GGPViper wrote:
The US military track record since WW2:
Korea War: Tie
Vietnam War: Defeat
Gulf War: Victory
Afghanistan War: Defeat
Iraq War: Defeat
So, for a for $ 714 Billion annual budget.... you get a 60 % failure rate against impoverished third rate armies.
And yes, I know the US technically hasn't decided to pull out of Iraq yet, but if anyone wants to call the FUBAR that literally created ISIS a victory (or even a tie), then be my guest...
Korea... correct, a tie (actually a US victory, but you could call it a tie).
Vietnam, correct. A defeat.
Gulf War, correct, victory.
Iraq War, false. It was a victory. It was a mistake, but it WAS a victory.
Afghanistan War. hasnt ended yet. It will likely end much like Vietnam (The US withdrew in '73, and Saigon collapsed in '75). So it likely WILL be a defeat.