Why is Prohibition still kind of a thing in Texas and the US
I heard something that said Prohibition never really ended in Texas and America because of all the dry counties and dry towns and whatnot.I think its dumb.Like I just want to be able to drink and be left alone by the hyprocritical church-goers.Also I heard that meth use is higher in the dry jurisdictions.Like I remember when I was in high school Lubbock TX was still dry.Lubbock was called the Driest City outside of Saudi Arabia.Yet Ironically, Jesus drank wine and the Bible even has good things to say about alcohol.Yet Everybody treats like I am Evil for loving beer and wine.So why do yalll think alcohol is not sold legally everywhere in the nation.I am a outcast for liking alcohol at my church.Maybe I would like living in a Catholic area better than living in a Protestant area.Like Jesus first miracle was turning the water into wine accordiing to the word but that does not seem to matter to them.They also do entire sermons saying that the wine of the Bible was grape juice.Blows my mind.I think there would be more taxes collected if blue laws regarding alcohol were repealed and replaced.My faith group the church of Christ is notorious for being so against alcohol even in moderation.I heard that Al Capone got big by being a bootlegger so prohibition did more harm than good.
First of All, Happy Pagan Sunday,
Originally Known As May Day Worshipping
The Beginning of Summer Flowers With Great
Thanks and
Praise As What
Greens And Colors
Nature is Most Definitely
Not Just A Sign Yet the Reality
of Living Abundance Every Flower,
Leaf of Grass, Every Grain of Sand; God Yes
Holy And Sacred, Every Inhale of Peace,
Exhale of Love, Giving, Sharing, Caring,
Healing For All
Now, With Least
Harm; This is What
Humans Do, They Develop Symbols (Religion)
STiLL And Associated Ideologies And They Bond
And Bind Over Them to Work Together in Hope,
Faith, And Love, All Realized in this Lifetime Now
to Both
And Thrive;
So, Why Does Texas Still Have
Laws Prohibiting the Sell of Alcohol
in Dry Counties; Well my Father Used
to Bust Moonshiners Back When my County Was
Dry in the Late 50's And Early 60's Over Here in the
Toxic Patriarchal, Mostly 'Angry Old White Male Christian
County' That May Be Associated As Just another 'Trump Town
USA' as Yes Religion is Often Used As A 'Theocratic Tool' to Control,
Subjugate, And Master Others for Power, Status, And Material Gains;
Most Often it is the Kind of Male Who Might Be Called an 'Incel' From
'Times oF Old' Wanting to Force Reproductive Control Over Women And Buy
And Sell them For Socio-Economic Gains, Particularly in Areas of Desert SCaRCiTY,
Where Tribal God's Were Formed Supporting the Dashing of Stones Against the Heads of Children
of Other Tribes Then And Sadly Even Now (Example Ukraine) to Kill Them Dead of Course Along With
Rape, Maiming, And Violence Even
*Calling Up A Crowd of Bears to Maul
A Group of Children Who Called An
Angry Old Bald Dude, Baldy AS Such
(*As Far as i know That Hasn't
Happened in Ukraine Now Yet)
Who Probably Wanted the "Kid's
Off His Lawn;" Or Wanted to Insure
They Followed The Rules of Grammar
And Punctuation And Stay Away From Free
Verse Poetry That Might Help Them Regulate
Emotions and Integrate Senses, Ascending the
Prison of Abstract Constructs in Illusions of Time,
Distance, Space, And Matter The Neo-Cortex Brings
With So Many Frigging Illusory Worries in Terms of Past
And Future Problems That Don't Even Exist in the PreSent Eternal Now
And True if You LiVE iN a 'Foot Loose' Town With 'Rock And Roll' And Even
Dare to Practice Yoga to Bring Mind and Body Balance this Way in Meditative Flow
i Ain't Buying BS in Any God Damned Place)
As Moving Meditation in Free Dance Does the Same As Free Verse Poetry All Original
And Creative Without a Damned Prescription Pill for This Step or That Step First of How
To Write
What Otherwise
Flows Free From Soul
Otherwise known As the
95 Percent of Our Mind that
is Subconscious, Rising to the
Surface Of Our Conscious Realties in ARTS
Yes Through Activities STiLL Like FLoWinG
Meditative Yoga and Free Dance Movements
And Yes of Course Writing This Way in Flow Now iN A (The) "Song
of mY SoUL" As i am Doing NoW As it Brings A Similar Euphoria Eternally
Now in Flow As Long As i Do It; God Yes For Real, A Similar Neurochemical
And Neurohormonal Response Now That You May Gain When You Take the First
Few Sips of Euphoria in Beer Or Wine or Other Potential Harder Liquor; Yep Folks Drink
Usually To Escape Their Current Conscious Feeling and Sensing Realities Either to
Escape Feelings of Apathy or Anxiety for the Most Part; Yet Sadly What they Often
Don't Realize is We Humans Have the Power and the Real Force of Positive Energy
One May Name Love Generated From Within Through a Bio-FeedBack of Meditative
Activities in Flow Escaping the Neo-Cortex of Control That Might Be Referred to as
the Patriarchal
Daddy God
Of the
Old Testament
in Control Too;
Our Frigging Skull)
Yet THere iS A World
Without So Many God Damning
Rules When Love Flows From Within
And Spreads Like A Never Ending Fountain
To EVeRYWHeRE Love BRings This Peace and Love;
Perhaps, if there was ever a 'Real Jesus' He Danced and
Sang Everywhere He Went As That iS How Folks Focused Then
With Attention With A Song From Their Soul in Oral Tradition
(Without ever reading or writing a single god damning word)
Of Loving Peace
To Dance And
Sing Then And
Even Now With
Each Other So much
Greater Than Any Glass
of Wine As It's True This is
How We Change the Mundane
of Living into A Life of Loving All that is
All Around us Now DarK Thru LiGHT, in So Many New 'Colors' it Comes
From Within Eternally Now New; And True, For Folks Who Cannot And Will Not
And Do Not Find This Ability for this Real Kingdom and or Queendom Of Heaven
Within; They Often Turn to Alcohol and Other Drugs and Behavioral Addictions Beyond
Substances too;
Yeah, it's True
Folks Watch Porn
To Get Out of their
Neo-Cortex A Bit Too
And even Engage in
'Activities' That the Church
is Often Against as You See Every
Dance And Free Verse Poem; Every Naked
Sensual Experience of Life Exposed Frees the Individual
Potentially to the Point They Are Naked, Enough, Whole, And Complete
No Longer Vulnerable to Control, Master, And Subjugate; The Church Controls Alcohol;
The Church Controls 'Other Pleasurable Activities;' As The Church Will Surely Fail
The Coffers to Pay the Pastors And Expand the Construction of Churchly Empires
If They Lose
Control Still
Of Humans
Who Are Naked,
Enough, Whole, And Complete And
Hey, Not Saying Alcohol is An Issue
in Moderation as Before i Found the
Abilities to Generate my Own Real Heaven
Within, How Ever i Individually Desire Now through
REAL Flowing Contemplating Autotelic Meditation,
i Used to Drink A Beer A Day to Relax And Get
that First Few Sips of Euphoria to Escape My Huge
Forehead With this Huge Systemizing Neo-Cortex Then
Yet Considering my Driver's License Says 6.6.60, For my
Birthdate And That i Got Carded By the Fundamentalist
Walmart Cashiers Through my 40's as i Haven't Bought
A Beer Now Since 47 Years of Age; Yes, They actually expressed
(Insert Face Palms Forest Thick Here)
Fear over the
3 Sixes on my
Driver's License;
Yet Nope, Hell No,
i Didn't Fall Off The
'Turnip Truck,' At Least
After i Gained Enough Mind
and Body Balance to Not Buy Any
of the BS the Church Brings although
My God The Real Message of Christianity
is Love; TO FeeL iT, Give it, Share it, Care With it,
And Heal With IT Yet YES the First Step is to FeeL iT
And As Science Shows Feelings and Senses Come First
And Actions With our so-Called Reasons Come Next the
More a Person Actually in A Feeling and Sensing Way Inhales
Peace And Exhales Love as Just a Metaphor for What Heaven Within
Actually Feels
And Senses Now
The More They Are
Naturally Kind With Courage
WorKinG Freer in Play ToGeTHeR
With Play that is Naked, Enough,
Whole, And Complete That Slays All Illusory Fears...
And That My FRiEnD BRinGS Real Empirical Measures
in Huge Gains of Creativity and Productivity For All to
Benefit From Freshly Newly Now...
God Yes, Progressively As such...
Actually Evolving GRoWinG
Greening FLoWeRinG
Blooming in Human
Ways ToGeTHeR For ReaL
Yet Forget Every Thing
i Just Said and Dance
And Sing Naked Enough
Whole Complete Free as the
Teachings of Jesus Clearly
Yet Manure Does Make Beautiful Flowers Bloom, Even Roses;
And DarK Muse Brings LiGHT in All Arts Fearless Love BRinGs; Yep,
No Sunshine
And All that
Other Metaphorical Jazz
That Basically Dances and
Sings Freely the Same Just
LoVE iT aLL DarK Thru LiGHT
And Enjoy What We Co-Create
And Produce in Balance With
ALL oF NaTURE NoW oF Life is Great!! !...
Yet of Course, This is All my Opinion And my View
As Of Course Mileage Varies Depending on Makes
And Models of Human Being Vehicles And Vessels; As
Yes, THere Are Many SPiRaLinG Paths As Sentient and
Non-Sentient Existence
Eternally Now;
i AM Surely
Not Suggesting
Life is Fair as Again
Without Shadows, No Sunshine Either;
And Of Course, No Us, Not even the Star
Dust We Continue to Resurrect NoW aS From Super Nova
Explosions; SaMe Iron STiLL FLoWinG iN Our Blood Streams
At Core of Our Only Home EartH;
Yet of Course
We aRe All
Birthed From
Stars For Real
A Stellar Reality;
Every Miracle And
Truly Breath of MaGiC
From Gaseous Star Dust Now;
Still Putting The F (Red) in Art Since 6.6.60 AnD
Realism in Theism
Now For Whatever Initial That May Bring Next..

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Local counties, and states, were "dry" in pioneer times prior to the big national prohibition era. The state of Kansas voted dry, but drank wet, in frontier times from what I hear. So it was already a tradition in some places. And continued to be after that national prohibition was repealed.
Alcohol can be very bad for health, and I can see a good reason why leaders would want to limit it on public health grounds, but I don't think that's often their main motive. It's strange that a Christian church can twist its doctrines into seeing alcohol as taboo. I would have thought temperance was more of a Muslim thing. And given the "no do-gooder tells me what I can and can't do" attitude of most people, it's probably a waste of time trying to use the law to keep people off the stuff. If people want to pickle their brains, they'll find a way to do it. And there's something to be said for the idea that it's the individual's choice what they do with their own bodies. I guess all that can be reasonably done is to educate people on the risks and benefits of things.
As I understand it it was the women of America that were out to ban liquor because there was a saloon on every block, and the men were all drinking their paychecks, and breaking up families. So it was really about "family values" (except they didnt use that slogan back then). But during the nineteenth century women didnt have the vote. But women did get the vote just after the first world war, and...thats when Prohibition got voted in.
Like fifteen years later they partially repealed it and allowed weak kinds of beer, and then finnally a couple years later they completely repealed it, and allowed everything. The reason being was that it was then in the depths of Great Depression, and Congress reasoned that reviving the beer, wine, and spiritous liquor industries would create jobs, and help fight unemployment. But by the time they lifted Prohibition society had changed. Because of zoning laws or whatever you didnt have saloons on every street corner anymore. And ironically during Prohibition and the roaring Twenties it became chic for women to drink. So men were less destroyed by booze than before, and women were more equally...destroyed by booze...then men in the new modern era. So it ceased to be a gender issue of women defending the family from the local saloon.
But yes...prohibition lingers in some localities in the rural south and midwest. Not sure why. Those are Bible Belt areas.
The Bible doesnt forbid liquor, and both Judaism and Catholicism use wine in rituals. But Islam forbids liquor. But Islam allows hashish. The Mormons ban stimulants like coffee, tea, and Mountain Dew.
This thread goes to show you: The more things change, the more they stay the same. We're all human, and we all hate authority just the same, whether it's 2022 B.C. or 2022 A.D.
In 1920, alcohol was illegal, and you had to make friends with Al Capone's gangs to have a stiff drink. In 2020, socializing was illegal, and you had to make friends with QAnon to go to a party. In 1920, the Temperance Women made trouble for the alcohol industry. In 2020, Anthony Fauci and the Democrats made trouble for genuine human friendships. And in both cases, if you didn't have insider connections with the Rebels sticking it to the Empire, you were **** [poop] out of luck! (Of course, the social media that led me to QAnon didn't exist in 1920. But I'm 100% sure they had covert newspapers the government couldn't stop, because First Amendment.)
I can't help but feel flattered that even as an aspie, I managed to break into and befriend one of the darkest, most notorious underground organizations in the US. Then again, Al Capone's gangs took better care of the urban poor than the city governments did. So who's to say that QAnon won't respect an aspie like me who wants to socialize.
86 the 46
Don't tread on me!
No aid or comfort to the liberals. No way.
My rights don't end where your feeeelings begin!
Then they came for me. But by then, there was no one left to object.
If you're conservative when you're young, you have no heart! If you're liberal when you're mature, you have no brain!
They're stuck in the 1920s.
Prohibition started because a bunch of southern preachers starting telling their congregations that if alcohol wasn't banned, their wives and daughters would be raped by a bunch of drunken black men.
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 48,726
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In 1920, alcohol was illegal, and you had to make friends with Al Capone's gangs to have a stiff drink. In 2020, socializing was illegal, and you had to make friends with QAnon to go to a party. In 1920, the Temperance Women made trouble for the alcohol industry. In 2020, Anthony Fauci and the Democrats made trouble for genuine human friendships. And in both cases, if you didn't have insider connections with the Rebels sticking it to the Empire, you were **** [poop] out of luck! (Of course, the social media that led me to QAnon didn't exist in 1920. But I'm 100% sure they had covert newspapers the government couldn't stop, because First Amendment.)
I can't help but feel flattered that even as an aspie, I managed to break into and befriend one of the darkest, most notorious underground organizations in the US. Then again, Al Capone's gangs took better care of the urban poor than the city governments did. So who's to say that QAnon won't respect an aspie like me who wants to socialize.
Apples and oranges.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
Gender: Male
Posts: 48,726
Location: Spokane area, Washington state.
Like fifteen years later they partially repealed it and allowed weak kinds of beer, and then finnally a couple years later they completely repealed it, and allowed everything. The reason being was that it was then in the depths of Great Depression, and Congress reasoned that reviving the beer, wine, and spiritous liquor industries would create jobs, and help fight unemployment. But by the time they lifted Prohibition society had changed. Because of zoning laws or whatever you didnt have saloons on every street corner anymore. And ironically during Prohibition and the roaring Twenties it became chic for women to drink. So men were less destroyed by booze than before, and women were more equally...destroyed by booze...then men in the new modern era. So it ceased to be a gender issue of women defending the family from the local saloon.
But yes...prohibition lingers in some localities in the rural south and midwest. Not sure why. Those are Bible Belt areas.
The Bible doesnt forbid liquor, and both Judaism and Catholicism use wine in rituals. But Islam forbids liquor. But Islam allows hashish. The Mormons ban stimulants like coffee, tea, and Mountain Dew.
Plenty of mainline Protestants also use alcohol for communion, and don't fear "the Devil's drink" when it comes to socializing.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
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