Controversial and/or Unpopular, Personal/Political opinions
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 5 Mar 2020
Gender: Male
Posts: 71
Location: A place that makes Westminster during Rush Hour seem Pleasant.
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 5 Mar 2020
Gender: Male
Posts: 71
Location: A place that makes Westminster during Rush Hour seem Pleasant.
When around others, "something wrong with me" or "just different"?
It's much easier to accept "something wrong with me", and shrug it off.
Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.
Be the hero of your life.
But that thread was posted in the Random section. This thread is in the right place.
So let's have the discussion here:
I am against conscription and as well as other forms of mandatory work duty.
I also believe in the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).
I am also against the use of Death Penalty for the mentally ill/disabled.
I am also against prison for those who were insane at the time they committed a crime, instead I believe they should be sentenced to psychiatric treatment.
These are very controversial opinions in my country.
I am against conscription and as well as other forms of mandatory work duty.
I also believe in the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).
I am also against the use of Death Penalty for the mentally ill/disabled.
I am also against prison for those who were insane at the time they committed a crime, instead I believe they should be sentenced to psychiatric treatment.
These are very controversial opinions in my country.
I'm happy with ending conscription. In the UK the gov wouldn't dare do it.
Death penalty: I'm against it for anybody, even those who knew what they were doing. I don't see it as my job to sit in judgement on what was going on between a murderer's ears. I just want harmless people to be safe from dangerous people. Execution is one way of doing that, but the law can make mistakes. It's expensive to keep a convict in jail for their entire lives, but I strongly suspect the costs can be reduced a lot without doing any great harm, and if they make the rich pay for it all, there's no hit on people who can't afford the financial burden of keeping murderers alive.
I don't see a lot wrong with that. Again, the rich can foot the bill, and they wouldn't feel anything like the pain that those in real poverty feel under the current system. I doubt that droves of people would quit their jobs forever and be content to live on an income that was only just enough for the basics. And with all these machines and modern production methods, I doubt there's a need for everybody to be working flat out for their whole lives. A lot of the paid jobs that people now do are pretty useless. Advertisers, supermarket greeters, fashion designers, sports industry workers, servants, chauffeurs, trash television.........
I am against conscription and as well as other forms of mandatory work duty.
I also believe in the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).
I am also against the use of Death Penalty for the mentally ill/disabled.
I am also against prison for those who were insane at the time they committed a crime, instead I believe they should be sentenced to psychiatric treatment.
These are very controversial opinions in my country.
I'm happy with ending conscription. In the UK the gov wouldn't dare do it.
Death penalty: I'm against it for anybody, even those who knew what they were doing. I don't see it as my job to sit in judgement on what was going on between a murderer's ears. I just want harmless people to be safe from dangerous people. Execution is one way of doing that, but the law can make mistakes. It's expensive to keep a convict in jail for their entire lives, but I strongly suspect the costs can be reduced a lot without doing any great harm, and if they make the rich pay for it all, there's no hit on people who can't afford the financial burden of keeping murderers alive.
I don't see a lot wrong with that. Again, the rich can foot the bill, and they wouldn't feel anything like the pain that those in real poverty feel under the current system. I doubt that droves of people would quit their jobs forever and be content to live on an income that was only just enough for the basics. And with all these machines and modern production methods, I doubt there's a need for everybody to be working flat out for their whole lives. A lot of the paid jobs that people now do are pretty useless. Advertisers, supermarket greeters, fashion designers, sports industry workers, servants, chauffeurs, trash television.........
I completely agree with you, but you and I must understand that this is a very controversial opinion in a world governed by evil, and with the majority of the voters being evil too.
The fact that the majority won't agree that providing the most basic stuff like basic housing/shelter, basic food and drinking water is actually a GOOD THING but would rather keep the society running through the fear of poverty and starvation, is a FACT that the vast majority of human beings are EVIL.
My unpopular opinions that everyone will hate.
Unconditional love stops when a kid poses harm to another human.
Kid innocence ends when they harm another human being or pose a threat or danger to another human or animal. This does not include rough play with a pet.
Safety always comes first so that means if a kid poses a threat to their family, they need to be taken from their home or sent away. Kids must know that their home is never a safe place for them to be violent and abusive or unconditional love stops. I knew this as a kid and I did fine. I just knew the limit and where the line was drawn when my mom spelled this out to me as a preteen.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
The fact that the majority won't agree that providing the most basic stuff like basic housing/shelter, basic food and drinking water is actually a GOOD THING but would rather keep the society running through the fear of poverty and starvation, is a FACT that the vast majority of human beings are EVIL.
Yes I understand that the elite have got most of the world eating out of their hand. I'm sure a lot of people support them out of sheer selfishness, but I think many have simply been brainwashed. I was about 26 years old before I began to see what was really going on. Before that, I believed all the rubbish about the left, the trade unions and the working class being mostly jerks who would wreck the economy if they weren't kept down.
I am against conscription and as well as other forms of mandatory work duty.
I also believe in the Unconditional Basic Income (UBI).
I am also against the use of Death Penalty for the mentally ill/disabled.
I am also against prison for those who were insane at the time they committed a crime, instead I believe they should be sentenced to psychiatric treatment.
These are very controversial opinions in my country.
I'm happy with ending conscription. In the UK the gov wouldn't dare do it.
Death penalty: I'm against it for anybody, even those who knew what they were doing. I don't see it as my job to sit in judgement on what was going on between a murderer's ears. I just want harmless people to be safe from dangerous people. Execution is one way of doing that, but the law can make mistakes. It's expensive to keep a convict in jail for their entire lives, but I strongly suspect the costs can be reduced a lot without doing any great harm, and if they make the rich pay for it all, there's no hit on people who can't afford the financial burden of keeping murderers alive.
I don't see a lot wrong with that. Again, the rich can foot the bill, and they wouldn't feel anything like the pain that those in real poverty feel under the current system. I doubt that droves of people would quit their jobs forever and be content to live on an income that was only just enough for the basics. And with all these machines and modern production methods, I doubt there's a need for everybody to be working flat out for their whole lives. A lot of the paid jobs that people now do are pretty useless. Advertisers, supermarket greeters, fashion designers, sports industry workers, servants, chauffeurs, trash television.........
I completely agree with you, but you and I must understand that this is a very controversial opinion in a world governed by evil, and with the majority of the voters being evil too.
The fact that the majority won't agree that providing the most basic stuff like basic housing/shelter, basic food and drinking water is actually a GOOD THING but would rather keep the society running through the fear of poverty and starvation, is a FACT that the vast majority of human beings are EVIL.
There would be less crime too if things were affordable. When people talk about crime in areas, they often mean theft. It's just people stealing essential things to survive.
I often believe my old landlord was a socialist because she didn't care about profit. She never raised our rent and she kept the place maintained. There is a farmer's outlet near me and they sell their fresh food for very low price and it's private owned. I would say the owners are also socialists' as well because they also don't care about profit or else they would be jacking up the prices. But nope, they stay in business because people with less money go there to buy fresh foods to eat healthy because they have access to it. They also sell Christmas trees there for cheap and pumpkins too. It's wonderful when we have landlords like the one we had and people like the ones that run this fresh food outlet business near us. If a lot more people were like this, there wouldn't be as much homeless people and there would be less theft too.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
Hmm, Unpopular And Of Course
Politically Incorrect in Most All i Do
Most Everywhere i Go in REAL LIFE
At Least And Often Online too Hehe,
As Far As my Opinions Go,
Jesus Is Just A Fictional Story,
Never the Less, A Common
Archetypal One of Joseph
Campbell's and Carl Jung's
Hero Per Coming Out of the DarK
Of A Desert Or Such And Spreading
Light of Epiphanies 'Souly' Earned For Real
And Yes Even Somewhat
of Nietzsche's
Superman" Per His Book As Noted By Wiki:
"'Zarathustra', proclaims the will of the Übermensch to give
meaning to life on earth, and admonishes his audience to
ignore those who promise other-worldly fulfillment to draw
them away from the earth. The turn away from the earth is
prompted, he says, by a dissatisfaction with life that causes
the sufferer to imagine another world which will fulfill his revenge.
The Übermensch grasps the earthly world with relish and gratitude."
In Other Words, i Read The Story of 'Jesus' As An "Übermensch" Fictional
Hero Archetypal Story, More Along The Lines of Luke 17:21; Yes, Where the
Blissful Place is to Be Found Within; And if Ya Look to the Sky the Birds Will
Precede Ya; If Ya Look to the Sea, the Fish Shall Precede Ya too As Obviously
They are Already Part of Nature
God With No Illusions of Separation
That Only A Human Could Bring That
Names God Something Other Than What
Breathes Within; in Other Words US AND THEM...
The All SHe-Bang; All Of Mother Nature 'Seen' And 'Unseen';
i Also Write A Song into All My Words And A Dance into All My Moves
While Our Distant And Still Really 'Woke' Ancestors Now Still Do this;
Not Everyone Finds
The Autotelic Flow
Ticket to Heaven
Within By their
Own Looking And
Seeking And Finding
Within; Back to Luke 17:21,
Affirming What i Already Intuited
About Life, Even Before i Read That Verse Much
Later in Life
Than At 3,
Before i
Could Speak
At 4 Looking Across
The River Clearly Seeing
To Sense And Feel Then
And Even Put Into Words
Now; i Am A Leaf Green That Feeds
A Living Tree That Falls Brown to Soils
Fertilizing A Leaf of Grass Green in Spring
And That's Pretty Much me in a Nut-Shell Or Fertilized Egg,
i Am 'God' Incarnate in Form of Life on Earth No Different
Than A Leaf,
A Tree,
A Forest
Enough, Naked,
Whole, Complete
Yes Still Growing
Free From River
FLoWinG View me...
Different Metaphor, Similar
Essence As "Father And i Are one,"
i Prefer Mother Nature; Mileage Varies...
Other Than That Yes Now From The Eyes
of A Non-Verbal Child of Three; Yes Now, Transforming
That Experiencing ALL into Breath of Free Verse Poetry,
THere is Mystical Religion That One May Find Even in
Dogmatic Versions of Modern Religions, if One Seeks
And Finds Deep Enough Where The Unity of DarK And LiGHT
Both Seen
And Unseen
In This Interrelationship
Of All That is Matures More in
Faith in the Feel and Sense That
All of Existence DarK Thru LiGHT
Is Worth Understanding And Loving
As Every Inhale of Peace Exhale of LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT
And DarK Brings Fire Of Real Living Organic SPiRiT, HeART,
And SoUL Within of Feelings, Senses, Emotions, Naked Enough, Whole,
Complete Driving Giving, Sharing, Caring, Healing to All of Existence
The Night
The Day With
BreaKinG Dawn oF LoVE THiS WaY...
And It's True i Really Have No Idea Why,
Yet i'm the Only One Who Has Written A Long
Form Epic Longest Long Form Poem Bible "SonG oF mY SoUL"
All 10.1 MiLLioN Words in 101 Months; Truly The Most Unpopular
Personal Opinion of All As No one Else Seems Up to Writing A 'Bible' Solo These Days FOR REAL...
(Or Those Days Either)
100,000 PLUS
Do Renaissance Type Nude Selfie Art; I Think
Not, If You Find Someone Else in that Club, Let me Know Hehe..
True, i've Done Over 20,000 Photos That Way; Yet The 'Wrong Planet'
is not the Appropriate Community to Share hehe, AS THERE IS REALLY NONE,
Anyway Yet Free Avenues Still Exist With Cautions Online Where Most Anything GoeS Hehe...
What Else is Unpopular
For My Opinions on What
Brings Heaven Within For
Real; Not Only Writing in Autotelic
Flow, Yet Dancing in Flow Too, Clothed or Not,
16,053 Miles in 100 Months Now too Yes in PUBLIC;
IT'S TRUE, No one yet me Holds An Opinion
In the Deep South THAT is Worth Doing At All
Just Little
Old me Still
All 244 Pounds or
So of 61 Year-Old Dude...
And i Do it in the Place That Used
to Have the Most Christian Churches
Per Locality by Square Mile Where Most
Everyone Worships the Fictional Character
(And Also A Place That Yes Recently Social Science
Assessed As A Hardest USA Place to Be Different)
of Jesus As A God Rather Than A Story to Attain
For Real in Terms of Gratitude for This Life Now Within,
Inside, Outside, Above, So Below All Around 'Seeing' God
With No
Just All That Is...
You Know what, i've Been
Outcast Most All My Life For
my Philosophies And Ways of
Life of Simply Frigging Smiling
And Being Nice to Most everyone i Meet And
Greet; And That Opinion to Have A Good Life Was
Met With Folks Spitting on me in School And Calling
Me too Soft With Kindness, All the Way Working For the
Military For
Close to
A Quarter
of a Century too...
It's Hard for me to Understand
Why Folks Are This Way So Much
Different than me; Yet When Most All the
Folks Who Don't Like my Opinions on
How to Act And Be In Life, Per BeLief,
BeLeaf, BeLove; Yep When They Most All Voted
For Trump, it made Perfect Sense to me;
i Never Ever Wanna Be Like Them, NO
Matter if i have
to Stand
All Alone
Just to
Be Kind
S MiLinG
Such an
Unpopular Opinion
It Seems i Find Still Today...
Yes, There Are Exceptions...
Yes, There Are Definitely Exceptions..
As Now i Do Fit All 244 Pounds in A Fiber
Optic Cable And Make This Fantasy Come
True of Finding Kind People At Least in Pockets of the World...
And to be Clear, Face-to-Face, i Can And Will Get Along With Anyone
So far
like i said,
Face to Face at Least...
Beyond What is Beyond That
Is Likely a Different Story in Many Cases...
Yet At Least i Survive in 'Rome' These Days Blending In Yes Ways
Of Naked, Enough, Whole, Complete to Make Heaven My Life For Real...
Heaven Is Within Now is A Most Unpopular Opinion i Hold Where i LiVE iNDeeD;
i See it As
'Sin', As
Far As
Negative Aspects
of Life Like Holding
An Opinion Life is
Looking Forward to
After Death More Than Heaven Within Now...
i Am Really Totally Ecstatic to Practice And Do This
Most Unpopular Opinion Where I Live; However, Ironically
it Makes
me A 'Superman'
And Or 'Superwoman'
That Reading Between
The Lines of Many Historic
Sacred And Holy Texts Holds And Brings
in Vessels And Vehicles Holding LiGHT Out of DarK
in Essence
Not A
For me
In Any Way
Shape or Form
of Essence of
Nature All God Real Now...
Oh By the Way, the Opinion
That Longer Than Twitter
Breathes is Okay is Another
Very Unpopular Opinion For
A 'Blue Whale' like me too HAha...
As i Don't Follow the Popular Opinion
And Fact That Science Shows Humans On
Average Have Less Than the Attention of A Gold Fish;
Yes, Yes, Yes, Less Than Three Seconds Now Which Will
Take Ya 5 Lines Deep in this With An Explanation Following
Breath Ocean Deeper...
Hehe, Oh Whoah, Whoah,
Is me Yet Happy Swimming
The Deeper Ocean Blue So Sky High
In Total
FRiEnDS With
Gravity, the Force
That Stephen HaWKinG
Suggested is Naked, Enough,
Whole And Complete to Bring A Whole
Lot of
Out of Nothing iNDeed...
Anyway it is what i is; i Ain't
Waiting to Live My Best And
Only Life Now For Someone Else's
(Particularly After Death, Oh Face Palms Forest Thick)
Popular Opinion That Nope, Ain't any Part of Mine Now!..

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Why can't we all agree that this is the most humane and most obvious solution to poverty in this world?
Wild West Mentality in America. "Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps." Ayn Rand BS.
I am sick, and in so being I am the healthy one.
If my darkness or eccentricity offends you, I don't really care.
I will not apologize for being me.
There is no such thing as perfect. We are beautiful as we are. With all our imperfections, we can do anything.
More like "who's going to pay for that?", as the reality is you couldn't do everything just by taxing the wealthy, you'd need to significantly tax the middle class as well, and support for welfare programs of all kinds goes way down when you tell people they'll actually have to pay for them. Ayn Rand was rigid and dogmatic and wrote interminable wooden dialogue, but she wasn't wrong about everything, her insights about pathological altruism and how people often behave like crabs in a bucket dragging each other down were pretty spot on, her account of the fall of a company town due to adopting Marxist principles for the allotment of resources in Atlas Shrugged is particularly good.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez
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