would have called that Woo; Yet Science Proves, it is a Real Measurable way of Getting Stronger Now;
Sports Science Understands this too. The Placebo Effect Heals in Believing Others Are Supporting Us With Love Real;
No Different Than Prayers That Are Offered of Love That Sink Deep into Our Soul (Our Total Minds; Conscious at
Around 5 Percent; and Subconscious at Around 95 Percent, the True Driver of All We Do as Living Breathing Souls Whole).
And Yes, By God of Nature, 'Voodoo' is as Real as the Nocebo Effect Again, Bringing Disease And Premature Death too
for those Who Believe in Negative Waves of Life, Sinking the Soul of Our Ships Sooner. But You See my FRiEnD,
Perhaps You May Never 'Believe IT; but Traditionally the Church has used both Placebo and Nocebo; in yes,
Carrots and Sticks to Subjugate And Control The Freedoms of Humans for Demagogue Mastery in
Pecking Order of Power And Status to make Small Souls of Men and Or Woman Feel Bigger than
Empty Souls of Golden Robed Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests; And Every Form of Deacon
Who Comes to Imagine they are bigger than others from their Vaulted, yet Never Truly
Soul Love Filled Place on Altars and Pulpits; no Different than Trump Sitting Behind
His Big Desk Refusing to Wear a Mask; No Different than the Priests
Who Did this to their Congregations While Delivering Communion
With No Masks of Compassion too; as they were just too important to do that too, following Their 'Dear Leader',
Trump's Way, Where Health/Well Being of Others was less important than their Vaulted Robe Positions at the Pulpit.
Smiles, Believe You Will Wake Up at 6 AM Each Day And Awake Before An Alarm Clock Rings; Do We Hear
the tick, tock, of Clocks While We Were Asleep and Count them; No, Digital Clocks Don't Tick, Tock Anymore.
Again, Whatever Works for You; At Best Love Without Fear Harming All Others, including the Rest of Nature Least;
Even Loving Enemies, Same As Neighbors For Many Abused in So Many Ways Coloring their Love to Black Coal
And Only Fire of Fear and Hate Within; We All Exist on this Earth; Every Black Abyss Soul thru Purgatory Grey
to Beyond Rainbow Colors of Love That Most Folks Have no idea that exists at all; Truly Making
That 'Miracle
of Fatima',
Even if Real
Pale in Sun of Love Shine
CompariSon Within AS Humans
With Love Will Grow Mountains
of SoUL LoVE Smiles for Others too Big to See in just one Look of
SMiLes At Best We Create LoVE SMiLes As LiFE Really Breathes LoVE NoW...
SMiLes, YeS AGAiN, At Best Sun Within Our SoULS of SPiRiT HeART Dance
Sing Bringing Shine
of SMiLes to ALL..

A Sun of Love Is
Not Invisible Within
Shining All 4 Seasons;
No Matter Weather of Clouds,
Rain, Day, Night, Moon or Sun; Love is Brighter Within to Give And Share;
And God Yes of Nature Carry on Now passing Away Coming Again More With
Technology Greater of Soul Than Any Pyramid Built With Trump Golden Tower
Initials of Empty Soul
[19] Not all witnesses reported seeing the Sun "dance". Some people only saw
the radiant colors, and others, including some believers, saw nothing at all.[8][20][21][22][23]
The only known picture of the Sun taken during the event shows nothing unusual.[9][1]
Smiles, my Friend, The Sun Within me Dances And Sings Always Eternally Now
And It's True There are Innumerable Videos on Social Media of me Dancing
in Public with Innumerable Views of Thousands of Videos Taken this way
By Others in the last 13,393 Miles, in 82 Months, Where i Haven't Lifted
a Finger to Prove to others that The Sun of me Within in Shine of
Love Does
Free so many
More views than
those of 1917, for Within Now The Shine of Love Will Dance
Better Yet Now Proven With No Refutation Possible Now; Best thing is i'm
not the only Sun Within Who Will Dance And Sing In Shine this way;
There are Many Suns Dancing And Singing Shine of Love Within
They are not Afraid to Beam Their Light House Souls As
Their Lamps
Will continue
As they
Upload their
Souls to Give
Love Free Even Longer than Death will Ever Take Away...
A SeLFisH SouLeD PeRSoN WiLL Never Care to Give this way...
More than likely all that Will fill them
up inside a bit away from Empty
Soul is taking Freedoms away
from others to Temporarily
'Fill' Up Higher
That Will
Never See
Sun Shine For
Others From Within...
Smiles my Friend, THeRE is An 'Invisible
Sun' (Love/God) Within That Shines, Dances, Sings
Creating Star Light For All to BReATHE iN Terms of Free Love With Wings..

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
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