Occams Razor 1.0 - 2 Sharp
My argument was too stripped down in the OP, hence [too [2] sharp] it makes sense but relies [badly] on a less common approach to the Razor. Not only is my OP lacking signage, it openly suggests a topic taboo to many, which makes the lack of signs even more problematic.
From the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus:
(If everything in the symbolism works as though a sign had meaning, then it has meaning.)
5.47321 "Occam's Razor is, of course, not an arbitrary rule nor one justified by its practical success. It simply says that unnecessary elements in a symbolism mean nothing. Signs which serve one purpose are logically equivalent; signs which serve no purpose are logically meaningless."
But while my post was opaque, it suggests an efficient way for a totalitarian state to get rid of its problems. The razor in action perhaps.
Wiki is always interesting on this topic.
I suspect that is far closer to Occam's intention than the arbiter for plebs version out there currently.
ha. ha. berry funny.
it's still not clear what you're talking about.
that, and: occam's razor isn't well suited to be applied to acts of communication, because it's basically impossible to decide which signs (words) are meaningless. Semantically, that's possible, but in the act of communication, the use of meaningless words marks a style, gives quality, or conveys mental states. They can be indicators of a sociolect, or shibboleths.
so what's this about totalitarian states?
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.
A totalitarian state is not necessary, but not sure if that makes it meaningless.
Personally I tend to clutter my thesis with details which seem important to me at the time, but in hindsight are clearly clutter that got in the way of my core thesis.
I also get too sparse with signs, I think I overestimate how much the average person knows about the world.
yes in communication you cant 100% know what is a bad sign, but practice and passion helps.
right now I'm struggling with the first sentence: a totalitarian state is not necessary, but [you're] not sure if it's meaningless...?
are you talking about a state, like, a nation-state?
those aren't elements of a "symbolism", as wittgenstein writes, -or, system of signs- other than language. in language the signs "totalitarian" and "state" are definitely necessary and meaningful.
I can read facial expressions. I did the test.
The one sentence of your OP references the great poem by the anti Nazi German Lutheran Pastor Martin Neomuller (sp?) penned shortly after his liberation from Dachau in 1945.
"First they came for the Communist, and I did not speak out
because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me
I got THAT.
But I didnt get your point.
When you expanded the statement, it just turned into word salad.
You jumped from Neomuller to talking about "Occams Razor". Occams Razor is just a rule of thumb that advises that "the simplest explaination that covers all of the facts is the most likely explanation for a mystery in question" in law enforcement or science or whatever.
But what Occam's razor has to do with Neomuller's warning about the rise of regimes like the Nazis is not obvious.
I, for one , dont get the connection.
I think of Occams Razor as a guide for scientist investigating something. But you're saying that it is a guide for artists and writers to not clutter up their work with too many symbols. Thats good advice, but I think it came from someone other than Occam. I think that you're confused.
are you talking about a state, like, a nation-state?
those aren't elements of a "symbolism", as wittgenstein writes, -or, system of signs- other than language. in language the signs "totalitarian" and "state" are definitely necessary and meaningful.
Sorry that was a joke.
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
But I didnt get your point.
When you expanded the statement, it just turned into word salad.
You jumped from Neomuller to talking about "Occams Razor". Occams Razor is just a rule of thumb that advises that "the simplest explaination that covers all of the facts is the most likely explanation for a mystery in question" in law enforcement or science or whatever.
But what Occam's razor has to do with Neomuller's warning about the rise of regimes like the Nazis is not obvious.
I, for one , dont get the connection.
I think of Occams Razor as a guide for scientist investigating something. But you're saying that it is a guide for artists and writers to not clutter up their work with too many symbols. Thats good advice, but I think it came from someone other than Occam. I think that you're confused.
My point on the poem is that it may be more efficient for a nazi like state to ignore things like gay, jew, gypsy, commie, ect - and just go for the empaths.
This seemed to me like razoring up the poem, or more specifically the regime it describes, which at times was not too sharp!
But since the statement "first they came for the empaths" was missing some signs, it appeared to you a word salad.
I did not get this idea out of the blue, I suspect people with ASD/ADHD are actually more empathic than average, hence the Eliot Rodgers ect. BS demonizing us. - And dont forget the dr phil camps sort of specialize in ASD..
As for what Occam meant, if it works for me who cares about Occam?
![Jester :jester:](./images/smilies/icon_jester.gif)
jk, part of the reason for this thread was to motivate me to figure out what he really said and meant.
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
But I didnt get your point.
When you expanded the statement, it just turned into word salad.
You jumped from Neomuller to talking about "Occams Razor". Occams Razor is just a rule of thumb that advises that "the simplest explaination that covers all of the facts is the most likely explanation for a mystery in question" in law enforcement or science or whatever.
But what Occam's razor has to do with Neomuller's warning about the rise of regimes like the Nazis is not obvious.
I, for one , dont get the connection.
I think of Occams Razor as a guide for scientist investigating something. But you're saying that it is a guide for artists and writers to not clutter up their work with too many symbols. Thats good advice, but I think it came from someone other than Occam. I think that you're confused.
My point on the poem is that it may be more efficient for a nazi like state to ignore things like gay, jew, gypsy, commie, ect - and just go for the empaths.
This seemed to me like razoring up the poem, or more specifically the regime it describes, which at times was not too sharp!
I did not get this idea out of the blue, I suspect people with ASD/ADHD are actually more empathic than average, hence the Eliot Rodgers ect. BS demonizing us. - And dont forget the dr phil camps sort of specialize in ASD..
As for what Occam meant, if it works for me who cares about Occam?
![Jester :jester:](./images/smilies/icon_jester.gif)
jk, part of the reason for this thread was to motivate me to figure out what he really said and meant.
![Mr. Green :mrgreen:](./images/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif)
It's Worth Noting That Autism Spectrum Disorder Is Measured By Observable
Reciprocal Social Communication Deficits, And Repetitive Narrow Focused
Special Interests That May Be Also Associated With Either Hyper-Sensitivity
Or Hypo-Sensitivity to The Environment At Hand That Does Naturally Include
Empathy As Well As Sensory Feelings too; Studies Show That Some Autistic Folks
In the Higher Functioning Realm Have Hyper-Sensitive Mirror Neurons; And Others
Have Hypo-Sensitive Mirror Neurons too; All A Part of Who May Be Extremely Warm
And Empathetic to the Pleasure, Pain, And Feelings of Others And Even the Rest of Nature too;
As Opposed to the Cold And Aloof, Who Tend to Separate Themselves From Others Seeing Objects
More Desirable to Interact With In Life That Also Includes Abstract Constructs Among That Studied
Group of Individuals; Additionally, in Higher Functioning Autism, up to 50 Percent Are Studied With
Non-Verbal Language Difficulties And Some are Actually Related to Right Brain Hemisphere Deficits
As Well; And Of Course That Applies to Use or Lose it Life too; As Environment Plays A Huge Role in
The Development of What May Eventually Be Diagnosed As Autism Spectrum too; As Social Demands
May Not Cause Measurable Deficits in Life Functioning till Later in Life; As It Wasn't Enough to Bring
me totally Down Until Starting At About Age 36 Thru 53 Slowly Building Apexing to total Disability
And Then Recovering Enough to Enjoy Life at Least; Yet of Course Not Able to Go Back to the Work i did
And End Up in the Same Place of Autism Burn-out And All Associated Work-Related Disorders As A Synergy
of 19 in Life Threat for 66 Months, Including the Worst Pain Known to Humankind from Wake to Sleep, Type-Two
Trigeminal Neuralgia, From Wake to Sleep That No Drug Would Touch Like A Dentist Drill in my Right Eye and Ear.
i Picked up on What You Are Relating In this Thread
Immediately As i Am Surely As Verified By Everyone
With Human Feelings That i am An Empath
In Life; When Not Torn Down By Life
Struggles; Harming Someone
Else Is No Different than
Harming myself;
The Good Part of Course
Is i Feel Everyone's Pleasure
With Extreme Mirror Neuron Sensitivity
As Well; Close Enough to What is Described
'Mirror-Touch Synesthesia'; Anyway As One Might
Imagine That Will Be A Little to A Whole Lot Over-Whelming,
If One Does Not Learn to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses;
With A Meditative Dance And Song Writing, And An Affirming Prescription For Just That
i Created on my Own; Voila, Shield oF LiGHT Away From the Pain of the World At Hand....
Anyway, You are Correct;
The Biggest Issue Today
Is the Attack Both Witting and
Unwitting on Human Empathy; Dog Whistles
For This Come in Terms of 'Social Justice Warrior'
As Pejorative Rather than the Alpha Male Leader With
Empathy Best Selected to Even Lead Chimps And Even More
So With Balanced Human Groups; And True too; The Trump Meme,
Overall Is A Symbol of this Human DiSease; As Social Sciences Show
All That Separates Humans From Existing Today and Not Existing is the
Cooperative Empathic Loving Effort It Takes For Small Foraging Groups to Survive;
Since 10,000 to 12,000 Years Ago that is Changed; For True, Storing And Hoarding
Grain in Silos Started Greed And Taking of Humanity More Than Sharing And Giving;
What This Breeds Is Haves and Have Nots; And Basically A Path to the Highway of the
of Trump
Hell; No Different
Really Than the Meme
of Despicable Leaders (Villains)
And The 'Minions' Who Follow Them
Blindly in Scarcity AS Humans Out of Balance
in the Have-Not Scarcity Part Naturally Do in
Companions of Misery Loves Suffering in Company;
Where True, Folks Will Even Follow Someone Who Tells them
to Their Face That They Will, Even if They Shoot Someone on 5th
Avenue, And Model Unmasked Behavior in A Deadly Pandemic Leading
In Part to Around 600,000 Deaths; True "This Occam's Razor" is Very Sharp
Dull too..
i Don't Need the
Details to See What You
Are Saying; Bottom Lines, Big Picture
Seeing; Humans Without Giving, Sharing
Caring Love For All With Least Harm Now,
Including the Rest of Nature Are Basically
Developing A Reciprocal Social Communication
Difficulty For Many More Than 1 or 2 Percent; So
Cold, So Cold And Aloof; Where Those Who Actually
Care about Their Fellow Human Beings Are Reduced to Pejorative Names...
Of Course Those Who Care Are Trying Their Best to Cancel That Part of Culture Before It's too late...
Interesting How
This Site is
A Microcosm
of 'The War' and
Many of the 'Skirmishes' That Apply;
i Find it Fascinating, Particularly Now
As In that 66 Months, And a Bit Before,
i Found What it Doesn't Feel and Sense
Like to Be On the Other Side of the 'Mirror Neuron Spectrum'...
Compared to
The Heaven
of Feeling
Everyone's Pleasure
It's Hell; Yet on the Other
Hand, Ya Get Used to Hell too Enough to Survive...
Just Another Path on the Highway to Hell And Return;
i Do Believe There is A Song For This, Razor Flats And Sharps too...
Pay me no Mind; my Mamma Said i Have A Special HeART, SPiRiT SoUL;
And Most All the Other
Feeling Women Do too...
Quoted Upon Demand;
As Well As 'Computer Brain' too;
AS History of This Website Also Shows As
True Back Then When i Was on the Other
Side of 'The Mirror'....(Yuck, Yet That's Life too)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
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