Who was behind The Guidestones?
A massive granite monument in the state of Georgia, in America, has puzzled, inspired, and intimidated people since the day it was completed.
They are called The Georgia Guidestones.
Only one man approached the granite company president, to arrange the construction, but said he represented a group who’d been planning this for 20 years.
He paid for the land and the mysterious monument, then disappeared, never to be seen or heard from since.
No one has ever heard from this mysterious group since.
Who were (are?) they?
Who was he?
Student Body President, Miskatonic University
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There was a big Wired article about them:
There's a lot to suggest that some guy either as part of or affiliated with AMORC had them done. When I was in AMORC our local group coordinator seemed to feel like it was an almost foregone conclusion that it was leadership in San Jose who'd made that decision.
The 'NWO' read seems to be backward though. Think about it like this - Cold War, high perceived likelihood of us blasting ourselves back to the stone age (this decade in our culture it's slightly different - exponential tech), the idea behind the Guidestones seems to have been leaving some reboot instructions for the cultural remnants who might be left over if things got that bad. It wasn't a crazy idea to build them, possibly a bit naive if you could imagine some sort of strange religious dystopia building up around them in a post-apocalyptic future, but to look at them now of course makes people uncomfortable because it's a signal for something no one wants to think about - ie. the question of 'What if all of this goes away'.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
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"Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason"
Rule Number 1; Before one Sets Language
In Stone And Monumentally Erects A Message
For Generations to Come, If There Is No Spell Check Have
Another Set of Eyes Glance Over It Before
You Reference What You Are Doing By
Personally Referring to Your Selected
'Pen Name' As "Author: R.C. Christian
(a pseudonyn)" Ouch! Spelling
Pseudonym With an 'n' at the
End Instead of An 'm'; Monumentally, Yes,
Ironic Indeed And In the Case of All Online
Phishing Expeditions, i Haven't Come ACross
A Source Yet That Hasn't Failed English Grammar And Spelling...
True, THere are Some
Advantages of Making
Straight A's In English And Spelling...
Unless, i Rather Be Creative
And BE AN Original Discarding
The Queen's Standards of English ALong the Way...
Another 'Reason', "The Georgia Guidestones" Fail Is
A Simple Test of Reason With Even Common Sense:
Let's Take the Fallacies of Commandments 1, 2, and
3 as These Guidestones ARE Generally Assessed As
Steps of A New Human Civilization After Nuclear
Destruction to Reboot And Make A Better
Surviving 'World Order' in Balance
Yet Sadly
The Force of
Ignorance Is Strong
With the First Three of
These Greater World Order Instructions...
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Meh; Population Is Peaking, Dark Force of Ignorance Is Strong; Humans Are Naturally Culling Themselves
Through Cultural Devices Now; As the Rest of the Animal Kingdom Does Instinctually too
So No New Rules Necessary
In Fact, Supporting Older
Generations Already
Becoming an
Issue without
Migration As
Other Countries
Will Start to Dwindle
Once They Have Plenty
Of Instant Gratification
to Take the Place of
What 'They' Do
Late at
During A Power Outage;
Particularly to Stay Warmer...
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
No No NO NO, Diversity Finds Itself Through Natural Evolution So
F With It and the Mix that Saves The Species May Never Come to Exist...
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
No No NO NO, Language Is Culture; Restrict
Language And Restrict Human Progress
And Basically Make Everything Bland
English Like Now With Fewer
Originally Created 'Urdu Poems' to Come in the Future...
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Passion And Faith Are Related; Yet, Oxymorons Friends of Rules; So, God Yes
Two Words in On This So-Called Reason and You've Already Lost Intelligence of Art So, Yes!
Ah HA! You Do Not Fashion A Greater Place to Live With Reason First; Art Rules the Human Soul Free Now...
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
This Means A One World Religion too With or Without 'Trump God';
It Doesn't Work, Well, Period; Not Even In Terms of Everyone Believing in
A Good Cop Jesus Now: Reference Bad Cop Trump Jesus Again In Church Today...
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Back to A One World Religion; Do Understand, You Don't Want To Live in One
Big Country 'The World' With Trump God Ruling It, Unless You Love The Company of Misery and
Suffering Mostly Spiced With Ignorance Leading to More Fear And Hate in an Endless Breath of Living Hell
Within; ie... Gag, Yuck, Sink (sic), Stank, Stunk, All Trump Colored Blah Blah...
Inoculate Yourself Against this Potential Human Pandemic Rule:
By Insuring Diversity of Cultures and Nations to Fall Back on to MOVE To too...
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Again A One World Religion Will Not Work Well With or Without A Trump God Jesus
As Remember A Villain Leader (Demagogue) And A Hero Leader See the World
And Truth (Lies) Differently So Back to Diversity 101...
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
Once Again A One World Religion Won't Work Very Well At All Long Term; Yes, Oh GOD
Perhaps You End Up in A Culture; Yes, Religion That Says You Can't Masturbate;
Now What Fun Will That Be If You End Up Living Alone In A Society Like that...
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Let's Face it some Folks Enjoy Pain too And The Work of
Never Turning Bad Boys Into Good except of Course in '50 Shades of Grey'...
10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
We aRe Nature, We aRe Nature, Perhaps We Forget; Yet, Never the Less Nature Now We aRe; Nature
Will Take Care of the Balance, As Us, Culling Us, Naturally; or Other ViRuS Sponsored Pandemics too...
Anyway; This is what Happens When a Small Group Gets Together Without Inviting Diversity of Humanity in
On the Same Sheet of Choir Music And Makes Rules; You Get Another Ignorant Church Book With Foolish Rules...
Needs Input
From Other
Areas That
Are Special too...
Unique Indeed; Without
Diversity, All of Existence
Fails to Breathe at Least Freer 'Seeing'... And God Yes, Even Being Now;
Stuff Like 'These Georgia Guidestones', Including the Old King James
Bible Keeps Folks Like Trump, Mark Dice, Alex Jones, And
'Other Older Testaments Gods' And the Pope And Bad Cop Jesus in
Business Butt Of Course They all
Wear Basically the Same
of SeeKinG
Power and Status
iN C O M P E TiTioN
More than Naked Playing JoY iN
Cooperation After the Forage Is Done for
the Day; Yes! Mostly Naked And Free too!
At This Very Moment Folks Are Passing
Out Flyers With 'These Georgia Guidelines'
Copied And Pasted in Using this As Evidence
That There is a 'Plandemic' Headed Up By A So-Called
'Evil Genius Bill Gates' Who is Gonna Inject Everyone
With A
As A Sign of the
Beast As they
Assess that
Part of
A Non-Sense
Free Verse Poem
In A 'Revelation'
Interpreted Still Now A
Zillion New Ways to come too..
Like Any Group of Metaphors Called Words
As God Yes, ReMeMBeR, i'm Pulling All of
This Basically Out of Nowhere but Instinct,
Intuition, All Innate; Yes, the Total Experiences of
My Life And the Ancestral Left-Overs that Humans
Usually Have Little Conscious Access to Now Other Than
Dreams of the Night; Yes, The Blue Whale, the 95 Percent
of Our Mind or More and Less that is Our Sub-Conscious Minds
That Take Care
of About
99 Percent
of What We Actually
Do And Still Come To Do In Life Now
Before We Give it Fancy Sounding Reasons
Or Not In Art too in Free Verse Poems Just
Like this that Tap into Our Greater Human
Potentials Within; YeS, UNPacKinG
Epigenetic Potentials too
Evolving in
One Lifetime
Now For Real;
In A Utopian World
With No 'Boot Camp
Life'; Forget About
As Many
To Fruition Now for Real
As Reality is Far Beyond
A 6 Letter Word of Reason
As Reality is Nature And
Nature's Imagination
Just Offers A
NoW iN
Of What Is
Most of What Our
Minds Are, Most of Us Never
Even Touch in Potential Within...
'The River' Needs No Numbers to Flood
And Create New Shores And Forms
In Essence
of Flow Free;
Another Example
In Guidelines that
Helped Trump
Get Elected:
Matthew 25:40-41; Short Cut to Hell By Direction of Matthew In the Christian New Testament Voting For Trump;
Per Direction of the Rule of Culling All of those Who Do Not Help the Lessers in the World or Such Like Electing
Leaders to Turn Poor Immigrants Away; And Even Separate The Parents From the Children Against Supporting What
A 'Head Dude' Says in A Bible, Responsible For Culling the Do-Gooders From The No-Good-Doers With Support for that...
40 And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me."
41 Then he will say to those on his left hand, "Go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Biggest Face
Human Palm
Thick Forests
Created Ironic
Nightmare And
A Book That
Will Allow
To Cull Ya
On Fifth Avenue now
Unmasked And Convince
You It is the Lord's (Trump) Wish You Die..
Ahem, This Human Condition is gonna take
A Lot More Than These 'Georgia Guidestones'
And 'Jordan Peterson Numbered Rules' to Fix
As This
S Is Just
Plain Nuts...
Overall, as i continue
to Munch on Popcorn
Naked And Free Hairy
Beastly Still in the Garden
of Eden now
Hey! 'Eve' can i get
Some Lunch!
Or At Least
Give me a
Bite of that Apple Again.. Pretty Please..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
The owner of the quarry/stone cutting company has said that he made a promise/oath/vow to never try to discover the purchaser’s identity or that of his group or to help/direct anyone else to do so.
He is not known to even describe the man’s appearance in a way that could assist in a sketch.
If the mysterious man paid cash, is it not odd that in a small town any one bank not only had so much cash on hand, but that no one working there was talking/gossiping about it?
Student Body President, Miskatonic University