In the real world, most people are just lost and confused, often misguided, but most of us are trying. Most of us are satisfied to get through our lives without actually losing our minds and killing somebody. A few of us--and I wish I could say it was me--are out there busting their butts every day to try to make the world worth living in, which is a tall order. However, in a life where it's hard enough to keep your grip on reality, most of us are lucky enough just to remain sane.
So, want to know what I think of cynics and misanthropes? Hey, if it gets you through the day, go for it. Really, I've never had any trouble from them. I consider the outlook to be bankrupt, and I consider it to be emotionally selfish. However, I can't say that I can identify this cynical outlook with any real source of unhappiness in my life or that of anyone else.
Really, I tried. I tried looking for excuses to go into a self-righteous rant over it. I tried looking for reasons that cynical, misanthropic people are harmful or nasty. But it's really not the worst thing a person can be.
The worst outlook I think people can have is to go through life believing that the world owes them something, somehow. That, I think, is a truly destructive outlook. No, you don't inherently deserve to have a Hummer. You don't have time to do anything substantial with that gigantic back yard. And no, you don't deserve to have streets that are clear of bums and lowlifes: it was your congressman's brilliant idea to shut down public housing to get you that giant tax cut.
But, as far as cynicism is concerned, I can't think of any wrong a cynic or misanthrope has done to me, assuming that's the only identifiable fault in that person's character.