The Moon Landing Never Happened, a serious discussion
Whether or not the Moon Landing ever happened is something I never questioned until the last 10 years or so, until the entire Western system began looking incredibly dodgy like with the moves they began making to suppress MAGA and Trump and all of this.
There was an incident some years ago where 4 NBA basketball players all started saying on a USA radio programme that they believed the Moon Landings never took place, and it went as high up the chain that somehow Obama of all people had to be called into correct them, before this conversation got out-of-hand. To me if there wasn't some accuracy to this, I don't see why they would be calling in the likes of Obama and bothering him to shut down conversations like these.
To me on all this, there was a statement from Kennedy in the early 60s that they would put a man on the Moon by the end of the 60s, and they just barely made it within these timelines, which is convenient. Also, I believe it's quite credible that it is very difficult to get a human beyond what is known as the Van Allen Radiation Belt. To me looking at it, the logistics of landing on and taking off from the moon with only three people seem rather absurd, and also later on like with the "Artemis Project," it's seemed to be much more difficult for NASA to duplicate simpler feats that ostensibly they were achieving in the late 60s.... Also, like I said, with only three people, it's seemed to me rather implausible that they pulled off the feat of a live broadcast back to earth with rudimentary television broadcast technology of the late 60s, of all things... And why did they wrap this all up in the early 70s, but just not continue.
It's been my guess that this was done by dodgy-Lyndon Johnson for state power back then and to have this kind of glamour project to ice over the troubles of the late 60s like Vietnam and the riots, by putting a 'Man on The Moon' so there could be parades and stuff like this to have a feat like this to edify the power of Western science for all time, but over time I've been increasingly convinced it didn't happen and they just filmed it in the desert.
You don't think it should be taken seriously when celebrities promote blatant falsehoods?
Difficult, but not "absurd."
The aim of the Artemis project is not simply to duplicate what was done in the 1960's, but also to do it on a much lower budget. Also, because the 1960's were so long ago, very few if any of the engineers who worked on the Apollo project are still alive today, so a lot of things have needed to be re-learned from scratch.
The 1960's space race actually spurred the development of broadcast technology beyond the "rudimentary." See, for example:
- How the Space Race Built Today’s Technology
- Today’s tech traces to 1960s space race
- How Technology From the Space Race Changed the World
They didn't continue because, for most scientific purposes, unmanned spacecraft can do the job just as well and are both simpler and cheaper.
Arguably it was, at least in part, a "glamour project," but that doesn't mean it wasn't real.
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I had a friend who believed this in high school. Researching further into "his own research" was probably my first experience with debunking a conspiracy theory even though I started off sympathetic to the idea that it was faked.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. —Malcolm X

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the best compromise is it happened, but it's not what was shown, the need for propaganda dictated that move,
and china and russia are just fake enemies as well, in the grande scheme
did china do more moonexploration after all??
wait the china flag is straightened in the wind as well?
fyi and mine, disclaimer: i know nothing
for me, nasa is the vatican , sorry for that, and its all bollocks for religious purposes
why are all(most) sfi fi writers (the early ones at least) arpanet (cia) collaborators
and the aleister crowley "alien" is still a thing
"Fake enemies"???
The amount of active "enmity" fluctuates, but they certainly are rivals of the U.S.A. That's not fake.
But you are, apparently, one of those folks who believe that the governments of all 3 countries are merely puppets of some single unified secret "grande scheme"???
And, of course, like many grand-conspiracy believers, you had to drag in Aleister Crowley, who was fairly well-to-do (for much of his life, at least) but certainly not anywhere near rich enough to be anything even remotely resembling a world-ruling oligarch.
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
It would make perfect sense to me that Russia and China would not dispute the American Moon Landing. Russia especially found Space Exploration to be a ghastly waste of resources and also they couldn't keep cosmonauts alive like with Komarov and the females that died like in the Cordiglia recordings, so when this happened they may have been willing to just let the USA take the "win" on this one and just move on from something where there really was no productive endgame.
It's become fantastically clear to me that the elites of the West consider the regular American public to be fantastically, fantastically stupid, and that they could pull something like this over on them for their own benefit if they thought they needed to. Interesting theory that the Moon Landing actually happened but they just gave a film to the public... Could be. I'm more of the opinion it literally didn't happen... For me I would have to see at this point some serious definite evidence that it did. I also get the flag thing as well, that there was the rod going through the top to make it look stiff so it was "waving"... Don't care about the small-scale stuff that disproves the "conspiracy".
I also saw some polls that most Russians don't think the USA ever landed on the Moon.... also, like I said, I think most of the Russian Cosmonauts eventually began to consider that going up was effectively a death sentence.... My guess is though if my opinion is right, that the distances to travel to the Moon and Mars and such are effectively and logistically impossible. With what I've seen though like with the incredible bumbling around with the Artemis Project 60 years later and they can't even seem to get this off the ground and it seems to have two rubber-bands and a plastic straw for an engine, I'm increasingly unconvinced about the veracity of these supposed feats several decades ago, like why can't they just bust the old papers out and re-create these ?
As I said, the aim now is not simply to do an exact replica of what was done 55 to 60 years ago. The aim now is to do it much more inexpensively, with today's technology.
Re-doing an old project in an updated way is not trivial. If you think it is, then you are obviously not an engineer.
The idea that the moon landing was a hoax is one of those conspiracy theories to which the standard conspiracy theory debunker's "too many people" argument definitely does apply. Huge numbers of people were involved in the U.S. space program.
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
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As I said, the aim now is not simply to do an exact replica of what was done 55 to 60 years ago. The aim now is to do it much more inexpensively, with today's technology.
Re-doing an old project in an updated way is not trivial. If you think it is, then you are obviously not an engineer.
The idea that the moon landing was a hoax is one of those conspiracy theories to which the standard conspiracy theory debunker's "too many people" argument definitely does apply. Huge numbers of people were involved in the U.S. space program.
Not true, they could have had everyone in the mission-control room playing along and making them think they were "landing the rocket on the moon", when in reality they were just pushing meaningless buttons and issuing cipher commands for something that wasn't actually happening, but enough people ignorantly were in on it to "make it real" and build the feeling of legitimacy
I've been pretty convinced with what I've seen decades later and the kind of incompetence that makes me seriously question it, that stuff like this went off as far back in the late 60s without a hitch, compared to what they have this much trouble doing with ostensibly much better "today's technology" in the 2020s. It should be exponentially easier today, not this kind of silliness. If they're literally trying to get this much cheaper Vegan soy-powered rocket or whatever to the Moon because it's "today's technology" and it's the feminist Artemis rocket or whatever, then this is just stupid and they should do it the old way like in the 60s, if that was real.
Also, if the aim is "going to the Moon, or Mars," the last associated word I'd want to hear if I was an Astronaut getting in that DEI-rocket is "Inexpensively," getting in that F-ing rocket. There's no F-ing way they'd pay me a dollar to step foot in that F-ing thing, that would probably explode instantly like the Challenger. Any astronaunt getting in this thing to go up would have to be crazy at this point, seriously.
And yet Russia and China don't dispute it. That's kind of all you need to know.
The lighting alone in the photos wasn't possible to fake at the time. It could be faked now, but we're many decades in the future now.
The thing that's extremely hard to explain if we didn't put people on the moon is the stuff that was installed, including the mirror that's been used for nearly 60 years to track the distance between the Earth and the Moon.
At this point, there just isn't any credible basis for believing that people weren't on the moon.
TBH, it's usually a lot easier to bury evidence of things that happened than to generate evidence that things that didn't happen did.
It's stuff like Roswell's "UFO" crash that was a weather balloon that had been repurposed into a spy balloon and was crashed in large part to reduce the likelihood of the Soviets interpreting it as the US spying on them with balloons.
They might have felt they got away with something like this once but they couldn't push their luck with another massive exploit like this they're claiming for their own edification.
I've looked at the history of this era and President Johnson was extremely dodgy... this seems like the kind of thing he'd definitely try and pull off and sign off on if he thought it would help him or his regime, with public image and such.
I'm not saying it literally didn't happen, I'm just about 70 or 80% now in my opinion, that I think these 6 Moon Landings didn't happen way back when. Also, so many years later, I've found the side of the liberals that defend these with their "proof" of these just to be in-general very shrill and unconvincing. It's hard to explain but the tone of "the science" has made me increasingly convinced that the questioning of stuff like this is correct.
Not true, they could have had everyone in the mission-control room playing along and making them think they were "landing the rocket on the moon", when in reality they were just pushing meaningless buttons and issuing cipher commands for something that wasn't actually happening, but enough people ignorantly were in on it to "make it real" and build the feeling of legitimacy
Not just the people in the mission control room, but also all the people who worked at Cape Kennedy, the people who built the rockets, the engineers who designed the rockets, etc. That's an awful lot of people to try to fool into believing they were doing something they weren't actually doing. And there would have had to have been more than a few people involved in doing the fooling.
It didn't happen "without a hitch." At least one preceding space mission ended in disaster, the Apollo 1 fire in January 1967, which killed all three astronauts during a launch rehearsal test, leading to significant safety upgrades and delays in the Apollo program.
After Apollo 1, a series of other space missions were done as trial runs, each making incrementally further progress, before the first actual moon landing via Apollo 11.
Anyhow, the entire Apollo project was preceded by the Mercury and Gemini projects, as a way to gain necessary relevant experience. See Projects Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
Last edited by Mona Pereth on 25 Mar 2025, 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
^ Right, I don't mean literally "without a hitch," you know what I mean.... I actually think based on this and the Soviet attempts, this was far too invariably fatal to keep actually attempting with manned rockets
My theory on this is they could fool enough people and the rocket could still just take off and fly off somewhere, but certainly not to the Moon, but enough to fool the people at Cape Canaveral. My guess is though the main people involved and the Astronauts would sign contracts something to the effects of they would claim that they had participated and landed on the Moon, and it was worth it as they would have fame and renown for the rest of their lives and relative ease doing book tours and signings, or if not they could instead look forward to going back to another horrible tour in Vietnam and flying over Hanoi where they could be shot down and taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese... and if they ever revealed what happened it was probably a stipulation that they and all their immediate family would be massacred for detailing the hoax or something like this.
I saw one thing where Buzz Aldrin was once confronted in public by someone who had said he didn't land on the moon and he got absurdly defensive, which was an odd reaction for someone who supposedly should have been as comfortable having done what he did. If you're secure in your achievement, it's an odd reaction to react the way someone like he did, to go at it and want to fist-fight with some rando who starts accusing you in public of not landing on the moon, just in my opinion.