So...after all of this political back and forth, I acquired two lengthy Joe Biden biographies (neither by 'conservatives'). And plowed through them. This is what I found.
The actual Joe Biden bears almost no relationship to the guy people on WP seem to like. He is to the right of Donald Trump, and it isn't a particularly close call.
Joe Biden's historical legacy will probably rest on his helping to dismantle Roosevelt's New Deal, and on his zealous role as a drug warrior and tough-on-crime legislator.
He was for the dreadful Iraq War , for the mass incarceration of blacks, against gay marriage, and against the legalization of drugs. Against socialized medicine and against busing.
One particularly nasty piece of legislation that Biden spearheaded allowed cops to easily confiscate property. The biographer said that property taken from citizens went from a few million dollars into the billions.
Joe Biden is a neoliberal, foreign policy hawk, the architect of the nasty 1994 crime bill, and the slave of wealthy corporate backers---most of all the DuPont Corporation which all but runs his home state of Delaware. Millions of dollars have flowed to his brother and children from places like Communist China and the Ukraine. And closer to home, where his brother James was guilty of receiving millions of dollars of questionable loans from banks looking for favors.
"We see the extent to which our pursuit of pleasure has been limited in large part by a vocabulary foisted upon us"
Last edited by Romofan on 20 Aug 2020, 11:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.