Why do people believe the craziest things...

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24 Nov 2020, 11:27 am

My aunt posted a video, claiming that a world leader revealed there is no coronavirus, instead it was an experiment involving hitting people with 5G energy... And now the experiment is over, so no more danger!

Then the end of the video claimed all world leaders except Trump bourded rockets and headed to Mars...

Ummmmmm.... Seriously why do people believe this????????

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon

Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...

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24 Nov 2020, 11:35 am

Sometimes literal mental illness.

Sometimes slippery slope. So they get into one conspiracy theory and it leads to another until all their thoughts are full of it.

People are anti-intellectual a lot of the time too. Rational NTs and autistic people, not mentally ill people, believing things because it goes against what 'they' want you to believe.

It's very easy online to make your own 'bubble' so you never hear opposing voices.

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24 Nov 2020, 11:37 am

Angnix wrote:
My aunt posted a video, claiming that a world leader revealed there is no coronavirus, instead it was an experiment involving hitting people with 5G energy... And now the experiment is over, so no more danger!  Then the end of the video claimed all world leaders except Trump boarded rockets and headed to Mars...  Ummmmmm.... Seriously why do people believe this????????
Mass stupidity?  No, that cannot be it, since there is no such thing as "stupidity".  There is only subliminal indoctrination through broadcasts by Evangelical Christian Leaders to make us all believe that all science and technology is the work of the devil, that we should all become modern-day Luddites, and that we should all turn away from technology and embrace only the truth that our religious leaders deliver unto us poor, misguided sinners.

:twisted: Trust me ...

Tempus Fugit

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24 Nov 2020, 12:01 pm

Nope it's true. Elon Musk built the rockets and sent them to his secret city on Mars.


Last edited by Tempus Fugit on 24 Nov 2020, 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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24 Nov 2020, 12:02 pm

You can't trust anyone who claims to know more than you.
You can't trust anything you read or watch unless it's on Facebook and shared by a guano farmer.
You can't trust anyone who argues with your favourite conspiracy theories because that's just proof they're in on it.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.


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24 Nov 2020, 1:55 pm

News Break:

Yes, BreaKinG News...

Humans Are Not

'That' Rational'

News Break:

This Applies

To All Of Us, Yes Breaking News

Unless, We Will Successfully Defend

Our Beliefs And Do's With No Fear of Criticism;

Hehe, And Then It Still Applies; Find me

Someone Rational:


And i Will
Find Something
Not Rational They BelieVE iN;

More Importantly, Just Do NoW.

For Instance, The Rest of Nature

Moves; How Long Have You (including me)

Been Affixed to An Object In Front of Your Face;

Is That/This Rational,
The Rest of



No; It's

Not Healthy;

Not Healthy Behavior

Is Not Rational Behavior;

And Humans Are Not Rational,

So it's

A Moot


Or Dare

'You' Say

'i' will Change

my Behavior Based

On the Nature of What We aRe Nature...

No; Because The Dopamine From a Screen

Is Easier

To Do



Being Naked And Dancing Singing Free;

Now That's Rational: Naked and Free Dancing Singing

For No Reason; The Bird Brains and The Bee Brains, Don't

Need A Human Brain to Be Free And Just Fly

In Other



'You' too, Have 'Naked Wings'

And Then If You Will, Just Do Free;

i've Already Documented in Many

Cases, Up is Down And Humans

Consider Free Is


Sorry, Not
Not Sorry,

ThaT Ain't Rational;

Unless, 'You' are 'Slave' of Course

To Group Think; People Do 'Crazy

Stuff' Because of Group Think;

Staying Behind

A Screen


Like A Still

Pond is No Different....

Yet it is Generated by Group Think;

Yes, This is Religion too; Two Or

More Folks Bonding Over

Similar Ideals


Actions that

Are Truly Neither

Rational Or Sane for Well Being...

Count the Percentage of Suicides

For the Newest Generations and

Get Back With me on How Rational Human Culture is today...

And on the Other Hand, When Most Everyone Followed the Same

Organized Deceit and Lies of Carrots and Sticks Based Religions

For Control And Subjugation of Human Freedoms Centered

Mostly on


Freedoms that is surely

Not Much More Rational

Than Sitting Behind a Screen,

Hours on end (Including me)

But Hey; i get

Out and



A Hurricane

Spiraling Free too..

And This is Sort of

A Sacrifice of Boot Camp

too; no Light Without Dark;

So Yes

Party on

In Night of Day too;

It Is What It Is And We

Just continue to Do IT



Anyway, Neuroscience

Shows Our Emotions Direct

Most of what We Label

And Define as


It's All Natural

THaT We aRe Nuts THiS Way, Hehe

(Ever FALLEN iN Love Talk About Nuts)

As Neuroscience Shows We Basically

Hallucinate Our Realities Now Based

On the Realities Before Our Mind and Mostly

Subconscious Mind We Have No Control Over

Consciously Does Continually Create Now;

If You Have

Any Input



Make it an

Epic Experience,

If You Can And Will;

And Remember 'Crazy'

Will Be Some Mighty Cool Fun too..

Yet, Get Out of Line And Just Like 'Till Tuesday'

Someone Will Surely
Try to come



You BacK iN to

A Place of Group Think Again;

Honestly, almost Everyone Used

to Look Forward to Heaven After

Death; THAT IS A Biggest Fraud Ever

And Only Proof that even when a Book

Says 'the Kingdom of Heaven is within';

iF A Preacher

of Group

Think Says

Go Get It After

Death the Majority

Of People Through

Thousands of Years

Have Taken

It all




And Bait and

They still do in

Current Cray Cray

Ways of Doing Group Think Now...

Looking Forward to Heaven After Death

Is an Ultimate Gas-Lit Lie And Conspiracy

Theory, Yes Still Now;

Even by the Words

of the Book in

Black And White


in Luke 17:21

Per a Better Place

Than A Dirt Nap; Yes, Within....

But You See Back to Naked

WingS iT iS CuLTuRE That is

The Human Virus And Eternal Now

Pandemic Still that Makes Ignorant

Is As Ignorant

Does Politically

Correct Away from the 'S' Word too...

Ever Danced With 'The DEViL' in the

Pale Moonlight; True, 'He' Comes in

All Colors of Daylight

In Organized


And Lies

To Subjugate

And Control All Naked Freedoms...
Yes, 'His' Color is Culture in all the WayS it

Comes Then and Now...

And 'He' Comes


With All

Human Clothes,

The Tools Away From Naked Freedoms...

to Be Clear 'You' Will have THaT only if

You Master 'The Tools', No Longer Servant of 'Slave'..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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24 Nov 2020, 2:02 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
You can't trust anyone who argues with your favourite conspiracy theories because that's just proof they're in on it.

The classic "I'm not a spy!" "That's what a spy would say!"

It's amazing how well the human brain can fit data points to a theory and discard any data that contradicts it. Of course I have a confirmation bias for believing in confirmation bias.

"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."


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24 Nov 2020, 3:30 pm

Sometimes I wonder if any of these people are just real life trolls and they want to rile people up like flat earth believers for example and the fake moon landing.

I am sure everyone has conspiracy theories but some are so wild you wonder if they are that stupid or just a troll. And sometimes a conspiracy theory is a result of a mental illness such as schizophrenia. That is because they actually believe it. My ex had lot of strange crazy thoughts and I didn't realize then it was a result of him being a early schizophrenic. Back then I just thought he was being a worry wart and being literally OCD because of symptoms overlapping. Even OCD people can have crazy thoughts but the difference is they know those thoughts are not real but they cannot help themselves. But my ex actually believed his.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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24 Nov 2020, 3:54 pm

I mentally broke down a couple of times and they had me diagnosed as Schizophrenic...
But the first time it happened, I was having a severe bipolar mixed episode, second time I was having a thyroid storm...
They took that off my diagnosis... I officially have Bipolar 1 and ASD, and told I might have ADHD.

Last time I had a severe meltdown, I ended up in psych ward, but they realized I was sane and what happened and released me pretty quickly...

What's helping me is the fact I'm mostly staying away from people ironically... Just me an Maizy cat and contact with people online.... I am a part of many FB groups, and joined a Discord where people play a cooperative mode on Pokemon called Dynamax Adventures over voice chat... Very fun!! !

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon

Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...

FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020


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24 Nov 2020, 4:12 pm

Antrax wrote:
Of course I have a confirmation bias for believing in confirmation bias.

That's quote of the day tier material right there. :lol:

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
You can't advance to the next level without stomping on a few Koopas.