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30 Mar 2021, 8:55 pm

since the Catholic Church doesn't approve of homosexuality
perhaps it is time for a Homosexual Catholic Church offshoot

Perhaps it could be called the righteous gay church (or right gay church for short).
You could then have elect a gay pope!

I would say that it would be discrimination for me to suggest such a thing
however as the Catholic Church doesn't approve
and the LGBT also don't include Heterosexuality in their rainbow of sexuality
(i guess its ok, as everyone else appears to be allowed to discriminate).

Now, I am joking, I am not homophobic, nor am i Catholic, nor racist or a neo.

But i think that the Catholic Church isn't going to let up
so if the gay community could start their own church which would allow heterosexual members!
(so as not to discriminate).

And don't worry Catholics, i understand the theological reasons as to why Catholics do not approve.
And i guess this is all an area for theologins to argue about. Not me...

Just think it would be nice for like minded people to have their own place


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30 Mar 2021, 10:45 pm

i would like to see a compassionate offshoot of southern baptists. call 'em the real christians.


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30 Mar 2021, 11:01 pm

I will leave the Catholic faith if that happens.

"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin." -- Ronald Reagan


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31 Mar 2021, 8:39 am

I nominate madbutnotmad as Pope of the LGBTQCC!


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31 Mar 2021, 9:52 am

SMiles, madbutnotmad, "What's Up Doc", Glad to Hear You are not Homophobic;

Yet it seems, You still aren't seeing a Larger View of the 'Cognitive Empathy of the Issue'

'at Hand'; In Other Words, Walking in the Shoes of the Person Who Sees Life Differently than

You And It's True as Scientist, Simon Baron Cohen, Discretely and Empirically relates Systemizing

Strengths as Opposed to Social Empathic Strengths in terms of Cognitive Empathy is How That

Scientist Scans

For Potential

Cases of Autism

Getting the Science of

Measuring What's Around Ya;

Yet missing the Inner Universe of

How Other Humans See the World Differently;

Well, It's True, Both Are A Kind of Human Intelligence;

Both may be Exercised and Improved too as some folks

Get the Science

And Others

Do the Arts

Of Life Better And
That's Life in the Big
or Small City of Humans
As Use it or Lose it Applies

To All Stuff Breathing Existence...

As far As the Catholic Church, There is this

'Old Saint Paul' Aphorism of "Gentile, Jew, Servant,

Or Free, Woman Or Man No More", Which Means Colors

Of Love include The Entire Spectrum of Humanity to Enter

Into this Kingdom of Love And Stay For All; Yet the Bible is a Hodge

Podge of Copy And Pasted Scripts of Poetic to Prose Writings From Innumerable

Ghost Authors and Perhaps some Writings of some Dude Named Saul then Paul that

May at least Still Hold a Few Words of An Original Dude Named Saul Yet again, Gentile,

Jew, Servant, Free, Woman or Man No More; so what this means in the Body of Love, it doesn't

Matter who


The Words

As it is all one

God of Love at Essence

And What this Means is as far

as that view of Christianity Goes it

Doesn't Matter What Body Parts touch
What or whatever Gender or Sexual Orientation one
Sees themself as and Behaves in the total Spectrum of Humanity Still....

Let's Use common

Feel/Sense; All the details

Don't matter as much, if we are

Big Enough to See the Larger Picture

View of Love For All; Yet it's also true, some

Folks Have Problems Seeing a Bigger Picture View

Of Life/Love And Putting themselves in the Shoes of other

Folk'S Inner Universes too as there is a Genetic Propensity

For Excellence in that kind of Intelligence As Well As Use it More Also Applies

For Gaining Stellar Excellence That Way at the Top of a Class of Love For all...

For You See There

is a Different Paul

Perspective of

Writing that

Says Don't Sit

Next to the Adulterer

At Church And Have Them

Over For Dinner at Home With the rest of the Family...

So Yeah, With a Hodge Podge of scripts, ya get different Human Views

And that's what the Bible is, An Anthology of Poetry/Prose With Many Different Views....

Where one may
select one
Verse now

to support

Their Judgement/

Views About Life that

Totally Contradicts Now

Another View of an Author

Unnamed When they Wrote another

Verse of An Anthology of Poetry and Prose named a Bible in this case....

Thing is, Poetry is Not a Concrete Rose Without Colors; Poetry is an ever Changing

Rose that


Will Color

With their own

Soul for Thorns or Flowers True

For the Way they see life in Narrower or Larger Views....

The Whole Premise of Christianity, At Fruit at least, and Not Rotten Apples

of Fear on a Tree is Let's Learn to Understand each other and get along; yet You

See, if ya don't understand the Part of the Golden Rule that doesn't Consume others

With Harm, You May Decide that Everyone Should Only Deserve the Happiness You See in

How You Color Life...








And for Folks who don't get this message

and actually act on it they are not Christians at

All for Homosexuality And Transgender And All the

Other Spectrums of Humanity Science Shows is all Natural

And Part of the Entire Human Pie of Nature.... Ya Will lie about it

All ya want (not you personally of course)

Yet it doesn't
Change the

Nature of God's

Face Nature, The Nature

of Change, and the Diversity

That allows Us to Even continue

to Survive as A Species of Nature... IN Ever Changing Adjusting

Karma of Balancing; Problem is ParT of Nature too IS that Some Folks

(Note: Art is 75 Percent of pART; More on that ParT NoW iN A Moment)

Are more Averse to Different and Change ALL Around in an Environment...

While it's True 'They' may Help Boats With Brave Sails, Stay Out of Storms

As Anchors And Remain in Safe Harbors; They Also Suffocate Human Progress And




Are Different

With Wings to Fly

Higher on Ground

And A Balance of That

is Necessary too and the Fact

Is This is A Work of Art more than Science...

Remember, Art is 60 Percent of SmART, even

Literally So; And Art is 60 Percent of HeART;

Left With HE, and Just S And M is More Like 'TRuMP'

And yes, the Oldest Testament Version of God, YUCK




And Proves a Point by Threatening to Make A

Dude Sacrifice His Son and Slicing And

Dicing A Concubine Ganged Raped in

12 Parts Begging For Mercy to Prove another Point;

Love Better, Yes, if We are to Pay Attention to the Actual

Teachings of Christianity About Love; it's not so Much about Form;

It's Not So Much Still Now about which Body Part touches which Body Part;

It is about the Color of Love ESSENCE That is FeeLinG And SeNSinG Beyond Form...

The Teachings of Jesus...

Some of them are okay...

Who Ever Authored them

By Famous Pen Names

Like Mark, Luke,

Matthew, and John

That Make Feeling/Sensing






The Others

Come From

Views of more

Closed Minded Souls;

Some Still With Just a Mix

of HE And S And M Without Art That And

Who Keeps Wings Imprisoned on the Ground...

i for one Am Wings Now; Additionally, Yet i for one

Am Also A Caterpillar and a Cocoon too in Where i've Been...

So Yes, i will relate to Most all Modes of Existence... Still Now...

Wings is more



Are the

Heaven Part....

Caterpillars are Just

Waiting in Purgatory and

Cocoons Are the Black Abyss Hell Part

Where the last thing you worry about is Form

And Where You Earn Your Wings of Essence Love...

Yet Let's Face it, i'm way too Deep for the Structured

Systemizing Minds of Priests 'Naturally Selected' for the 'Catholic Church'....

Like my X-Catholic Priest Irish


For Instance

And My Father

Who Went into

Law Enforcement

As it was all a Job of Rules Very Tasty

For 'Asperger's Flavored Folks' Indeed

Where all is Written Down in Rules to do...

Where You Just go in, clock in, and do the Job... Yuck....

Just F in Yuck

Been there

And done
that for

Yucky Decades too...

When the Priest Gave my Catholic

Mother Her Last Rites on Her Death

Bed, He Lost His Place in the Book And Had

Nothing to Say until He found His place in the Book Again...

Moral oF A SToRY

Write a New

Bible Don't Be Bored...

And Have Something New to say and do...

Yet You See i Score 100 percent on Extroversion;

100 Percent on Openness; Almost Zero on the Neuroticism

of Fear that Tries its Best to Control the Surrounding Environment

And i Am Agreeable enough to fit in almost Anywhere at least, Yet not Afraid

To STAND UP AND ROAR for what i Personally Believe, my View of Existence

Now, No Matter WHere i go to BREaTHE Freest Next With Wings

Hehe and Sure Conscientious Enough to Write my Own Bible in

9.1 MiLLioN Words of Free Verse Poetry, Longest EPiC Long Form

Poem in Humanity to Date; And God Yes, 14,677 Miles of Public Dance in

91 Months as WeLL ONGoing Still Now Reaching Close to 61 Years of Age

In An Area of Expertise Still Leg Pressing Up to 1520 Pounds as Strongest

Martial Arts And Ballet Free Style Dude on That Machine in the Military Gym

i Retired From As Federal Service Athletic Director of the Navy Installation Picked as

The Last Kid in Sports in Schools And Selected for

That Job Mostly For My 'IT' And Accounting

Skills and the Such to Help the Whole

Department Out, No Matter

if i did not EVER give a

CR8P About

Playing Team

Sports or Bowling

As i Managed one

of those for the

Military Too;

True Now too

That i Stand


in Trump

Town USA Hehe...

As A Public Dancer Now...

'Different Strokes for

Different Folks' Yet

'Bugs Bunny'

Is Clever


to Go Anywhere

With Whatever Rabbit Hole comes Next...

Oh Holy Week, Oh Holy Week of New Colors of Love


MORE NeW....







me not
gets to be Bugs BunnyS hehe... True

Dude, it's Not Gonna Happen, True You're

'Just telling a Joke'; It was Hard enough for

Someone Like me to Get Accepted into a Site

For the Neurodiverse to Just be all of Me; Every

Human Color is Different; If Ya Had A Gay Church;

Someone Would Fight About What Variety of Gay there

Was an

if that


Be Included too...

People are alike all over...

Some folks Can/Will Tolerate and

Accept Change And Differences;

And Others Retain a Certain Sour

And Butthurt Look in Frowns Like Trump All Their Life...

Purgatory and Hell Ain't Fun; Been there done it; Wings

Are WHere IT ALL IS THAT IS (God/Love) for Bugs Bunny For Real Now WiTH SMiLes..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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31 Mar 2021, 10:54 am

NightMuse wrote:
I will leave the Catholic faith if that happens.

:lol: You mean if you officially knew about it? :? :lol:

..there's a whole lotta homos in the priesthood! That's why they're there. Raised in a religion that brainwashed them into believing they were defective humans and have to repent to God for being the way God made them, don't wanna marry a woman and have kids.. join the priesthood half to do what their brainwashing by their parents and religion has indoctrinated them to do, and half to join a fraternity of gay men in Roman Catholic style black & white tuxedos who like to get verrrrry friendly with each other.

Check out these out & proud gay priests: (Disclaimer, tasteful nudity - not porn - but nudity, probably NSFW news article) ... aad9b9d447

Apparently from from (I haven't clicked this link, just saw the url in the photos on the news article. It's probably also NSFW.)

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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31 Mar 2021, 10:57 am

This is a very amusing thread. Who predicates respect toward a guy with a pointy hat based on the sexual practices of his followers anyway?

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
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31 Mar 2021, 10:59 am

NightMuse wrote:
I will leave the Catholic faith if that happens.

Nifty how I don't have to stop being a unitarian because reasons.

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
-Georges Lemaitre
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31 Mar 2021, 11:03 am

cberg wrote:
This is a very amusing thread. Who predicates respect toward a guy with a pointy hat based on the sexual practices of his followers anyway?
You do remember that the guy in the pointy hat also rose up through the ranks of priests and bishops, do you not?



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31 Mar 2021, 11:06 am

I'm so confused. He was being nice until he tried to re-negotiate the whole endorsement of good humans thing.

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
-Georges Lemaitre
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31 Mar 2021, 11:07 am

I stopped taking religion seriously long, long ago.


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31 Mar 2021, 11:08 am

I don't know about the UK but I am sure it would be almost the same as the USA these days and you could probably start whatever religion you want without government interference. You would probably have to go to court to prove your movement is religious based but if Satanists can do it, I can't see why gay people cannot.


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31 Mar 2021, 11:11 am

I wouldn't be surprised if easily half the ministers I've ever met were gay. ... Whatever...

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
-Georges Lemaitre
"I fly through hyperspace, in my green computer interface"
-Gem Tos :mrgreen:


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31 Mar 2021, 11:33 am

this whole anti-gay thing is a diabolical distraction from what we're really supposed to be doing down here.


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31 Mar 2021, 11:37 am

The 'Catholic Church' Is A Biggest 'Joke'

So Appropriate For April Fool's Day

On Love Ever Recorded In Terms

From Top to Bottom of the Organization

Of Raping And Destroying

Souls of the Most


of Children...

There is No 'Real Catholic

Church'; Only an 'Old Boys',

Men's Club, Gay or Not, Makes No Difference; Disgusting is what it is

In terms of Harming the Least Most And Destroying Souls of Love

Again From the

Top of the

Bottom And

This is the Organization

That Put 'The Bible' Together

Well Before they Got Caught

Harming the Least among us the most...

It has None of My Respect; only those Humans

Within the Organization, No Matter Who is Integral of Love

That is Not What the Catholic Church is; No Less of A Big Lie And
Supportive of the Same Big Lie of Demagogue Abuse of Minions, 'Meme Trump' is...

And that's why Folks are Leaving it like 'the Plague'; 39 Percent on the Wall of Never coming back...

Yet Amusing Still how folks Forget it is the Organization in Terms of Longest Years Who/That Made 'Jesus' a God

And Idol To Worship Reflecting the Art Work of Leonardo DaVinci As a Self Portrait in His Eccentric Look of His Day

to support

All their


Habits Ever Since

Constantine And Beyond...

The true Face of The Catholic Church is Definitely of "McCarrick",

Sure And 'Saint Augustine' Who Had His Engagement to 12 Year

Old Girl As The Laws Supported Pedophile Behavior then; Yes,

A Biggest Lie Ever imposed on the World, Where a little 5 Foot

1 or So Brown Syrian Looking Dude With Shortly Cropped Hair

Who was Illiterate, Who Never Wrote A Word; Yet sure, Crucified likely

Like Many of His Day MADE Rose to Be a God to Make "McCarrick"

Ways of Life Still Real to

Survive and Harm

the Least

Among Us

All in Most

Vulnerable Ways

of taking Souls of Love Away...

Away, Away From Love... Kneeling Down to

the Statue of Just Another Man; Just another man who existed one day...

So Others Could Take The Freedoms of Life All the Way to Soul From

Other Wings Free of Life...

Harming 'the Child'

Is the One Offense

That is Truly Mortal for Soul Now...

And What's Really Sad; It's the Best

Church That is Even Offered in my

Local Area in Trump Town USA that at

Least Doesn't Dole out Who Is Going to Hell For

Everyone, Who ain't A Part of their Group Every Frigging Sunday...

Oh What About Love; Oh What about Love; in A 'Looney Tune World' And 'Moron Mountain Teams' for real...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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31 Mar 2021, 1:13 pm

madbutnotmad wrote:
since the Catholic Church doesn't approve of homosexuality
perhaps it is time for a Homosexual Catholic Church offshoot

Perhaps it could be called the righteous gay church (or right gay church for short).
You could then have elect a gay pope!

I would say that it would be discrimination for me to suggest such a thing
however as the Catholic Church doesn't approve
and the LGBT also don't include Heterosexuality in their rainbow of sexuality
(i guess its ok, as everyone else appears to be allowed to discriminate).

Now, I am joking, I am not homophobic, nor am i Catholic, nor racist or a neo.

But i think that the Catholic Church isn't going to let up
so if the gay community could start their own church which would allow heterosexual members!
(so as not to discriminate).

And don't worry Catholics, i understand the theological reasons as to why Catholics do not approve.
And i guess this is all an area for theologins to argue about. Not me...

Just think it would be nice for like minded people to have their own place

What would be the point of that? The purpose of the Catholic church is to lead souls to heaven. If a "gay" Catholic church forms, it would be running counter to this purpose.