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Mountain Goat

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27 Feb 2021, 8:25 am

I am looking through history and I see this time and time again, and no matter what people try to do against it, people are cursing themselves and their future generations because they do not understand Gods laws.

Think of recent events in Britain and America relating to racism and why it exists today. First please understand that racism goes both ways and always has.

Lets apply a principle of sowing a reeping here and what it takes to end the curse that has come upon one group or another as we all need to realize this. God does not discriminate when he set His principles into play. People have generational curses and they can continue these curses for future generations if they do not get how Gods laws work and how to remove these generations of curses.

How does one person or people group curse themselves? How does it start? The old jelousy and hate.
What does the Bible say and why? God said in His Word, that we should LOVE our enemies and do good to them. Why? What does this do?

What would happen if someone you know who hated you in the past for what you had done to them or the way you had treated them, comes up to you and gives you a precious gift. Something valueable to them they give to you. How would you feel? You would feel guilty through hating them and want to run to them to make ammends. You will want to know why they have treated you this way and want to treat them just as well.
Why? Because what you sow, you will reep.

Now lets say you have had a bad experience with people from another race and one of them comes up to you and you treat them badly and try to exclude them... You are cursing yourself with seperation and divide, and this principle is not just you yourself, but it lasts through several generations of your ofdspring until someone is BIG enough to break this curse. (And it takes men and women with real guts to break such a curse!) If this curse is not broken, then hatred and jelousy runs deeper and deeper ad no matter what laws are put in to try to prevent this, it ONLY causes further divide as one has not put Gods principles into play to break the curse one is living under.

How does one break such a curse? By LOVING ones enemies and by DOING GOOD TO THEM! If one can do this as a race and as an individual, one smashes the curses that the past generations have placed upon themselves.

Anyone can hate. That is easy! Not everyone has the courage and the guts to love.

God is a God of principle here as God is LOVE. The more we put Gods principles into play, the more we benefit from them. The further away from God we get the more we ignore His principles and the more curses that fall upon us.


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27 Feb 2021, 8:34 am

I believe in the Golden Rule.


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27 Feb 2021, 9:14 am

I'm agnostic but if there is a benevolent, esp an omnibenevolent, God, I strongly believe that He is against colonialism and slavery...

Like you said, you reap what you sow.

Not actually a girl


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27 Feb 2021, 9:45 am

I believe in the Golden Rule, even if I’m an atheist.

Mountain Goat

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27 Feb 2021, 12:35 pm

KT67 wrote:
I'm agnostic but if there is a benevolent, esp an omnibenevolent, God, I strongly believe that He is against colonialism and slavery...

Like you said, you reap what you sow.

Slavery is an interesting one about sowing what you reap, and I am not saying this to be cruel. Look at the history of the African slave trade which goes back thousands of years, but for a few hundred years before Britain and Europe got involved along with the USA, the African slave traders snatched an estimated ten times more whites from the shores of Britain and Europe then the entire trans-atlantic trade in slaves that the UK and the USA was later involved in.
Did God turn the tables on this? I know it sounds cruel, but at one time, it was such a threat to the shores of England and Wales that sailors were in fear of going out to sea, and people were scared to live in the coastal regions.
The very sailors who treated the blacks badly were the very ones who had lost loved ones and collegues at the hands of the African slave trading pirates. People do not realize this when they talk about the slave trade. They also do not realize WHY Britain got involved and WHY Britain had to make for itself a Royal Navy. They were both due to preventing the British people from becoming snatched into slavery from these black pirates, and it wasn't the whites who snatched blacks from the African lands. It was the slave trading coastal tribes who were doing it to sell them in exchange for British goods... Britain paid a high price to stop the slave traders from snatching the British people, and knowing that he slave traders would shatch people anyway like they had been doing since at least 2000 BC when for over 2000 years they had been exchanging slaves with the Chinese foe their fancy goods, hence why the slave trading road was called the "Silk Road" as silk came one way and slaves went the other... Britain was in a position where they had to buy slaves in a deal to prevent the slave trading pirates from coming to these shores.
The problem for Britain was that it did not need many slaves, as the socitey Britain had in those days already had peasants who were working for next to nothing, and it was said that slaves were looked after and had food whilst peasants went without because slaves cost money so were looked after better whilst peasants often came free in exchange that they could live on the land.
The solution was for Britain to set up the triangular slave trade route as the USA had a shortage of workers. The USA then exchanged the slaves with goods that Britain could use like sugar, tobacco, tea etc and thus the Transatlantic slave trade started.
Incidently, talking about slavery, did you know that there were more Chinese slaves that made it to the UK shores then there were African slaves, and places like Swansea in Wales (And other areas) had a very old Chinese community due to this?

Today racism is a very different scinario. In Britain, it does not stem back to the slave trade as the majority of Africans came into the UK during the 1950's onwards when we had big shortages of workers because so many British men had lost their lives during the war, so there were extreme shortages of manpower. Even those born after the War like my Dad found that when they were of working age they could go from job to job and choose where they wanted to work and could name their price as Britain was in desparate need to find reliablw employees or any employees!
I have heard tales of engine drivers who delayed trains foe an hour at a time whilst fishing to catch themselves somw supper, and getting the sack foe delaying the passenger service only to be re-employed several times because there was no one else who could replace them!


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27 Feb 2021, 2:25 pm

Hey, Yet That's The Good Cop God; The God of Love;

The Bad Cop God That Old Testament One That Celebrates
Opposing Tribes Children's Heads Crushed Dead With Stones

Is Surely Alive and Not So Well at CPAC, the place of Evangelic
So-Called More Old Testament Christians (If there is really such a thing)
As Church Married With Politics That Hardly Has Anything to Do With Love at all...

As True What More Proof Do Ya Need that the 'Old T Bad Cop God' Is Still Living
When those 'Evangelical Christian Based Republicans' Uncover Yesterday A Golden Idol
Calf of Trump to Worship While Supporting Another Presidency Even by the Protestant

Senate Republican Leader Who Readily Admits Trump was in Practice Responsible
For A Deadly Insurrection That Attempted to Overcome Democracy In This Country

Man, It's All So Frigging Nuts, i had to take a Photo of 'the Golden Calf' In Case Any
of those 'Republican Christian Evangelical Leaders' Try to Gaslight That Part of Reality
And Say That Never Happened Either Like 'the Big Lie' That Someone Who Didn't Win an Election did...

Listen, i've Heard People In the Catholic Church i Visit; Even the Frigging Head Priest Suggested That
In God's Law Trump Dictated Trump Was God's Choice For President; It's Obvious Which God He is Talking

About the One that

Trump Reflects

The Old Man

Angry White

Dude Who Probably

Doesn't Get to Sleep

In the Same Room As God's Wife

Either; Other than that; that's Gaslighting

Reality too As at Least the Characters in the Old
Bible Book Were Brown And Likely Younger as People
Tended to Die Younger From Disease and the Such as that...

True though Much of the Book Was Written by Romans, Ghost Authors
Writing Greek in Terms of New T Book; Perhaps they weren't as Brown, We may Just never




Were Angry

And Old too...

Yes, yes, Yes It's Just

Frigging Common Sense
In Real Love, There is No Illusory
Fear and Enough Positive Energy

to Become As Strong As A Human Orangutan

As True Even Science Shows This Happens Now;

Just Asked the Dudes at the Gym Who Call me
'Beast' Still When i Casually Leg Press 1340 Pounds like
Rowing A Frigging Big Boat (244.8 Pounds) Across A Huge Ocean too.. hehe...

Stay Positive In Balance L O V E E NE R G Y NoW

This Works Better than

The 'Other Place', Yes;

It doesn't Take A 'Rocket

Scientist' to

Figure it

Out in Fact

That Mechanical Cognition

As Science Shows Now May

Take us Further Away From (God) Love

Than Ever Before in the History of Humankind;

Oh, the Worlds Ills; Just Removing Our Selves From Love into Real HeLL ON EartH...

It's Human Nature; It's the Way it Works; No Books or Lessons Required; Just Common Loving Feels and Senses

Fear Free For Real Loving All With Least Harm In Balance Giving More Than Taking; Sharing More than Hoarding;

C O O P E R A T in G

What Social




The Relatively 20

Small Most Peaceful

Societies of the World Still;

Yes, Human Nature Naturally

Evolved More Naked of Modern Tools this way
That Sadly We Have Wired Ourselves in this Environment
of Colder Slabs of Meat That Mechanical Cognition Neuroplastically/Epigenetically Creates...:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

Mountain Goat

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27 Feb 2021, 2:43 pm

There is no difference between the God of the New and the Old Testament. It is the same God.
What is different is the covernant God has with mankind. We have a new covernant as God provided a way. He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins. In the Old Testament an animal had to take our place.
Sorry I can't see your video in the UK as it is not allowed to be viewed here for some reason. Not sure why. Our country restricts and sensors things I guess?


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27 Feb 2021, 3:11 pm

Mountain Goat wrote:
There is no difference between the God of the New and the Old Testament. It is the same God.
What is different is the covernant God has with mankind. We have a new covernant as God provided a way. He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins. In the Old Testament an animal had to take our place.
Sorry I can't see your video in the UK as it is not allowed to be viewed here for some reason. Not sure why. Our country restricts and sensors things I guess?

Yes, THeRe is only One REAL 'God';

Even Science Agrees There is

No Separation; Even We Are

Part of the Entire Cosmos Whole;

Fractals As Well of All iNDeed

It's True, And There

Is No Difference

In The Devil

Or An

Angel At Core of God Nature Now For Real;

As There is Only One Nature of God Energy;

Yes God Or Shall You Prove me Wrong, heHe;

Other Than That/This Anyone Will Write a Story; i Shall

Relate A Much Greater Size Than That Old Antiquated one

As John 14:12 Totally Authorizes; For i Believe in 'me' too;

ReMeMBeR, Only One God All That Is Energy No Separation Eternally

Now; Not Even Any Distance, Space, Time or Matter For That Is All Illusion (Story)

Our Tiny Little Fractal Minds of God Make; Yet, You See i Actually Read 'the Book' And

Have Yes Close to A Photographic Memory For Text; Let's Just Say Not Much Gets Past Me

And A lot More Gets Away from me in Text Free; Even So Much More Than This/That; HAha...

As Surely

The Totality

of God Even In As Small

As A Story of All Of Online

Breathes Much More Than That and This

in Abstract Constructs That Will Never Reach the Essence of Even one SMiLe;

Remember, What the 'JeSuS Dude' Says, is the Eyes of 'The Child'; Yes, A SMiLe, And That Was/Is Just a Poem too...

To Be Clear, The Essence of A Smile is the Energy That Creates it That It is therefore God Is SMiLe; Enjoy A SMile,

Today Yes

Do God;

You Can And Will

Even Drink A Pepsi;

Yet Part of God May

Not Be That Good of An Energy

For You See, There is Night, There is Day;

THeRE is DarK And LiGHT All that is God;

A Leaf Holds A Tree And Feeds The Tree; A Dead
Leaf Falls And Fertilizes Soils of Seeds/Souls And Grows A New Tree

In Other


God Never

Dies Now At Least

And Neither Do We

As Like the Titanic Movie

So Nicely Sings And Dances

Too This Love This LiGHT LiveS On

To Be More SaME Energy God True Yet

True Essence HouSinG This Energy In Art

of Form The Never Ending Story Now That

Never Lands God's Story This Energy Now...

Honestly Dude, This is the 21st Century Clothes

Have Changed; Forms Do Change And Bibles Grow too...

Is the Energy of God the Same, yes; The Form is What

Makes the WHoLE Story so Damned Interesting too For Change...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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27 Feb 2021, 4:56 pm

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." -- Paul's letter to the Galatians, Chapter 6, Verses 7 and 8.

"What goes around, comes around." -- Urban Street Wisdom


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27 Feb 2021, 6:52 pm

I believe the “black pirates” who took whites into slavery weren’t Subsaharan Africans—but preIslamic and Islamic North Africans who were not “black” racially.

It is true that Subsaharan Africans helped Europeans enslave other Subsaharan Africans during the transatlantic slave trade.


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27 Feb 2021, 10:58 pm

So.... Philosophical materialist here.
Let me get this straight, I can abuse another people, hold them as slaves, rape and kill them and some future person who inherits some of my genes will have to pay for it?
Sounds like the reason the boomers aren't doing s**t against climate change.

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.


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27 Feb 2021, 11:07 pm

Mountain Goat wrote:
There is no difference between the God of the New and the Old Testament. It is the same God.
What is different is the covernant God has with mankind. We have a new covernant as God provided a way. He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins. In the Old Testament an animal had to take our place.
Sorry I can't see your video in the UK as it is not allowed to be viewed here for some reason. Not sure why. Our country restricts and sensors things I guess?

Btw., I never got that: what does it even mean that Jesus died for our sins? It gets even weirder if you rephrase it into "some Roman soldiers killed jesus for our sins"... I mean... Thanks, Roman soldiers, I guess.
But don't sacrifices work by people sacrificing something they value, as a gift to the gods? - you'd assume jesus was someone god valued most, being his son (and also grandson, if I remember correctly) and all.
Or was jesus valuable to humans because he would gave ushered in paradise? And by killing him humans... Get absolved of their sins and get entry to paradise?
How is this making any sense?

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.

Last edited by shlaifu on 27 Feb 2021, 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Feb 2021, 11:09 pm

Mountain Goat wrote:
There is no difference between the God of the New and the Old Testament. It is the same God.
What is different is the covernant God has with mankind. We have a new covernant as God provided a way. He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins. In the Old Testament an animal had to take our place.
Sorry I can't see your video in the UK as it is not allowed to be viewed here for some reason. Not sure why. Our country restricts and sensors things I guess?


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Mountain Goat

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28 Feb 2021, 1:50 am

shlaifu wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:
There is no difference between the God of the New and the Old Testament. It is the same God.
What is different is the covernant God has with mankind. We have a new covernant as God provided a way. He became the perfect sacrifice for our sins. In the Old Testament an animal had to take our place.
Sorry I can't see your video in the UK as it is not allowed to be viewed here for some reason. Not sure why. Our country restricts and sensors things I guess?

Btw., I never got that: what does it even mean that Jesus died for our sins? It gets even weirder if you rephrase it into "some Roman soldiers killed jesus for our sins"... I mean... Thanks, Roman soldiers, I guess.
But don't sacrifices work by people sacrificing something they value, as a gift to the gods? - you'd assume jesus was someone god valued most, being his son (and also grandson, if I remember correctly) and all.
Or was jesus valuable to humans because he would gave ushered in paradise? And by killing him humans... Get absolved of their sins and get entry to paradise?
How is this making any sense?

You have asked some good questions which will take a lot of explaining to answer.

Sin entered into the human race when Eve was decieved by satan to take the fruit of the tree that God had said not to take, and then give it to Adam to eat with her.
Now let us look at how God punishes here for this sin. It is incidently not the first sin recorded. The first sin was done by lucifer (satan) and it was the sin we know as pride.
Now satan entered into a snake, so God cursed the snake first so it lost its legs and had to crawl on its belly. Also, there is more which I will get to in a bit...
Now we see that God puts the husband in charge of his wife in a family so when the wife sinned, the husband was punished because he did not stop her. So he was cast from the Garden of Eden and when he now worked the ground it was hard work where in the past it was easy. God cursed the land with plants that had thorns from there on.
Now God cursed women even more then man. Why? Because it was Eve who took the fruit of the tree knowing it was the fruit of the very tree in the whole of the garden that God said not to touch. (I can't blame Eve because knowing my nature, I would have ended up biting into it myself!) How did God curse Eve and all women after Eve? Painful childbirth and... snakes that will strike their heels. (Likewize, the Bible says that Eve (Women) will step on snakes and they will strike their heels. I do not know why women and not men? I think I need more study time to find out!).

But sin entered into mankind from that point onwards.

Another consequence of sin is death. Prior to sin entering the human race, we as humans were made to live forever. It was our flesh that sinned so it is our flesh that experiences death. (We are made in the image of God so as God is in three parts but is also one God, so are we. God is the Father, the Son and thr Holy Spirit. We are the flesh, the soul and the spirit. Only our flesh dies as a consequence of sin).

Now what does sin do? It seperates us from God.

So how did God make a way to deal with our sins? Blood sacrifice at first.

Before I explain the significence I want you to see something. When Cain killed his brother Able it was because Cain was jelous that Able brought the right sacrifice to God, and Cain did not. Both worked hard to bring their sacrifice but God had already told them what He desired. Cain ignored that and brought crops instead which God did not accept.

Now why an animal and why blood? There is something very significent about blood which I only partly understand so I can only explain what I know.
First let us look at what a sacrifice was. An alter dedicated to God was built to conduct the sacrifice. Now according to the type of sin, two animals of a certain type without blemish were carefully selected. As I understand it, the type of animal chosen was to cover the sin that had been done.
Animal sacrifice was always a temporary plan God had because later God became the perfect sacrifice, but lets go back and look at a typical sacrifice done in those days. Let me pick the sacrifice of a goat.
Two perfect goats were selected. Why perfect? They were to be the best goats for two reasons. One is so that we are respecting God and the second is so that we will realize the consequences and seriousness of the situation, as if we took an old lame goat that we would not miss too much then it is hardly going to mean much to us, but the best goat? Yes, this will be noticed!
The first goat was to be slaughtered. The sight would give us a shock and also we would be remorseful and sad. This is how we should be when we have sinned.
Now the blood has significence here, as the sin is carried in the blood.
The blood of the first goat would be poured and sprinkled on to the back of the second goat. One would then take the second goat out into the wilderness and leave it there so it will continue on into the wilderness. Therefore ones sins were removed from you as ones sins were placed on this goat, which is where the term "Scape goat" came from, as ones sins were escaping from us.
Naturally, one had to take the goat far because one did not want ones sins to come back!

Now God said that this was not a perfect system. God said it was temporary.

God became the perfect sacrifice.
First, let us look at Christs birth. What was significent to this birth and why was it such a big thing?
God chose an ordinary "Nobody" of a girl from the line of David. It was significent because this tribe had been considered as the lowest in society in the past. Why would God not choose the greatest? Because God did not want mankind to have pride. God does the same today. When God performs miracles, most of the time he will do it through the ones that are the "Nobodies" of this world. I have often seen this in churches. The leaders have to admit that God did not use them to demonstrate His power! It is not that God does not love them. It is that He does not want people to be proud of their own abilities, so when God does a miracle, we know it is God who does it and not people.
Lets get back on track. There was nothing special about Mary. She was an ordinary young girl who was betrothed to Joseph. (I use the word betrothed. Think of the word "Comitted". Think of when two lovers are committed to each other but are in the courting period when they want to make sure that they are right for each other (I am not talking about sex).
A betrothal comes before an engagement. In Jewish culture back then one first became betrothed before one was engaged, and sex did not come into it until marriage had taken place. The girl would be stoned to death if she had had sex without being married.
So let us look at what happened here. Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. We know that this is true by Josephs reaction. Joseph was going to quietly break the betrothal which in Jewish culture back then it was a divorce from the betrothal as they took the whole proceedure seriously.
Joseph was obviously a kind man who thought a lot of Mary and respected her. He had wrongfully assumed that she had had sex with some other man outside of marriage, and he wanted to quietly leave his commitments to her and hoped that she could slip away so she would not be stoned!
Now God had to send an angel to appear to Joseph to tell him that it was Gods doing. The angel told Joseph to call the baby "Jesus".
Now this was BIG. Why? Think of the risks Joseph took. If people found out they were not married, it was death! Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus.
Now during the time that Mary was going to give birth to Jesus there was a census going on so Joseph had to travel (With Mary) back to the place where he was born so he could be counted, hence why there was no room in the Inn, because so many people had travelled back there to also be counted in the census.
Another significent thing happened. King Herod had heard that there was to be a saviour who was to be a king as the "Wize Men" had visited him and told him about the star they had followed...
In his mind (And he did not know who it was going to be) this king that he knew had been born could take over his throne, and he also knew the scriptures talked about a king to save mankind... But Herod took this to be a direct threat to his throne, so he worked out (Both through the prophetic scriptures and the visit from the Wize Men (The Bible does not say how many wize men there were. It only says they brought with them three very expensive gifts) that this child would be a first born and was also about a year or less old).
So Herod had all the firstborn children in the entire kingdom he was in charge of put to death which also fulfilled a prophecy. Joseph was instructed to leave where he was and hide out in Nazareth to protect Jesus from the slaughter. Hence it fulfilled another prophecy that Jesus shall become a Nazarene.
Now a little thing to clarify a point. Mary did later go on to have children with Joseph after she had Jesus. The scriptures do briefly mention this. Mary was faithful but was no different to anyone else other then God used her to carry out His plan. Mary is not God. She is not the mother of God. She did give birth to Jesus who is God in a fleshly form, but we are not to pray to Mary. We are to be thankful that she was faithful and the role she played, but Mary is not God. Worshipping Mary is idolotry. I need to clarify this as some have got caught in the trap of idolotry and I am not condemning. I am clarifying and I will leave it up to the individual to think about what I have said.
Lets carry on and skip through Jesus' time on earth. Jesus was put to death by the Jews who were the very ones who should have recognized Him. But was He put to death by the Jews? Do not blame Pontius Pilate. He was powerless to stop them and he did try to reason with them as he rightfully pointed out that "This man has done no wrong". Pontius Pilate, though he was in athority, had to bow down to the will of the people under the Roman laws (The Roman empire had taken over Israel which is why people assumed that Jesus being called king, would free their people from the Romans, but that is not why Jesus came) of their time, as if a governor was responsible for an uprizing, the governor was seen as the one to blame, so all Pontius could do was symbolically wash his hands and say "His blood is in your hands". (In other words, Pontius did not personally approve but had to carry out the will of the people). The blood is significent and so was Pilates statement.
Now before you start blaming the Jews, why did Jesus really die? We killed him. Every one of us. He died for us! It is our sin that put Jesus to death.

Now here is the miriacle. You all know how Jesus died on the cross. He took our place.
What happened next. Remember where I said that back with Adam and Eve, how as a punishment for sin that our flesh dies? ("The wages of sin is death". (Wages means "Result" or "Conclusive outcome")). Well. Jesus had no sin, so death could not hold him. Jesus was the first ever to overcome death. Before Jesus, all who had died were being held in a place of waiting. Jesus showed himself to them and He took the keys of life ad death.
Now this new covernant between man and God was set up which we basically know as the New Testament. The Old Testament battles were physical. The new are spiritual. (Hence why to some the Bible makes no sense as the meanings are both physical and spiritual so one has to read accordingly and one will not do this is one only thinks in pysical ways).
Now we are here, and sin seperates us from God. How can we have a one to one communication with God. How can we know Gods guiding hand with sin being in the way?
With the Old Covernant one had to physically do something. Physically sacrifice an animal.
Under the New Covernant with God, we do not use physical means but spiritual means so we use faith and simply believe.
So if we believe that Jesus died for our sins, our sins have been forgiven. We can now have the opportunity to communicate with God.
When Jesus died the vail of the temple was torn in two. Only a priest had access behind the vail to God. When the vail was torn, we no longer need a priest (Or church leader) to communicate with God. We can access God direcly.
Want to know how? Jesus rose again. He is alive. We can ask Him into our hearts and lives. It is just a simple prayer. Just pray and aknowledge that He died for us, so we believe in Him and we are saved. What are we saved from? Why do we need to be saved? Why is it important to have a remedy for sin. A spiritual vaccine if you aant to call it that!
Remember me saying that we are made in three parts and only the flesh part dies? The rest of us lives forever. If we die with our sin not being dealt with we will recievethe full punishment for the sin forever. So we need our slate wiped clean. We want to know God. We want to be with Him. This is why we need Jesus. The miracle that God did. He LOVES us soo much that He came down to earth and dwelt among us, so He knows what it is like. God has experienced it. He knows what a horrible death is like. He knows what pain is like.
Now God can do the impossible. He can heal and do the same miracles today as He did when He was on the earth. Just ask!
Now it is between YOU and GOD. What will YOU do with Jesus? Accept Him or reject Him? That is between YOU and GOD and I will not interfere as now having read the Gospel message in a simplific form, it is all between you (The reader) and God.

[And as it is 0648HRS and I have not had any sleep yet as my mind is active so I write and write, it is time I get to bed. Also my battery is at 14% on this device so time for me and this device to hae a re-charge! Good day!]


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28 Feb 2021, 2:13 am


Sadly, You Got the Story of the Bible Wrong
by the Fourth Sentence; "Lucifer" Was Never
Identified as "Satan" in the Bible;

John Milton Wrote That into
His Book "Paradise Lost";

Other than That John
Milton's Book Is Just

A Story Not Unlike
That Old Bible Written
By Innumerable Ghost
Authors, Romans Writing
Greek Selected From Oral
Tradition Sects Many Decades
After the Death of A Dude as Storied
Yeshua On a Cross Who Was Illiterate

Aramaic And Never Wrote a Word; Yes the
Ghost Authors Picked Up Pen Names Like Mark,
Luke, and Matthew; Yet Those were only Pen Names;

Never A Word Written By Any of those actual Three When
The Storied Dude Yeshua Lived. Additionally, Scribes Copied

The Text Over Centuries Making Innumerable Copy Mistakes
And Intentional Changes As the Verses Weren't Even Numbered
Until the 1300's; And the First Rough Printing Press Copy Done
No Earlier than the 1400's; And sure Many Revisions After that

And Many More Christian Sects And Other Revisions they Follow now...

Bottom Line Dude:

You Are Worshipping

The Authors of an Old Story;

No Different than You Would Be

If You Kneeled Down to John Milton's

Version of Lucifer as the Devil in 'Paradise Lost';

And that's Just A Fact; No Different than Folks who
worship The Idol of the Current Golden Calf Trump;
As Far As Real Modern Demagogues Worshipped by 'Minions'

As Real John 8:44 Fathers of All Lies Still Come and Go


or then;

Some Folks Worship

Authors of Stories;

Other Folks

Write and

Do their Own

God Nature Stories for Real Now

In this Modern World Far Beyond

the Original Greek Definition of Apocalypse
That Means Lifting the Veils of Ignorance as i am doing here now...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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28 Feb 2021, 7:01 am

Mountain Goat wrote:

Thanks for your answer, I am however none the wiser.
If sin is in the blood, how does a person get his sin into an animal? I mean, I can imagine a few ways - blood transfers, or before the 20th century: unprotected intercourse... But that is again sin, so you need to get another animal to take that sin, and so on and so on.

If Mary was so ordinary, why was her cinception immaculate? I'd call that pretty extraordinary.

So if I get this right, before killing jesus, the Romans transferred their sin into Jesus, then killed him, and got rid of their sins. How does this affect my sins?
And what are sins made of?

I can read facial expressions. I did the test.