Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an Auto-Antonym
An auto-antonym or autantonym, also called a contronym, contranym or Janus word, is a word with multiple meanings (senses) of which one is the reverse of another.
IMHO the phrase Black Lives Matter is an auto-antonym. This view was highlighted by an article I read this morning:
Amaria Jones was dancing with her mom Saturday night when she died.
“She was showing me this dance called TikTok,” Jones’ mother, Lawanda Jones, told WBBM-TV in Chicago. “I turned around and I was looking for her and she was on the ground reaching out like this, holding her neck…The last thought that I have of my baby is her reaching out with blood gushing out her neck.”
Authorities said a stray bullet shot from outside their Chicago home hit the girl in the neck.
She died soon after at the hospital. Two boys, 15 and 16, who were sitting on the porch outside were also wounded in the shooting, according to the Chicago Sun Times.
Jones was among 102 people shot in Chicago over Father’s Day weekend, the station reported, including 14 who were killed in one of the deadliest weekends this year.
“They talk about the police killing — killing our citizens. They’re killing each other off,” she told WBBM through tears. “Our kids are not safe no more. Period. You can’t sit on your porch. You can’t even be in your own house. You’ll get killed.”
She said her heart goes out to the other parents who have lost children.
"Don’t nobody know what it’s like unless you are in these shoes, to lose a child,” she said. “You might sympathize with us, but you ain’t going to feel the pain until it actually happens.”
Lawanda Jones’ nephew was also fatally shot a year ago just three blocks from where her daughter died, the station reported.
Her mother attended a vigil Wednesday for her daughter and a 3-year-old boy, Mekhi James, who was shot and killed while riding in the back of his stepfather's car Saturday, just hours and only a few blocks away from Jones' home.
Source: Chicago girl, 13, was dancing with mom when she was killed by stray bullet in home
Most of the blacks that are murdered each year are by other blacks. Most are related to gang violence. If Black Lives Matter is true to its motto, then they would be demanding a stronger police presence in poor neighborhood rather than the opposite. They would demand that the gang violence be stopped so that blacks could live in their neighborhoods in safety and security.
Where were the BLM protestors speaking out about the death of 13 year old named Amaria Jones who was dancing with her mom when a bullet entered the safety of her home and ripped through her neck.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Last edited by jimmy m on 25 Jun 2020, 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Last edited by Fnord on 25 Jun 2020, 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks Fnord - made correction.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
IMHO the phrase Black Lives Matter is an auto-antonym. This view was highlighted by an article I read this morning:
Amaria Jones was dancing with her mom Saturday night when she died.
“She was showing me this dance called TikTok,” Jones’ mother, Lawanda Jones, told WBBM-TV in Chicago. “I turned around and I was looking for her and she was on the ground reaching out like this, holding her neck…The last thought that I have of my baby is her reaching out with blood gushing out her neck.”
Authorities said a stray bullet shot from outside their Chicago home hit the girl in the neck.
She died soon after at the hospital. Two boys, 15 and 16, who were sitting on the porch outside were also wounded in the shooting, according to the Chicago Sun Times.
Jones was among 102 people shot in Chicago over Father’s Day weekend, the station reported, including 14 who were killed in one of the deadliest weekends this year.
“They talk about the police killing — killing our citizens. They’re killing each other off,” she told WBBM through tears. “Our kids are not safe no more. Period. You can’t sit on your porch. You can’t even be in your own house. You’ll get killed.”
She said her heart goes out to the other parents who have lost children.
"Don’t nobody know what it’s like unless you are in these shoes, to lose a child,” she said. “You might sympathize with us, but you ain’t going to feel the pain until it actually happens.”
Lawanda Jones’ nephew was also fatally shot a year ago just three blocks from where her daughter died, the station reported.
Her mother attended a vigil Wednesday for her daughter and a 3-year-old boy, Mekhi James, who was shot and killed while riding in the back of his stepfather's car Saturday, just hours and only a few blocks away from Jones' home.
Source: Chicago girl, 13, was dancing with mom when she was killed by stray bullet in home
Most of the blacks that are murdered each year are by other blacks. Most are related to gang violence. If Black Lives Matter is true to its motto, then they would be demanding a stronger police presence in poor neighborhood rather than the opposite. They would demand that the gang violence be stopped so that blacks could live in their neighborhoods in safety and security.
Where were the BLM protestors speaking out about the death of 13 year old named Amaria Jones who was dancing with her mom when a bullet entered the safety of her home and ripped through her neck.
This is Just Another Way of Ignorance of Racism; And It's Not Cool.
The Socio-Economic Disparities That Lead to All of this Are Indeed Part of Racism.
You Have Just Proven Another Symptom Here of Overall Systematic Racism in this Country That continues for Centuries.
Do Understand that the Protests are not Just About Bad Cops;
The Protests Are Against Centuries-Old Systematic Oppression Specific to Melanin of Skin otherwise Known as Racism.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
1) Complete segregation of all the races, including "mixed-race" people.
2) Complete genetic intermingling of all the races into a single "mixed-race" species.
The first is abhorrent, the second is unlikely.
1) Complete segregation of all the races, including "mixed-race" people.
2) Complete genetic intermingling of all the races into a single "mixed-race" species.
The first is abhorrent, the second is unlikely.
I'm not seeing how either would dramatically curtail gang violence or in relation to the topic of this thread, "black on black" violence.
Research I've seen suggests a significant factor in young men joining gangs is fatherlessness, in which case this is a generational problem that will need generational solutions.
“If You Don’t Initiate the Young, They Will Burn Down the Village to Feel the Heat”
– African Proverb
I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.
1) Complete segregation of all the races, including "mixed-race" people.
2) Complete genetic intermingling of all the races into a single "mixed-race" species.
The first is abhorrent, the second is unlikely.
1) Complete segregation of all the races, including "mixed-race" people.
2) Complete genetic intermingling of all the races into a single "mixed-race" species.
The first is abhorrent, the second is unlikely.
Thank you for clarifying. I agree with you.
I would like to hear concrete/specific examples/solutions on what can be done to reduce gang violence in urban areas other than policing. Platitudes are often what we hear but no concrete ideas. Wolfram has offered one. I hope to hear more. I think Platitudes are meaningless in areas such as this.
Hey, I Live in the Deep South, so i do Understand
Systematic Racism is Alive And Well; Just A Trip to the Northern
Part of my County At A Southern Baptist Pastor's Family Dinner on
The Grounds As Opportunity Allows me as a Participant Anthropologist Observer
To Watch the 'Group Think of Racism' Flourishing Having No Idea That i Oppose
the Ideology Through And Through; Until i Stand Against The Whole Crowd And
Use The 'Love of Their Religion' To Show Them the 'Real Fools' they Still Are;
As People Still Say the Most Ignorant Stuff As Close as my Wife's Relatives
That 'Mud-Mix' is something 'Trademark God' Is Against When two Colors Come Together
and create
'That Way';
in THOSE places except
'Civilians' at least usually
can't get away with Killing
Black Folks Now for Sport.
'Funny' How One can get away
With Opposing Racism, Face to
Group Think Racism Faces, when one Leg Presses
1340 Pounds, 12 Reps in 100 Seconds
Very Slowly at 90 Degrees And is
Proficient in Martial Arts
for 13,323 Miles of Public
Dance That is actually Martial Arts Practice;
With No Other 'Weapons', 'They' Understand' Base Animal Instincts; but
'They'/US Overall have Yet to Evolve to the Love 'Their' 'Religion' At Core Professes FOR ALL.
i Have no Idea if you Believe Systematic Racism is Real or Not; BUT IT
IS REAL in the area that was in Record Books at one Point for having the
Most 'Christian' Churches Per Square Mile with upwards of 85 Percent
of the Locality Still Supporting the 'Orange Fool'; who is truly Sponsoring, in Effect,
Mass Murder in Illness through defunding Tests for the Covid19 Virus as Promised
When He was speaking to the kinda folks who Live Where i do in Trump Town USA.
i've Watched This Ignorance for 60 Years Now even before i could speak at age 4;
But You See it comes from the Same Socio-Economic Disparity that is NO color at all;
'These Folks' are Poor and Ignorant; And Don't See the same advantages of Life; Yes, the
'White Folks' Here in Trump Town USA and as Ugly as Human Nature Gets they Just Look
to Raise themselves Up by Stomping On some other Category they Create of Life to see as Lower.
It's Impossible to separate and fix this Problem Based alone on Categories of Black And White;
The Entire Society is Sick, Losing any Meaning and Purpose and Social Roles as All Lives
continue to devolve into Chaos of No Meaning and Purpose With Fewer Social Roles that Bond Folks together.
The Religion Here in Some Areas is Fear and Hate; It has No Color and the only Fix is Love.
i am Not so Foolish to think that i have any Solution to Cure this Overall Virus; the
Virus of Human Nature Out of Balance With the Rest of Nature; Folks Will
Change what they can and will to Improve Life.
But The Fact is the Rest of
Nature Is Sick and Tired
of All Humans
And Killing the
Rest of Nature
Out of Balance;
What We See as Hell;
The Rest of Nature Sees
As Balance without Seeing at all;
What We Fail to Understand Is We
are all Just 'Energy' in Balance or Out of Balance.
But that isn't gonna solve the Problems either.
Honestly, the Only Thing that will Solve the
Problem is Humans Living in Smaller Groups.
We Are Just Not Evolved to Live the Way We do;
and Are all Paying some price.
Change What We Can
And Accept the Rest;
Meanwhile some
with their 'White Churches';
as the politically incorrect
Answer is Humans Naturally
Mostly Bond with Folks who are similar
in almost Every Way Existence; there is no escape from Nature, overall.
Further South in the County where it is Still Small Enough but 'Smarter';
There is Peace And Harmony Here among most all.
Location; Location; Location;
Ya Gotta Find Heaven;
It isn't everywhere and that's for Damn Sure.
Those Who Escape Hell May indeed find it;
It's what Nomads do; Eventually they just might find a Garden of Eden in Balance.
We Live in a Very Disgruntled World, Overall.
i Live in a Forest; The Birds, The Squirrels, The Flowers See No Color But Life; and so do i.
In Short, 'Get
Out of the F in
Big Cities and Choose Your 'Woods' Carefully.
That's Only My answer and it works for me;
We Are Fortunate if We Can, Will, And Do ever even Fix our Own issues.
Most People Are Just Trying to get Through each Day; The Protests are an alternate
Religion Where People are gaining Social Roles and Group Cohesion with Meaning and Purpose;
the Environment is Ripe for A New Religion; It's Always About Religion; Everything Social Animals Do is the
Religion of Bonding together or Not over Common Meaning and Purpose And Social Roles That Keep Us Thriving
or just Breathing barely...
or Men...
Social Animals Do
This No Matter Color of Skin or Fur...
Reference: John B. Calhoun's Experiment on 'Rodent Utopia'....
Common Meaning And Purpose; Social Roles Working Together
For Survival: Religion that Works
that's the Solution.
It's working Good
Enough For the
'Black And White Churches' to Survive, Overall for Now;
Some of them Flourish in All Colors And Shades, so Beautiful They are....
THRIVING ALL COLORS OF LOVE it always takes Blood, Sweat, And Tears, in all Forests....
When something Ain't Cool, Ya Speak up and Express
Emotions; Emotions Are What Changes Human Motion in All We do;
'That was the
Last Day
Mix Remark
Was Made';
if only for the
Strength of my Legs; so be it....
Whatever Works for Change You Do It now; at least i Do...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
The implication is that gang-on-gang violence occurs when the police are not around!
A further inference may be derived that gang-on-gang violence does not occur when police are around.
And now there are calls to defund police departments and keep them out of schools, parks, and other places where gangs congregate.
I just don't get it.

Hey, I Live in the Deep South, so i do Understand
Systematic Racism is Alive And Well; Just A Trip to the Northern
Part of my County At A Southern Baptist Pastor's Family Dinner on
The Grounds As Opportunity Allows me as a Participant Anthropologist Observer
To Watch the 'Group Think of Racism' Flourishing Having No Idea That i Oppose
the Ideology Through And Through; Until i Stand Against The Whole Crowd And
Use The 'Love of Their Religion' To Show Them the 'Real Fools' they Still Are;
As People Still Say the Most Ignorant Stuff As Close as my Wife's Relatives
That 'Mud-Mix' is something 'Trademark God' Is Against When two Colors Come Together
and create
'That Way';
in THOSE places except
'Civilians' at least usually
can't get away with Killing
Black Folks Now for Sport.
'Funny' How One can get away
With Opposing Racism, Face to
Group Think Racism Faces, when one Leg Presses
1340 Pounds, 12 Reps in 100 Seconds
Very Slowly at 90 Degrees And is
Proficient in Martial Arts
for 13,323 Miles of Public
Dance That is actually Martial Arts Practice;
With No Other 'Weapons', 'They' Understand' Base Animal Instincts; but
'They'/US Overall have Yet to Evolve to the Love 'Their' 'Religion' At Core Professes FOR ALL.
i Have no Idea if you Believe Systematic Racism is Real or Not; BUT IT
IS REAL in the area that was in Record Books at one Point for having the
Most 'Christian' Churches Per Square Mile with upwards of 85 Percent
of the Locality Still Supporting the 'Orange Fool'; who is truly Sponsoring, in Effect,
Mass Murder in Illness through defunding Tests for the Covid19 Virus as Promised
When He was speaking to the kinda folks who Live Where i do in Trump Town USA.
i've Watched This Ignorance for 60 Years Now even before i could speak at age 4;
But You See it comes from the Same Socio-Economic Disparity that is NO color at all;
'These Folks' are Poor and Ignorant; And Don't See the same advantages of Life; Yes, the
'White Folks' Here in Trump Town USA and as Ugly as Human Nature Gets they Just Look
to Raise themselves Up by Stomping On some other Category they Create of Life to see as Lower.
It's Impossible to separate and fix this Problem Based alone on Categories of Black And White;
The Entire Society is Sick, Losing any Meaning and Purpose and Social Roles as All Lives
continue to devolve into Chaos of No Meaning and Purpose With Fewer Social Roles that Bond Folks together.
The Religion Here in Some Areas is Fear and Hate; It has No Color and the only Fix is Love.
i am Not so Foolish to think that i have any Solution to Cure this Overall Virus; the
Virus of Human Nature Out of Balance With the Rest of Nature; Folks Will
Change what they can and will to Improve Life.
But The Fact is the Rest of
Nature Is Sick and Tired
of All Humans
And Killing the
Rest of Nature
Out of Balance;
What We See as Hell;
The Rest of Nature Sees
As Balance without Seeing at all;
What We Fail to Understand Is We
are all Just 'Energy' in Balance or Out of Balance.
But that isn't gonna solve the Problems either.
Honestly, the Only Thing that will Solve the
Problem is Humans Living in Smaller Groups.
We Are Just Not Evolved to Live the Way We do;
and Are all Paying some price.
Change What We Can
And Accept the Rest;
Meanwhile some
with their 'White Churches';
as the politically incorrect
Answer is Humans Naturally
Mostly Bond with Folks who are similar
in almost Every Way Existence; there is no escape from Nature, overall.
Further South in the County where it is Still Small Enough but 'Smarter';
There is Peace And Harmony Here among most all.
Location; Location; Location;
Ya Gotta Find Heaven;
It isn't everywhere and that's for Damn Sure.
Those Who Escape Hell May indeed find it;
It's what Nomads do; Eventually they just might find a Garden of Eden in Balance.
We Live in a Very Disgruntled World, Overall.
i Live in a Forest; The Birds, The Squirrels, The Flowers See No Color But Life; and so do i.
In Short, 'Get
Out of the F in
Big Cities and Choose Your 'Woods' Carefully.
That's Only My answer and it works for me;
We Are Fortunate if We Can, Will, And Do ever even Fix our Own issues.
Most People Are Just Trying to get Through each Day; The Protests are an alternate
Religion Where People are gaining Social Roles and Group Cohesion with Meaning and Purpose;
the Environment is Ripe for A New Religion; It's Always About Religion; Everything Social Animals Do is the
Religion of Bonding together or Not over Common Meaning and Purpose And Social Roles That Keep Us Thriving
or just Breathing barely...
or Men...
Social Animals Do
This No Matter Color of Skin or Fur...
Reference: John B. Calhoun's Experiment on 'Rodent Utopia'....
Common Meaning And Purpose; Social Roles Working Together
For Survival: Religion that Works
that's the Solution.
It's working Good
Enough For the
'Black And White Churches' to Survive, Overall for Now;
Some of them Flourish in All Colors And Shades, so Beautiful They are....
THRIVING ALL COLORS OF LOVE it always takes Blood, Sweat, And Tears, in all Forests....
When something Ain't Cool, Ya Speak up and Express
Emotions; Emotions Are What Changes Human Motion in All We do;
'That was the
Last Day
Mix Remark
Was Made';
if only for the
Strength of my Legs; so be it....
Whatever Works for Change You Do It now; at least i Do...
I may have missed concrete suggestions in your post above since I've stated before the structure of your posts are very difficult for me to read and generally as such I pass them over completely. From what I gather your solutions to reducing gang violence in urban areas save for policing are:
"Honestly, the Only Thing that will Solve the
Problem is Humans Living in Smaller Groups."
^What do you mean by this exactly? What or how would that be implemented?
"Answer is Humans Naturally
Mostly Bond with Folks who are similar
in almost Every Way Existence; there is no escape from Nature, overall."
^What does this mean in relation to gang violence in urban areas in regard to decreasing gang violence in urban areas?
"In Short, 'Get
Out of the F in
Big Cities and Choose Your 'Woods' Carefully."
^ Does this mean there is no solution to curbing gang violence in urban areas if the "solution" is to flee the urban area?
Hey, I Live in the Deep South, so i do Understand
Systematic Racism is Alive And Well; Just A Trip to the Northern
Part of my County At A Southern Baptist Pastor's Family Dinner on
The Grounds As Opportunity Allows me as a Participant Anthropologist Observer
To Watch the 'Group Think of Racism' Flourishing Having No Idea That i Oppose
the Ideology Through And Through; Until i Stand Against The Whole Crowd And
Use The 'Love of Their Religion' To Show Them the 'Real Fools' they Still Are;
As People Still Say the Most Ignorant Stuff As Close as my Wife's Relatives
That 'Mud-Mix' is something 'Trademark God' Is Against When two Colors Come Together
and create
'That Way';
in THOSE places except
'Civilians' at least usually
can't get away with Killing
Black Folks Now for Sport.
'Funny' How One can get away
With Opposing Racism, Face to
Group Think Racism Faces, when one Leg Presses
1340 Pounds, 12 Reps in 100 Seconds
Very Slowly at 90 Degrees And is
Proficient in Martial Arts
for 13,323 Miles of Public
Dance That is actually Martial Arts Practice;
With No Other 'Weapons', 'They' Understand' Base Animal Instincts; but
'They'/US Overall have Yet to Evolve to the Love 'Their' 'Religion' At Core Professes FOR ALL.
i Have no Idea if you Believe Systematic Racism is Real or Not; BUT IT
IS REAL in the area that was in Record Books at one Point for having the
Most 'Christian' Churches Per Square Mile with upwards of 85 Percent
of the Locality Still Supporting the 'Orange Fool'; who is truly Sponsoring, in Effect,
Mass Murder in Illness through defunding Tests for the Covid19 Virus as Promised
When He was speaking to the kinda folks who Live Where i do in Trump Town USA.
i've Watched This Ignorance for 60 Years Now even before i could speak at age 4;
But You See it comes from the Same Socio-Economic Disparity that is NO color at all;
'These Folks' are Poor and Ignorant; And Don't See the same advantages of Life; Yes, the
'White Folks' Here in Trump Town USA and as Ugly as Human Nature Gets they Just Look
to Raise themselves Up by Stomping On some other Category they Create of Life to see as Lower.
It's Impossible to separate and fix this Problem Based alone on Categories of Black And White;
The Entire Society is Sick, Losing any Meaning and Purpose and Social Roles as All Lives
continue to devolve into Chaos of No Meaning and Purpose With Fewer Social Roles that Bond Folks together.
The Religion Here in Some Areas is Fear and Hate; It has No Color and the only Fix is Love.
i am Not so Foolish to think that i have any Solution to Cure this Overall Virus; the
Virus of Human Nature Out of Balance With the Rest of Nature; Folks Will
Change what they can and will to Improve Life.
But The Fact is the Rest of
Nature Is Sick and Tired
of All Humans
And Killing the
Rest of Nature
Out of Balance;
What We See as Hell;
The Rest of Nature Sees
As Balance without Seeing at all;
What We Fail to Understand Is We
are all Just 'Energy' in Balance or Out of Balance.
But that isn't gonna solve the Problems either.
Honestly, the Only Thing that will Solve the
Problem is Humans Living in Smaller Groups.
We Are Just Not Evolved to Live the Way We do;
and Are all Paying some price.
Change What We Can
And Accept the Rest;
Meanwhile some
with their 'White Churches';
as the politically incorrect
Answer is Humans Naturally
Mostly Bond with Folks who are similar
in almost Every Way Existence; there is no escape from Nature, overall.
Further South in the County where it is Still Small Enough but 'Smarter';
There is Peace And Harmony Here among most all.
Location; Location; Location;
Ya Gotta Find Heaven;
It isn't everywhere and that's for Damn Sure.
Those Who Escape Hell May indeed find it;
It's what Nomads do; Eventually they just might find a Garden of Eden in Balance.
We Live in a Very Disgruntled World, Overall.
i Live in a Forest; The Birds, The Squirrels, The Flowers See No Color But Life; and so do i.
In Short, 'Get
Out of the F in
Big Cities and Choose Your 'Woods' Carefully.
That's Only My answer and it works for me;
We Are Fortunate if We Can, Will, And Do ever even Fix our Own issues.
Most People Are Just Trying to get Through each Day; The Protests are an alternate
Religion Where People are gaining Social Roles and Group Cohesion with Meaning and Purpose;
the Environment is Ripe for A New Religion; It's Always About Religion; Everything Social Animals Do is the
Religion of Bonding together or Not over Common Meaning and Purpose And Social Roles That Keep Us Thriving
or just Breathing barely...
or Men...
Social Animals Do
This No Matter Color of Skin or Fur...
Reference: John B. Calhoun's Experiment on 'Rodent Utopia'....
Common Meaning And Purpose; Social Roles Working Together
For Survival: Religion that Works
that's the Solution.
It's working Good
Enough For the
'Black And White Churches' to Survive, Overall for Now;
Some of them Flourish in All Colors And Shades, so Beautiful They are....
THRIVING ALL COLORS OF LOVE it always takes Blood, Sweat, And Tears, in all Forests....
When something Ain't Cool, Ya Speak up and Express
Emotions; Emotions Are What Changes Human Motion in All We do;
'That was the
Last Day
Mix Remark
Was Made';
if only for the
Strength of my Legs; so be it....
Whatever Works for Change You Do It now; at least i Do...
I may have missed concrete suggestions in your post above since I've stated before the structure of your posts are very difficult for me to read and generally as such I pass them over completely. From what I gather your solutions to reducing gang violence in urban areas save for policing are:
"Honestly, the Only Thing that will Solve the
Problem is Humans Living in Smaller Groups."
^What do you mean by this exactly? What or how would that be implemented?
"Answer is Humans Naturally
Mostly Bond with Folks who are similar
in almost Every Way Existence; there is no escape from Nature, overall."
^What does this mean in relation to gang violence in urban areas in regard to decreasing gang violence in urban areas?
"In Short, 'Get
Out of the F in
Big Cities and Choose Your 'Woods' Carefully."
^ Does this mean there is no solution to curbing gang violence in urban areas if the "solution" is to flee the urban area?
Yes; An Answer in Short to all 3, Is Get Out of the 'Big City';
Get The 'Hell' As 'A Slave' Out of 'Egypt'; And Find Your Own
Promised Land, Now; Don't Wait! Start The Journey Now if Possible.
Smiles, The Problems WE SEE, overall, Are Extremely Complex;
My Schooling is in Anthropology, Social Sciences Interdisciplinary,
And Health Science As Far As 3 Undergraduate Degrees Traveled, 37 Years ago;
i Write Long Form Epic Poetry That Takes All Global Cultures into Consideration;
i Do it in 'Real Time', Wherever i go; All Around the Globe; The Ideas here on the 'Wrong Planet'
Are Eclectic, Yet Specialized; A Great place to Stop by for Specialization and Diversity too; Historically,
Long Form Epic Poetry has Never Been Easy to Understand as the Context
is a Large Picture View; particularly Now when Specialization Rules.
The Root of the Problem Here, Overall, in the Entire Human Globe
is Humans are Classically Evolved to Live in Relatively Small Homogenous Groups;
Close to Naked Foraging Together in Common Meaning And Purpose In Social Roles
Together That Make a Religion at Core That is Surviving With Some Smiles along the Way;
Similar, to our Common Rodent
Ancestor of 75 Million Years
Ago that still Feel the Love
of Mammalian
Oxytocin Love
Without A Smile.
Written Words Are the Virus;
Cultural Clothes/Tools Are the
Virus; 'Instant Gratification' is the
'Pill' Still that Overall Humans
Are Consuming Increasingly
That Has Put Us All Out of Balance
Overpopulating Together in Greed
of Taking and Hoarding; Taking and Hoarding
Eating the Face of Nature not understanding We
Are the
of the Cultures
We Create Eating
Our Own Face of Nature
To the Detriment of Our Own Very Survival.
Hey; The Folks Who Adapt (unplug) are gonna
Survive; And Even LiVE iN a Sliver of Heaven
That Doesn't Exist as far as We Can See With
Science Aided tools in an Entire Galaxy comprised
Mostly of too Hot and Cold Planets to Support any Life at all.
Bigger Cities Are Always Ripe for Pandemics and Heterogenous Conflicts.
Smaller Homogenous Villages Are Not Nearly as Ripe For Chaos of All Kinds.
Humans, overall, Are Too Small Minded to See the Err of their Ways.
The Meek Inherit the Earth in Balance; it's the Way things Are.
Someone from a Small Village Probably (DOES) Come UP with that reality, Still Now.
i cannot Speak for Everyone; but i Damn sure, Now, understand the Difference
Between Heaven and Hell.
The Answer is Frigging Balance.
LiVE iN Balance And Win; Live Out of Balance and Lose.
Some Folks Live Happy And Some Folks Only See
Misery and Suffering.
Life Ain't Fair;
But We Do Live on
A Planet That Supports Life; That's practically a Miracle.
Humans, overall, all are Just too shorted Sighted to See Where they are:
Some Folks Live in Heaven;
Some Folks Live in Hell;
And the Tween of All of that.
'The Group Think', overall by Very Nature of the Human Virus Culture, is too shorted Sighted to fix the Problem.
The Individual Has an Opportunity to get a bit of Common Sense and find a Greener Pasture, if Possible.
Hey; Even 'Sheep' Understand that;
But It Helps if A Shepherd Is around to Guide them.
In the Case of Pandemics
And Heterogenous Strife The Solution IS TO GET OUT.
I understand not all folks can or will do this; but it is the Common Sense/Feel Answer.
It's the same answer for any other species that finds itself in Population Stresses; Adapt
or Do Not And Pay the Karma; Action And Consequence; This is rather Predictable to me.
There is also the Problem That Folks Worship Money and Stuff More Than Finding Joy Within;
Naked With Each Other too; All Warm And Fuzzy; Hell yeah; Drum Beats And Dancing Singing Naked Free!
Village 101, Root Problem; Money And Stuff is God Now; Not the Loving Touch of Humanity.
Hey; Easy to See the Problem from the Distance of Heaven; Closer to Impossible to Eliminate Hell
When Folks Wanna Stay; or Just Have no Way to Leave; Where i Live It's Peaceful And Small And Heaven;
And Flowers
Are Free And So am i;
But of course i have plenty
of 'Nuts' And 'Seeds' And God yes FLoWeRS.
i Believe that If There Was any 'Alien Species'; with
Any F in Common 'ET' Sense at all; When Traveling to the Face
of this Earth; It's obvious That There is a Horrible Virus, Human
Culture, That is the Big Disease here.
In Summary, Human Standard IQ
Tests DO NOT Measure Intelligent Life.
My Suggestion is to somehow
Find a Way to Be Extraterrestrial
From The Human Virus of Modern CuLTuRaL Turmoil.
It's Not All Terrible; But It is Diseased; i Master it is as a Tool; Others Are Mastered By it.
When i got out of College; i had two choices; Smaller Town Happiness or Bigger City Money; i Chose Happy;
It Was a Struggle; but Happiness only comes Long Term in Intermittent Gratification Anyway; so i stayed.
To me it Was Just Frigging Common Sense;
The Folks Who Chose the Big City Solution,
Generally Speaking, Look Decades Older than me;
this is one Empirical Measure of Where a person goes.
There was no way, i was moving to the North Part of The County; there is way too small too.
Just in my opinion; Again, Yes, Get Out of the Big City and Really Breathe The FoRest Air Free..

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
The people who want police defunded tell me gangs already police poor neighborhoods so they’d just do it city wide.
At lest the 13th and 14th police precincts won’t go to war with each other.
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die
Hey, I Live in the Deep South, so i do Understand
Systematic Racism is Alive And Well; Just A Trip to the Northern
Part of my County At A Southern Baptist Pastor's Family Dinner on
The Grounds As Opportunity Allows me as a Participant Anthropologist Observer
To Watch the 'Group Think of Racism' Flourishing Having No Idea That i Oppose
the Ideology Through And Through; Until i Stand Against The Whole Crowd And
Use The 'Love of Their Religion' To Show Them the 'Real Fools' they Still Are;
As People Still Say the Most Ignorant Stuff As Close as my Wife's Relatives
That 'Mud-Mix' is something 'Trademark God' Is Against When two Colors Come Together
and create
'That Way';
in THOSE places except
'Civilians' at least usually
can't get away with Killing
Black Folks Now for Sport.
'Funny' How One can get away
With Opposing Racism, Face to
Group Think Racism Faces, when one Leg Presses
1340 Pounds, 12 Reps in 100 Seconds
Very Slowly at 90 Degrees And is
Proficient in Martial Arts
for 13,323 Miles of Public
Dance That is actually Martial Arts Practice;
With No Other 'Weapons', 'They' Understand' Base Animal Instincts; but
'They'/US Overall have Yet to Evolve to the Love 'Their' 'Religion' At Core Professes FOR ALL.
i Have no Idea if you Believe Systematic Racism is Real or Not; BUT IT
IS REAL in the area that was in Record Books at one Point for having the
Most 'Christian' Churches Per Square Mile with upwards of 85 Percent
of the Locality Still Supporting the 'Orange Fool'; who is truly Sponsoring, in Effect,
Mass Murder in Illness through defunding Tests for the Covid19 Virus as Promised
When He was speaking to the kinda folks who Live Where i do in Trump Town USA.
i've Watched This Ignorance for 60 Years Now even before i could speak at age 4;
But You See it comes from the Same Socio-Economic Disparity that is NO color at all;
'These Folks' are Poor and Ignorant; And Don't See the same advantages of Life; Yes, the
'White Folks' Here in Trump Town USA and as Ugly as Human Nature Gets they Just Look
to Raise themselves Up by Stomping On some other Category they Create of Life to see as Lower.
It's Impossible to separate and fix this Problem Based alone on Categories of Black And White;
The Entire Society is Sick, Losing any Meaning and Purpose and Social Roles as All Lives
continue to devolve into Chaos of No Meaning and Purpose With Fewer Social Roles that Bond Folks together.
The Religion Here in Some Areas is Fear and Hate; It has No Color and the only Fix is Love.
i am Not so Foolish to think that i have any Solution to Cure this Overall Virus; the
Virus of Human Nature Out of Balance With the Rest of Nature; Folks Will
Change what they can and will to Improve Life.
But The Fact is the Rest of
Nature Is Sick and Tired
of All Humans
And Killing the
Rest of Nature
Out of Balance;
What We See as Hell;
The Rest of Nature Sees
As Balance without Seeing at all;
What We Fail to Understand Is We
are all Just 'Energy' in Balance or Out of Balance.
But that isn't gonna solve the Problems either.
Honestly, the Only Thing that will Solve the
Problem is Humans Living in Smaller Groups.
We Are Just Not Evolved to Live the Way We do;
and Are all Paying some price.
Change What We Can
And Accept the Rest;
Meanwhile some
with their 'White Churches';
as the politically incorrect
Answer is Humans Naturally
Mostly Bond with Folks who are similar
in almost Every Way Existence; there is no escape from Nature, overall.
Further South in the County where it is Still Small Enough but 'Smarter';
There is Peace And Harmony Here among most all.
Location; Location; Location;
Ya Gotta Find Heaven;
It isn't everywhere and that's for Damn Sure.
Those Who Escape Hell May indeed find it;
It's what Nomads do; Eventually they just might find a Garden of Eden in Balance.
We Live in a Very Disgruntled World, Overall.
i Live in a Forest; The Birds, The Squirrels, The Flowers See No Color But Life; and so do i.
In Short, 'Get
Out of the F in
Big Cities and Choose Your 'Woods' Carefully.
That's Only My answer and it works for me;
We Are Fortunate if We Can, Will, And Do ever even Fix our Own issues.
Most People Are Just Trying to get Through each Day; The Protests are an alternate
Religion Where People are gaining Social Roles and Group Cohesion with Meaning and Purpose;
the Environment is Ripe for A New Religion; It's Always About Religion; Everything Social Animals Do is the
Religion of Bonding together or Not over Common Meaning and Purpose And Social Roles That Keep Us Thriving
or just Breathing barely...
or Men...
Social Animals Do
This No Matter Color of Skin or Fur...
Reference: John B. Calhoun's Experiment on 'Rodent Utopia'....
Common Meaning And Purpose; Social Roles Working Together
For Survival: Religion that Works
that's the Solution.
It's working Good
Enough For the
'Black And White Churches' to Survive, Overall for Now;
Some of them Flourish in All Colors And Shades, so Beautiful They are....
THRIVING ALL COLORS OF LOVE it always takes Blood, Sweat, And Tears, in all Forests....
When something Ain't Cool, Ya Speak up and Express
Emotions; Emotions Are What Changes Human Motion in All We do;
'That was the
Last Day
Mix Remark
Was Made';
if only for the
Strength of my Legs; so be it....
Whatever Works for Change You Do It now; at least i Do...
I may have missed concrete suggestions in your post above since I've stated before the structure of your posts are very difficult for me to read and generally as such I pass them over completely. From what I gather your solutions to reducing gang violence in urban areas save for policing are:
"Honestly, the Only Thing that will Solve the
Problem is Humans Living in Smaller Groups."
^What do you mean by this exactly? What or how would that be implemented?
"Answer is Humans Naturally
Mostly Bond with Folks who are similar
in almost Every Way Existence; there is no escape from Nature, overall."
^What does this mean in relation to gang violence in urban areas in regard to decreasing gang violence in urban areas?
"In Short, 'Get
Out of the F in
Big Cities and Choose Your 'Woods' Carefully."
^ Does this mean there is no solution to curbing gang violence in urban areas if the "solution" is to flee the urban area?
Yes; An Answer in Short to all 3, Is Get Out of the 'Big City';
Get The 'Hell' As 'A Slave' Out of 'Egypt'; And Find Your Own
Promised Land, Now; Don't Wait! Start The Journey Now if Possible.
Smiles, The Problems WE SEE, overall, Are Extremely Complex;
My Schooling is in Anthropology, Social Sciences Interdisciplinary,
And Health Science As Far As 3 Undergraduate Degrees Traveled, 37 Years ago;
i Write Long Form Epic Poetry That Takes All Global Cultures into Consideration;
i Do it in 'Real Time', Wherever i go; All Around the Globe; The Ideas here on the 'Wrong Planet'
Are Eclectic, Yet Specialized; A Great place to Stop by for Specialization and Diversity too; Historically,
Long Form Epic Poetry has Never Been Easy to Understand as the Context
is a Large Picture View; particularly Now when Specialization Rules.
The Root of the Problem Here, Overall, in the Entire Human Globe
is Humans are Classically Evolved to Live in Relatively Small Homogenous Groups;
Close to Naked Foraging Together in Common Meaning And Purpose In Social Roles
Together That Make a Religion at Core That is Surviving With Some Smiles along the Way;
Similar, to our Common Rodent
Ancestor of 75 Million Years
Ago that still Feel the Love
of Mammalian
Oxytocin Love
Without A Smile.
Written Words Are the Virus;
Cultural Clothes/Tools Are the
Virus; 'Instant Gratification' is the
'Pill' Still that Overall Humans
Are Consuming Increasingly
That Has Put Us All Out of Balance
Overpopulating Together in Greed
of Taking and Hoarding; Taking and Hoarding
Eating the Face of Nature not understanding We
Are the
of the Cultures
We Create Eating
Our Own Face of Nature
To the Detriment of Our Own Very Survival.
Hey; The Folks Who Adapt (unplug) are gonna
Survive; And Even LiVE iN a Sliver of Heaven
That Doesn't Exist as far as We Can See With
Science Aided tools in an Entire Galaxy comprised
Mostly of too Hot and Cold Planets to Support any Life at all.
Bigger Cities Are Always Ripe for Pandemics and Heterogenous Conflicts.
Smaller Homogenous Villages Are Not Nearly as Ripe For Chaos of All Kinds.
Humans, overall, Are Too Small Minded to See the Err of their Ways.
The Meek Inherit the Earth in Balance; it's the Way things Are.
Someone from a Small Village Probably (DOES) Come UP with that reality, Still Now.
i cannot Speak for Everyone; but i Damn sure, Now, understand the Difference
Between Heaven and Hell.
The Answer is Frigging Balance.
LiVE iN Balance And Win; Live Out of Balance and Lose.
Some Folks Live Happy And Some Folks Only See
Misery and Suffering.
Life Ain't Fair;
But We Do Live on
A Planet That Supports Life; That's practically a Miracle.
Humans, overall, all are Just too shorted Sighted to See Where they are:
Some Folks Live in Heaven;
Some Folks Live in Hell;
And the Tween of All of that.
'The Group Think', overall by Very Nature of the Human Virus Culture, is too shorted Sighted to fix the Problem.
The Individual Has an Opportunity to get a bit of Common Sense and find a Greener Pasture, if Possible.
Hey; Even 'Sheep' Understand that;
But It Helps if A Shepherd Is around to Guide them.
In the Case of Pandemics
And Heterogenous Strife The Solution IS TO GET OUT.
I understand not all folks can or will do this; but it is the Common Sense/Feel Answer.
It's the same answer for any other species that finds itself in Population Stresses; Adapt
or Do Not And Pay the Karma; Action And Consequence; This is rather Predictable to me.
There is also the Problem That Folks Worship Money and Stuff More Than Finding Joy Within;
Naked With Each Other too; All Warm And Fuzzy; Hell yeah; Drum Beats And Dancing Singing Naked Free!
Village 101, Root Problem; Money And Stuff is God Now; Not the Loving Touch of Humanity.
Hey; Easy to See the Problem from the Distance of Heaven; Closer to Impossible to Eliminate Hell
When Folks Wanna Stay; or Just Have no Way to Leave; Where i Live It's Peaceful And Small And Heaven;
And Flowers
Are Free And So am i;
But of course i have plenty
of 'Nuts' And 'Seeds' And God yes FLoWeRS.
i Believe that If There Was any 'Alien Species'; with
Any F in Common 'ET' Sense at all; When Traveling to the Face
of this Earth; It's obvious That There is a Horrible Virus, Human
Culture, That is the Big Disease here.
In Summary, Human Standard IQ
Tests DO NOT Measure Intelligent Life.
My Suggestion is to somehow
Find a Way to Be Extraterrestrial
From The Human Virus of Modern CuLTuRaL Turmoil.
It's Not All Terrible; But It is Diseased; i Master it is as a Tool; Others Are Mastered By it.
When i got out of College; i had two choices; Smaller Town Happiness or Bigger City Money; i Chose Happy;
It Was a Struggle; but Happiness only comes Long Term in Intermittent Gratification Anyway; so i stayed.
To me it Was Just Frigging Common Sense;
The Folks Who Chose the Big City Solution,
Generally Speaking, Look Decades Older than me;
this is one Empirical Measure of Where a person goes.
There was no way, i was moving to the North Part of The County; there is way too small too.
Just in my opinion; Again, Yes, Get Out of the Big City and Really Breathe The FoRest Air Free..

That might have been a solution for you to avoid gang violence by just moving out of or staying away from urban living, but that's not a viable solution for millions of people who have lived in urban areas for generations and may not have the financial means to decide to move. Your solution isn't practical in reality. For a person who may not be able to afford a home in the country or in the suburbs and may have to live in subsidized urban housing wouldn't be able to find subsidized rural housing because to my knowledge there isn't such a thing.
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