More like Thompson gives the man directions to the nearest wal-mart where he works illegally for 35 cents/hour which is totally cool cause that's the market price for his labor and as we all know the invisible hand of the market is all-knowing and all-powerful, and should be worshipped above all, except of course for jesus and "freedom". So the man has a job and works hard and dies of some common and totally preventable disease by the age of 40 as a result of substandard living and no health care. Meanwhile his employers get richer and richer, the gap between rich and poor widens, power becomes more and more centralized and absolute, as a result those with power become more and more corrupted by it and america degenerates into a 3rd world country.
Hillary, on the other hand, gives the man a nice fat check and some free medical insurance. The man lives out his life happily but unproductively while the american taxpayer foots the bill. Eventually people catch on, motivation to work is reduced, our GDP is no longer sufficient to support our standard of living, and america degenerates into a 3rd world country.
I <3 the 2-party system